Runs - Genomics 2007¶
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- Run ID: AIDrun1
- Participant: uamsterdam.meij
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/15/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: baseline
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- Run ID: AIDrun2
- Participant: uamsterdam.meij
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/15/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Same as baseline (AIDrun1), but with more elaborate passage identification.
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- Run ID: AIDrun3
- Participant: uamsterdam.meij
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/15/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: baseline, re-ranked according to a language model of the entity-type assiciated with the topic.
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- Run ID: asubaral1
- Participant: arizona-stateu.gonzalez
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/15/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: - finding relatedness between words in the passages and keywords in the corresponding question - keyword expansion by utilizing the terms appearing in the definitions of the keywords of the questions
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- Run ID: asubaral2
- Participant: arizona-stateu.gonzalez
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: - using both Lucene and Indri indexing systems for retrieval - passage length is as minimal as possible - finding relatedness between words in the passages and keywords in the corresponding question - keyword expansion by utilizing the terms appearing in the definitions of the keywords of the questions
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- Run ID: asubaral3
- Participant: arizona-stateu.gonzalez
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: interactive
- Run description: Similar to our first run, except we interactively modified queries to improve the answers
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- Run ID: biokiP
- Participant: concordiau.bergler
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: interactive
- Run description: Interactive selection of keyphrases and weights. Result span expanded to paragraph.
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- Run ID: biokiS
- Participant: concordiau.bergler
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: interactive
- Run description: Interactive selection of keyphrases and weights. Result span expanded to sentence boundaries.
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- Run ID: biokiST
- Participant: concordiau.bergler
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: interactive
- Run description: Interactive selection of keyphrases and weights. Entity-type matching on some queries. Result span expanded to sentence boundaries.
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- Run ID: DUTgen1
- Participant: dalianu.yang
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/14/2007
- Type: interactive
- Run description: Indri; named entity recognition; sentence-leval overlapped window; query expansion based on MeSH;post-processing using templates
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- Run ID: DUTgen2
- Participant: dalianu.yang
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/14/2007
- Type: interactive
- Run description: Indri; named entity recognition; sentence-leval overlapped window; query expansion based on MeSH;result combination
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- Run ID: DUTgen3
- Participant: dalianu.yang
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/14/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: BM25; named entity recognition; NP extraction for topics; sentence-leval overlapped window; query expansion based on MeSH; result combination;
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- Run ID: EBI1Lucene
- Participant: ebi.yepes
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/14/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: System based on a Lucene index that considers the spans as documents. The Lucene scoring function has been modified to better deal with large and small documents based on the article by Singhal about pivoted cosine normalization. A postprocessing of the spans has been done removing HTML without any content and by finding the zone with relevant information based on the similarity of the query and the sentences in the spans.
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- Run ID: EBI2Fusion
- Participant: ebi.yepes
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/14/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: This run is the fusion of two configurations of our system. Our system is based on a Lucene index that considers the spans as documents (configuration 1); in addition, query expansion and boosting of some spans based on the entities matched between the query and the spans can be done (configuration 2). The Lucene scoring function has been modified to better deal with large and small documents based on the article by Singhal about pivoted cosine normalization. In addition, the spans have been processed by removing HTML without any content and by finding the zone with relevant information based on the similarity of the query and the sentences in the spans.
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- Run ID: EBI3Boosting
- Participant: ebi.yepes
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/14/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: System based on a Lucene index that considers the spans as documents. The Lucene scoring function has been modified to better deal with large and small documents based on the article by Singhal about pivoted cosine normalization. A postprocessing of the spans has been done analyzing the entities in the query and in the span and boosting the spans based on the entities that are matched. In addition, the spans have been processed by removing HTML without any content and by finding the zone with relevant information based on the similarity of the query and the sentences in the spans.
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- Run ID: fdgerun1
- Participant: fudanu.niu
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/15/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Automatically extract the relevant concepts of each topic, retrieval sentences according to those concepts.
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- Run ID: fdgerun2
- Participant: fudanu.niu
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/15/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Automatically extract relevant concepts of each topic, combine the result of sentence retrieval and the one of context retrieval.
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- Run ID: fdgerun3
- Participant: fudanu.niu
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/15/2007
- Type: manual
- Run description: Score each sentence according to the concurrency of concept terms from different groups.
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- Run ID: GenTeaBB
- Participant: uhosp-geneva.ruch
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/13/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Same as GenTeam1 but with Boolean boosting.
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- Run ID: GenTeam1
- Participant: uhosp-geneva.ruch
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/13/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Basic run using easyIR as IR engine (dtu.dtn, Porter).
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- Run ID: GenTeaPA
- Participant: uhosp-geneva.ruch
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/14/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Same run as GenTeaBB, but with passage selection based on assesing the density of semantic targets.
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- Run ID: HFmanual
- Participant: umd-collegepark.oard
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/13/2007
- Type: manual
- Run description: Hongfang's run
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- Run ID: hltcairo1
- Participant: ibm.cairo
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: First 25 results from the search engine
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- Run ID: hltcairo2
- Participant: ibm.cairo
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: First 50 results from the search engine
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- Run ID: icbdoc
- Participant: weill-med-cornellu
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/13/2007
- Type: manual
- Run description: Rank fusion of seven different search techniques implemented in Twease (includes both automatic and manual runs). Optimized for document MAP.
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- Run ID: icbpassage
- Participant: weill-med-cornellu
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/13/2007
- Type: manual
- Run description: Rank fusion of seven different search techniques implemented in Twease (includes both automatic and manual runs). Passages are marked as a post-processing step after document retrieval and fusion. At most, ten passages are included per document. Optimized for passage MAP.
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- Run ID: icbtwease
- Participant: weill-med-cornellu
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/13/2007
- Type: manual
- Run description: Manual run with minimal interval semantics performed with Twease using a slider value of 80. This run was performed with the same Twease software version deployed at as of July 2007.
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- Run ID: iitx1r2
- Participant: iit.urbain
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: MST passage extraction by concept sc = ( 1.0result.getPassConceptSCNorm() + 0.1result.getSentConceptSCNorm() + 1.0result.getPassConceptIdfSumNorm() + 0.1result.getSentConceptIdfSumNorm())
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- Run ID: iitx2r2
- Participant: iit.urbain
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: MST passage extraction by concept sc = ( 1.0result.getPassConceptSCNorm() + 0.1result.getSentConceptSCNorm() + 1.0result.getPassConceptIdfSumNorm() + 0.1result.getSentConceptIdfSumNorm()) With sentence boosting dependency grammar, sumidf, nconcepts
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- Run ID: iitx3r2
- Participant: iit.urbain
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: MST passage extraction by concept sc =((passConceptSCNorm+sentConceptSCNorm+passConceptIdfSumNorm+sentConceptIdfSumNorm)/4)
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- Run ID: IRn
- Participant: ualicante.terol
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/17/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: This run has been performed by applying the Information Retrieval technique based on passages. The passages are composed of four sentences. The indexing of the document collection applies the Okapi measure.
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- Run ID: kyoto1
- Participant: kyotou.wan
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/15/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Paragraph-level impact-based retrieval combined with a probabilistic model for term co-occurrence. Passages scored using a variant of TF/IDF, but results are ranked using only the IR system's scores.
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| Appendix
- Run ID: kyoto2
- Participant: kyotou.wan
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Paragraph-level impact-based retrieval combined with a probabilistic model for term co-occurrence. Passages scored using a variant of TF/IDF, but more results were used and then ranked using only the PM's scores.
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- Run ID: kyoto3
- Participant: kyotou.wan
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Paragraph-level impact-based retrieval combined with a probabilistic model for term co-occurrence. Passages scored using only the probabilistic model and final ranking determined using equal weight on both systems.
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- Participant: nlm.aronson
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/15/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: An automatic run based on LHC's Essie search engine and for which results are reranked based on relationships extracted from Essie results using MetaMap and SemRep.
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- Run ID: MuMshFd
- Participant: umelbourne.stokes
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Automatic query expansion with entities and ontological terms, but without passage reduction and reranking.
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- Run ID: MuMshFdRsc
- Participant: umelbourne.stokes
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Automatic query expansion with entities and ontological terms, followed by passage reduction and reranking.
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- Run ID: MuMshNfdRsc
- Participant: umelbourne.stokes
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Automatic query expansion with ontological terms only, followed by passage reduction and reranking.
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- Run ID: ncbi2007a
- Participant: umd-collegepark.oard
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/13/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Reranked Essie hits from NCBI
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- Run ID: ncbi2007b
- Participant: umd-collegepark.oard
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/13/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: run generated by Larry
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- Run ID: NLMfusion
- Participant: nlm.aronson
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/15/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: An automatic run obtained by applying fusion to the LHNCBC run, a Terrier run, an NCBI Themes run, an INDRI run and an easyIR run.
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- Run ID: NLMinter
- Participant: nlm.aronson
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/15/2007
- Type: interactive
- Run description: An interactive run based on an interactively created filter applied to the NLMfusion run.
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- Participant: ohsu.hersh
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/13/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Two stage query generation with MESH and gene synonym expansion, and entity-specific keywords. Lucene maximal passage index, TF*IDF. MMTX based sentence entity count passage trimming.
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- Participant: ohsu.hersh
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/13/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Two stage query generation with MESH and substances expansion, and entity-specific keywords. Lucene maximal passage index, TF*IDF. MMTX based sentence entity count passage trimming.
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- Participant: ohsu.hersh
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/13/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Two stage query generation with MESH and substances expansion, and entity-specific keywords. Lucene maximal passage index, TF*IDF. MMTX based sentence entity count passage trimming.
