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Overview - Chemical 2010

Proceedings | Data | Results | Runs | Participants

The TREC Chemical IR Track is a domain-specific evaluation campaign working with documents containing specific lexica, including chemical formulas and specific names. The 2010 edition of the track also included supporting material in addition to text: images and structure information files. As in the previous year, we had two tasks: a patent focused prior-art (PA) task and a user-focused Technology Survey task (TS). The data collection includes patent files as well as scientific articles, together with their attachments, if any. Topics and relevance judgments were either automatically or manually created.

Track coordinator(s):

  • Mihai Lupu, York University
  • John Tait, York University
  • Jimmy Huang, York University
  • Jianhan Zhu, York University


  • priorart: Prior Art Task
  • techsurv: Technology Survey Task

Track Web Page: