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Runs - Entity 2010


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

  • Run ID: B64
  • Participant: HPI
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 9/30/2010
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: main
  • MD5: 0daeed79f5f26944ba3468d5c0ec3ce5
  • Run description: - The narrative query is pre-processed using the Stanford Part-of-Speech-Tagger - The source entity is queried to Freebase and the most popular synonyms are retrieved - A key word query is constructed consisting source entity, alternative names and verbs and nouns from the narrative (plus additional rewriting wrt. advanced search engines features) - Candidate documents are retrieved from a commercial web search engine (Life Web: BING, we took in this run 64 documents) - Candidate target entities are scored as described above - For home page finding, we collect advanced features of the web search engine (such as "find related documents" or "homepage URL occurs in anchors of other Web-pages") - As set of features is applied to score potential homepages, the features are aggregated using weights which are trained using a genetic algorithm - Finally the homepage URLs are mapped to Clueweb-IDs


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

  • Run ID: bitDSHPRun
  • Participant: BIT
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 10/2/2010
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: main
  • MD5: e7f27d6f1a41aea6f1f76bdef022d643
  • Run description: Reconstruct logical sitemap of the source entity's site and locate the most relevant pages to extract related entity with the target type.And employ different sources such as inlink,google,realname and different homepage features which differ person and product types from that of organization and location.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

  • Run ID: bitDSRRun
  • Participant: BIT
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 9/30/2010
  • Type: manual
  • Task: main
  • MD5: 95cc59b11ee6d94f19be3f7bdb939358
  • Run description: To reconstruct logical sitemap of the target entities and locate the most relevant pages to extract list or table entities. Search Google and realnames with entity names to help homepage finding.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

  • Run ID: bitRFRun
  • Participant: BIT
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 10/1/2010
  • Type: manual
  • Task: main
  • MD5: 3f4af220f770c4503edbc6326566acb9
  • Run description: To reconstruct logical sitemap of the target entities and locate the most relevant pages to extract list or table entities. Search Google and realnames with entity names to help homepage finding.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary

  • Participant: CARD_UALR
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 10/1/2010
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: main
  • MD5: 1fd7f12b5b6fb10f2ebff92c264400f2
  • Run description: entity tagging, indexing, entity entity graph, Ensemble approach, homepage finding


Results | Participants | Input | Summary

  • Participant: CARD_UALR
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 10/1/2010
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: main
  • MD5: c8d975133d9f29d254ff995cb285f78d
  • Run description: entity tagging, indexing, entity entity graph, pagerank approach, homepage finding


Results | Participants | Input | Summary

  • Participant: CARD_UALR
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 10/1/2010
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: main
  • MD5: 5c8606cfd7d256c8d6ba1c80172e0224
  • Run description: entity tagging, indexing, document entity graph, HITS approach, homepage finding


Results | Participants | Input | Summary

  • Participant: CARD_UALR
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 10/1/2010
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: main
  • MD5: f8aa85849447f66f749db9b87e1a5284
  • Run description: entity tagging, indexing, entity entity graph, cumulative similarity approach, homepage finding


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

  • Run ID: Comp
  • Participant: LIA_UAPV
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 9/30/2010
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: main
  • MD5: d4f842b97a412b2bfd6fd3c0bdd335ba
  • Run description: For all ours runs, we start by downloading one hundred web pages with Yahoo! web search engine. We divide this web pages in passages of one or three sentences. Those passages are indexed by Indri and we keep the five hundred top ranked passages. Named entities are found by means of Stanford NER. We rank them by employing our own scoring function and search homepages on the web from new specific queries . Lastly, we map the url to the corresponding (if exists) clueweb id. For this baseline run, we used a density measure of question words around a candidate named entity which is called compacity.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