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- Run ID: TsingHua3
- Participant: tsinghuau.zhang
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: (run3)Machine learning and dictionary based NE recognition, BM2500, Treble passage retrieval.
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- Run ID: TsingHua4
- Participant: tsinghuau.zhang
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: (run4) Machine learning and dictionary based NE, sigma local df for weighting, Treble passage retrieval
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- Run ID: TsingHua5
- Participant: tsinghuau.zhang
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: (run5_new) strictly generated dictionary for NE, max local df for weighting, Treble passage retrieval, reduction
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- Run ID: UBexp1
- Participant: ubuffalo.ruiz
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/15/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Automatic runs generated with Indri. Queries were build automatically by expanding them with MetaMap and discarding common terms. Gene and proteins names were expanded using Gene Ontology. Query formulated using synonyms to represent the expanded terms and multiword phrases when appropriate. Reference sections were discarded by restricting results to those passages that did not have the word "Medline".
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- Run ID: UBHFmanual
- Participant: ubuffalo.ruiz
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/15/2007
- Type: manual
- Run description: Queries were expanded using publicly available resources. This list was manually filtered to discard ambiguous names of gene and proteins.
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- Run ID: uchsc1
- Participant: ucolorado.cohen
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/15/2007
- Type: manual
- Run description: Queries were manually expanded and individual terms were assigned weights. Lists of terms matching keyword classes were included in the queries; those terms recieved equal weights. The queries were submitted to the Indri search engine of the Lemur toolkit. Post-processing included filtering out passages that did not contain genes, mutations or biological substances, according to query type.
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- Run ID: uchsc2
- Participant: ucolorado.cohen
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: interactive
- Run description: Queries were manually expanded and individual terms were assigned weights based on MeSH distance. Additionally, salient biomedical predicates were also expanded for 5 of the queries. Lists of terms matching keyword classes were included in the queries; those terms recieved equal weights. The queries were submitted to the Indri search engine of the Lemur toolkit. Post-processing included filtering out passages that did not contain genes, mutations or biological substances, according to query type.
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- Run ID: UICGenRun1
- Participant: uillinois.chicago.zhou
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/15/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Utilize UMLS to get some of the entities.
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- Run ID: UICGenRun2
- Participant: uillinois.chicago.zhou
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Do not differentiate the importance of entities in passages as long as some entity presents in passages.
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- Run ID: UIowa07Gen01
- Participant: uiowa.eichman
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: manual
- Run description: title of reference identified from logical document structure
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- Run ID: UIUCconj
- Participant: uc-zhai
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: automatic run
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- Run ID: UIUCrelfb
- Participant: uc-zhai
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: interactive
- Run description: Interactive run with relevance feedback
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- Run ID: UIUCsyn
- Participant: uc-zhai
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: automatic run with synonym expansion
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- Run ID: UniNE1
- Participant: uneuchatel.savoy
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/9/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Retrieval based on Divergence from randomness. Query expansion using forms generated from query words. The length of a passage is delimited by the
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- Run ID: UniNE2
- Participant: uneuchatel.savoy
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/9/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Data fusion of three IR systems. 1 Retrieval based on Okapi model with query expansion using forms generated from query words. 2 Retrieval based on Okapi model, using only the original query words. Re-ranking based on distance between query words and entity in the query. 3 Retrieval based on Divergence from randomness. Query expansion using forms generated from query words. Each passage is a sentence.
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- Run ID: UniNE3
- Participant: uneuchatel.savoy
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/9/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Data fusion of three IR systems 1- Retrieval based on Divergence from randomness. Query expansion using forms generated from query words and word variant generation for entity and query terms. 2 Retrieval based on Okapi model with query expansion using forms generated from query words. 3 Retrieval based on Divergence from randomness. Query expansion using forms generated from query words. Re-ranking based on distance between query words and entity in the query. Each passage is delimited by the
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- Run ID: UTEMC1
- Participant: tno-ict
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/9/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: UMLS-based thesaurus in combination with language-modeling. Run optimized for aspect-retrieval.
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- Run ID: UTEMC2
- Participant: tno-ict
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/9/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: UMLS-based thesaurus in combination with language-modeling. Run optimized for precision.
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- Run ID: york07ga1
- Participant: yorku.huang
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: No query expansion. Use only terms extracted from the raw topics for retrieval. Use BM25 for term weighting in structured queries. Use Okapi to build word-based index.
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- Run ID: york07ga2
- Participant: yorku.huang
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Expand query terms for 11 gene-related topics by using Entrez Gene. Use BM25 for term weighting in structured queries. Use Okapi to build sentence-based index.
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- Run ID: york07ga3
- Participant: yorku.huang
- Track: Genomics
- Year: 2007
- Submission: 7/16/2007
- Type: automatic
- Run description: Expand query terms for all the topics by using UMLS. Use BM25 for term weighting in structured queries. Use Okapi to build word-based index.