  • Run ID: Div
  • Participant: LIA_UAPV
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 9/30/2010
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: main
  • MD5: 5b0cc9cd07aee35c0b3a782fae1a094b
  • Run description: To filter the named entities with a little more accuracy than just the type (person, place, ...) we try to extract from the topic a more specific type expected (teammate, champion sports, ...) with grammatical rules . We then try to determine the lexical context of this type and whether the candidate named entities share it. For this we calculate here the probability distribution of n-grams in a corpus of web page on the subject. A first corpus is recovered on the internet searching for the type (eg, subjecting the word "teammate" in a search engine and recovered to 100 pages) which will be calculated the probability of occurrence of n-grams. For each candidate named entity such procedure will be performed (we shall then submit the text of the named entity in the search engine). Our assumption here is that the higher the probability distribution of an candidate named entity is close to the one of the expected type, so there are more chances of it being such. This distance is calculated using the Kullback-Leibler divergence. More important it is for a named entity, more it will be penalized in its rankings.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

  • Run ID: EntityHP
  • Participant: PITTSIS
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 9/29/2010
  • Type: manual
  • Task: main
  • MD5: 49637bec30286efeef58d8dc201dae9d
  • Run description: test


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

  • Run ID: EntityHP1
  • Participant: PITTSIS
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 9/30/2010
  • Type: manual
  • Task: main
  • MD5: 4f425699a158276f3640565b59606b2e
  • Run description: With groundtruth entity & Homepage Finding


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

  • Run ID: FduWimET1
  • Participant: FDWIM2010
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 9/28/2010
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: main
  • MD5: e4893f6d508e2a516ce00247088f464f
  • Run description: Entity ranking according to multiple keywords Deep mining of authority pages Feature-based algorithm in entity homepage detection External resource: Google


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

  • Run ID: FduWimET2
  • Participant: FDWIM2010
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 9/28/2010
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: main
  • MD5: b187eb45dd0714a505c1b2393a5b92cd
  • Run description: Combine corpus-based association rules and search engine in the entities Entity ranking according to multiple keywords Deep mining of authority pages Feature-based algorithm in entity homepage detection External resource: Google


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

  • Run ID: FduWimET3
  • Participant: FDWIM2010
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 9/28/2010
  • Type: manual
  • Task: main
  • MD5: a0f382cc1cdd4f788f65d6703e78d190
  • Run description: Combine corpus-based association rules and search engine in the entities Entity ranking according to multiple keywords Deep mining of authority pages Feature-based algorithm in entity homepage detection Construct the queries for document retrieval manually External resource: Google


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

  • Run ID: FduWimET4
  • Participant: FDWIM2010
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 9/28/2010
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: main
  • MD5: a21bb131827ec612c0273d6270bbc1bb
  • Run description: Combine corpus-based association rules and search engine in the entities Entity ranking according to multiple keywords Deep mining of authority pages Feature-based algorithm in entity homepage detection External resource: Google


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

  • Run ID: G16
  • Participant: HPI
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 9/30/2010
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: main
  • MD5: 37e0916005611a4c2812dbf681d3c826
  • Run description: - The narrative query is pre-processed using the Stanford Part-of-Speech-Tagger - The source entity is queried to Freebase and the most popular synonyms are retrieved - A key word query is constructed consisting source entity, alternative names and verbs and nouns from the narrative (plus additional rewriting wrt. advanced search engines features) - Candidate documents are retrieved from a commercial web search engine (Life Web: Google, we took in this run 16 documents) - Candidate target entities are scored as described above - For home page finding, we collect advanced features of the web search engine (such as "find related documents" or "homepage URL occurs in anchors of other Web-pages") - As set of features is applied to score potential homepages, the features are aggregated using weights which are trained using a genetic algorithm - Finally the homepage URLs are mapped to Clueweb-IDs


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

  • Run ID: G64
  • Participant: HPI
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 9/30/2010
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: main
  • MD5: 032b36b2fdb75fe472c2758c3dac36f6
  • Run description: - The narrative query is pre-processed using the Stanford Part-of-Speech-Tagger - The source entity is queried to Freebase and the most popular synonyms are retrieved - A key word query is constructed consisting source entity, alternative names and verbs and nouns from the narrative (plus additional rewriting wrt. advanced search engines features) - Candidate documents are retrieved from a commercial web search engine (Life Web: Google, we took in this run 64 documents) - Candidate target entities are scored as described above - For home page finding, we collect advanced features of the web search engine (such as "find related documents" or "homepage URL occurs in anchors of other Web-pages") - As set of features is applied to score potential homepages, the features are aggregated using weights which are trained using a genetic algorithm - Finally the homepage URLs are mapped to Clueweb-IDs


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

  • Run ID: ICTNETRun1
  • Participant: ICTNET
  • Track: Entity
  • Year: 2010
  • Submission: 10/1/2010
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: main
  • MD5: 0d94b2bd88e28144ff9e4ada4372f2ea
  • Run description: Procedure: 1. Extend the keyword set with WordNet 2. Search for the relevant documents in the dataSetA. 3. Extract the target named entities using the stanford NER tools 4. Extract the table list which may include some target named entities. Here we use html tag (such as or
      ) and some heuristic methods to recognize the tables which we want 5. compute the initial ranking value of the candidae entities using some classic models such as language model 6. Reinforce the ranking value of the candidate entities with the help of table list. 7. Search for the homepages of candidate entities using google External Resources: 1. Extend the keyword set with WordNet. 2. Get the urls of homepage of candidate entity using google


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: ilpsA500
    • Participant: UAms
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/30/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: main
    • MD5: e0ade9666cf43cf895a5281ae60e4da7
    • Run description: freebase, dbpedia, stanford tagger, bing


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: ilpsM50
    • Participant: UAms
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/30/2010
    • Type: manual
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 793be828d1dde0513be65fb90225f4b5
    • Run description: stanford tagger, freebase, dbpedia, bing


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: ilpsM50agfil
    • Participant: UAms
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 10/1/2010
    • Type: manual
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 3ad7c8e2fc9e61b17358bfda9b1da824
    • Run description: stanford tagger, freebase, bing ,dbpedia


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: ilpsM50var
    • Participant: UAms
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/30/2010
    • Type: manual
    • Task: main
    • MD5: f35a0817192c96400248cece4ddd7291
    • Run description: stanford tagger, dbpedia, freebase, bing


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: ilpsSetOL
    • Participant: UAms
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 10/19/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: elc
    • MD5: 8872d701d63868392d6c2ec879999d37
    • Run description: Candidate entities are ranked according to set overlap with the predicates and objects linked to by the example entities. Candidates are entities that share common objects with example entities.


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: ilpsSetOLnar
    • Participant: UAms
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 10/20/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: elc
    • MD5: 1ec522bec8e42ccb955b1547e2dec4df
    • Run description: filtered with category, source entity and narrative


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: KMR1PU
    • Participant: Purdue_IR
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/30/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 66aa6625adfb1b20ccb8dcf842c5720e
    • Run description: We have special treatment on table and list data. We use Google to retrieve a set of candidate homepages and train classifiers to identify the homepages.


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: KMR3PU
    • Participant: Purdue_IR
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/30/2010
    • Type: manual
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 1e25ec6435dbe33250c2a296818d7cdc
    • Run description: We utilize the structures of tables and lists to find the related entities. We use Google to retrieve a set of candidate answer pages as well as candidate homepages. We train logistic regression models on the four types of entities respectively.


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: KMR5PU
    • Participant: Purdue_IR
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 10/17/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: elc
    • MD5: f8fb240f52eff9843c447af065536a42
    • Run description: We build entity profiles only from BTC-2009 and index them by Indri. The retrieved entities are filtered based on the target entity types inferred from queries.


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: LearnDPI
    • Participant: LIA_UAPV
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/30/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 22920c2a4b63b4b06965fa54384caf74
    • Run description: In this final run, we try to use all the measures we have (divergence, "compacit", passages score, idf, ...) to determine the rank of a named entity. For this we determine a class "Yes" which that means the named entity is correct, answering to the request and a class "No". For train, we build a corpora from the lists questions from TREC QA 2007 and 2006. Lastly we rank candidates answers according to their belonging to the "Yes" class.


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: LiraSealClwb
    • Participant: CMU_LIRA
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 10/17/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: elc
    • MD5: 804b4d8e3c9ae0aeff518903e16f21bb
    • Run description: 1. I used a relation and list extraction technique called SEAL (Set Expander for Any Language) 2. I used the Clueweb index built in CMU : 3. I also used the billion tripple index built by Krisztian Balog


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: LiraSealgoog
    • Participant: CMU_LIRA
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 10/17/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: elc
    • MD5: ffc4d7141a5615995e892c1f33db8c39
    • Run description: 1. I used a relation and list extraction technique called SEAL (Set Expander for Any Language) 2. I used Google search engine to query the web. 3. I also used the billion tripple index built by Krisztian Balog


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: PRIS1
    • Participant: PRIS
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/28/2010
    • Type: manual
    • Task: main
    • MD5: eba08c0e1fb21e49710e4a65a25a6bc2
    • Run description: Document-Centered Model by Indri, giving priority to entities extracted manually


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: PRIS2
    • Participant: PRIS
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/28/2010
    • Type: manual
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 9d13add7ff457e6dcc9b1b2e6341808b
    • Run description: Document-Centered Model by Indri


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: PRIS3
    • Participant: PRIS
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/28/2010
    • Type: manual
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 46123f7748b3e9f2d3f623052554daf7
    • Run description: Entity-Centered Model by Indri


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: PRIS4
    • Participant: PRIS
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/28/2010
    • Type: manual
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 1f462727d944c1317b91386827df9b0f
    • Run description: Entity-Centered Model by Lemur (Okapi)


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: RanksDivComp
    • Participant: LIA_UAPV
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/30/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 399657cf84da905a8bd8c8e6d5c6540d
    • Run description: In this run we merge the measure of divergence with the compacity for a given named entity by the f-measure of it ranks for each measures.


    Results | Participants | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: SIEL10RUN1
    • Participant: siel10
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 10/3/2010
    • Type: manual
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 3f9acc5e8af3d9083a3728ee338ff5c2
    • Run description: We had submitted 2 runs already, under the organization SIEL_IIITH, but it was a misunderstanding as it was an account of the previous year. So, we now submit these results with this year's (siel10) account. The features of this run are : 1) Used wikipedia data to find required entities appearing in certain patterns like lists, tables etc. 2) Used homepages of source entities to crawl them upto a certain depth (since we do not have the clueweb category A dataset) and find the required entites and if possible, links to their homepages, which appear in specific patterns. 3) Combine the results and find their homepages by searching in urls present in the url-docid dataset. 4) Use the clueweb url-docid dataset to retrieve the clueweb id's of each url, and present them.


    Results | Participants | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: SIELRUN1
    • Participant: SIEL_IIITH
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/30/2010
    • Type: manual
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 194b3a307af277f012d744df3dfa8385
    • Run description: The approach followed is: 1. Used wikipedia dump for finding results by matching the words in given query. 2. Using homepages given in a query, we crawled a domain (since we do not have the actual dataset - Category A) at a particular depth to find required pages by matching output entity types and the words in the query. 3. combine the result of 1 and 2 to find common entities 4. We find the homepages of required entites using the clueweb url-docid dataset.


    Results | Participants | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: SIELRUN2
    • Participant: SIEL_IIITH
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/30/2010
    • Type: manual
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 327ca02671734a370d52d65eca3f6ffc
    • Run description: Same as run 1 - changed the ranks


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: Supp
    • Participant: NiCT
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/30/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 28626bbcf27a40f93533c4d9f902076d
    • Run description: Use MINPAR to parse queries and supporting sentences. Use YAGO BOSS for retrieval.


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: SuppHome
    • Participant: NiCT
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/30/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 292298ddddffebe19f44cfc942bd1150
    • Run description: Use MINPAR to parse queries and supporting sentences. Use Homepage for similarity calculation. Use YAGO BOSS for retrieval.


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: SuppHomeIsA
    • Participant: NiCT
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/30/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 412daf64f076404059c6483240f892cd
    • Run description: Use YAGO data to learn patterns for isA relations. Use MINPAR to parse queries and supporting sentences. Use Homepage for similarity calculation. Use YAGO BOSS for retrieval.


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: SuppIsA
    • Participant: NiCT
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/30/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 7595f4583d7d9cbf59ad84c5a6cf6060
    • Run description: Use YAGO data to learn patterns for isA relations. Use MINPAR to parse queries and supporting sentences. Use YAGO BOSS for retrieval.


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: UAbaseanchB
    • Participant: UAmsterdam
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/30/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: main
    • MD5: aa17674a7f1c410017ef8324bfb555ee
    • Run description: Wikipedia is used as a pivot. We search Wikipedia for the narrative first, for each retrieved Wikipedia page we use the title to search an anchor text index of Category B.


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: UAbaselinkA
    • Participant: UAmsterdam
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/30/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: main
    • MD5: dd5e02602feb804c483f10c96b060a3b
    • Run description: Wikipedia is used as a pivot. We search Wikipedia for the narrative first, for each retrieved Wikipedia page we follow the external links to search in Category A.


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: UAcatscombB
    • Participant: UAmsterdam
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 10/1/2010
    • Type: manual
    • Task: main
    • MD5: dc039065138b824bd5e1c0fc67fae745
    • Run description: Wikipedia is used as a pivot. We search Wikipedia for the narrative first, using manually assigned topic categories. For each retrieved Wikipedia page we follow the external links to search in Category B, if no link is found, we search an anchor text index for the page title.


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: UAcatslinkA
    • Participant: UAmsterdam
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/30/2010
    • Type: manual
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 1e796eaaea4b8bdfbfe30e015ad2c313
    • Run description: Wikipedia is used as a pivot. We search Wikipedia for the narrative first, using manually assigned topic categories. For each retrieved Wikipedia page we follow the external links to search in Category A.


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: UWAT1
    • Participant: UWaterlooEng
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 10/3/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: main
    • MD5: a395ff3e7c9871ee88339fe19c3ac82b
    • Run description: Top 50 web pages were retrieved using a search engine in response to queries generated from title and narrative. Snippets surrounding query term occurrences were processed using a named entity tagger. Candidate entities were ranked by tf*idf.


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: UWAT2
    • Participant: UWaterlooEng
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 10/3/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 4a8ea6e843f7fb506461ce382ae429e2
    • Run description: Top 50 web pages were retrieved using a search engine in response to queries generated from title and narrative. Snippets surrounding query term occurrences were processed using a named entity tagger. The selected named entities were then ranked and pruned by distributional similarity to seed entities. Seed entities were selected by extracting hyponyms of entity categories specified in the narrative.


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: UWEntTI
    • Participant: UWaterlooEng
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 10/1/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 9e0e0f106b6b2db87ee8bdd6dec1d898
    • Run description: We used Yahoo! for retrieving the initial sets of documents from the Web and for finding homepages of entities.


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: ValueDoc
    • Participant: PITTSIS
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/29/2010
    • Type: manual
    • Task: main
    • MD5: c69c5e2c762aec00aab5e0acfee9c1d2
    • Run description: test


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: Y64
    • Participant: HPI
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/30/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: main
    • MD5: 3ffcc87a37b1bbd1d5e9e8ec7ef31488
    • Run description: - The narrative query is pre-processed using the Stanford Part-of-Speech-Tagger - The source entity is queried to Freebase and the most popular synonyms are retrieved - A key word query is constructed consisting source entity, alternative names and verbs and nouns from the narrative (plus additional rewriting wrt. advanced search engines features) - Candidate documents are retrieved from a commercial web search engine (Life Web: Yahoo!, we took in this run 64 documents) - Candidate target entities are scored as described above - For home page finding, we collect advanced features of the web search engine (such as "find related documents" or "homepage URL occurs in anchors of other Web-pages") - As set of features is applied to score potential homepages, the features are aggregated using weights which are trained using a genetic algorithm - Finally the homepage URLs are mapped to Clueweb-IDs


    Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary

    • Run ID: YahooEnHP
    • Participant: PITTSIS
    • Track: Entity
    • Year: 2010
    • Submission: 9/30/2010
    • Type: automatic
    • Task: main
    • MD5: fbfab8c729436d3300d4e6540d35a446
    • Run description: Search on Yahoo, Entity Extraction & Homepage Finding