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Runs - Enterprise 2005


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: baseLMlam05
  • Participant: lowlands.devries
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Basic Language Model with lambda 0.5


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: baseLMlam08
  • Participant: lowlands.devries
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Language Model with lambda 0.8.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: CMUallon
  • Participant: cmu.dir.callan
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Hierarchical language models using thread structure. Messages smoothed using extra weight on articles in the thread, the message it was in reply to (if applicable), the subject of the message. A prior probability was placed on the thread structure placing emphasis on messages starting the thread. Documents that were not messages but in the lists corpus were removed from the results list. Krovetz stemmer, no stopwords.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: CMUnoprior
  • Participant: cmu.dir.callan
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Hierarchical language models using thread structure. Messages smoothed using extra weight on articles in the thread, the message it was in reply to (if applicable), the subject of the message. Documents that were not messages but in the lists corpus were removed from the results list. Krovetz stemmer, no stopwords.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: CMUnoPS
  • Participant: cmu.dir.callan
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Hierarchical language models using thread structure. Messages smoothed using extra weight on articles in the thread, the subject of the message. Documents that were not messages but in the lists corpus were removed from the results list. Krovetz stemmer, no stopwords.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: CMUnoPSD
  • Participant: cmu.dir.callan
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Hierarchical language models smoothed using extra weight on the subject of the message. Documents that were not messages but in the lists corpus were removed from the results list. Krovetz stemmer, no stopwords.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: CMUnoPSDT
  • Participant: cmu.dir.callan
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Simple language models. Documents that were not messages but in the lists corpus were removed from the results list. Krovetz stemmer, no stopwords.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: CNDS01
  • Participant: pekingu.yan
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: use pure IR technology.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: CNDS02
  • Participant: pekingu.yan
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: use homepage information with parameters group1


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: CNDS03
  • Participant: pekingu.yan
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: use mail information


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: CNDS04LC
  • Participant: pekingu.yan
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: combination of multiple approaches with linear method.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: CNDS06
  • Participant: pekingu.yan
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: use homepage information with parameters group2


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: CON
  • Participant: drexelu.allen
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/30/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: The system employs the keyphrases extraction techniques as well as Natural Language Processing technqiues such as N-GRAM and Part-Of-Speech tagging. It also applies Support Vector Machine (SVM) to classify the discussion messages.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: covKIRun1
  • Participant: coveo.soucy
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Baseline. Queries are executed using an AND operator with Coveo Enterprise Search default settings (commercial product). If the list of results if less than 100, the list is appended using results from the same query executed with an OR operator.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: covKIRun2
  • Participant: coveo.soucy
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: As covKIRun1, but removed emails that were replies (Title contains RE).


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: covKIRun3
  • Participant: coveo.soucy
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: As covKIRun2, but the final result list is a mix from three different queries 1st query A query with AND operator, remove replies 2th query A query with AND operator, only replies 3th query A query with the OR operator, replies or not Then, the final result list is built using a loop where 2 results from the first query are appended to the list, then one from the second, then one from the third, until the final list contains 100 results.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: covKIRun4
  • Participant: coveo.soucy
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: As covKIRun3, but using a fourth query. This fourth query is done only when an acronym expansion is found in a list built by an acronym resolution engine provided by the NRC-ILT (National Research Council, Interactive Language Technologies). For instance, if the query is "UI language" the query is expanded as (UI OR "user interface") language. The acronyms were automatically built using the TREC text collection (with no knowledge about the train/test queries). No check was done to verify the accuracy of the acronyms.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: covKIRun5
  • Participant: coveo.soucy
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Like covKIRun4, but we don't remove emails that are forwards (FWD in the title). NOTE The description for covKIRun4 was incomplete. Should add the following "Also, we remove emails that are forwards (i.e contain "FWD " in the subject field)"


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: csiroanuds1
  • Participant: csiro.hawking
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: BM25, no structure used


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: csiroanuds3
  • Participant: csiro.hawking
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: BM25, excluding quotes/forwarded/signatures, upweight subjects


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: csiroanuds5
  • Participant: csiro.hawking
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: as csiroanuds3, with disjunction of terms


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: csiroanuds7
  • Participant: csiro.hawking
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: as csiroanuds1, subject line doubled


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: csiroanuds8
  • Participant: csiro.hawking
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: as csiroanuds3, relevance feedback based on entire collection


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: csiroanuki1
  • Participant: csiro.hawking
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/4/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: BM-25 based, ignoring message structure


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: csiroanuki2
  • Participant: csiro.hawking
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/4/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Using message structure, upweight Subject


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: csiroanuki3
  • Participant: csiro.hawking
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/4/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Queries transformed to include email addresses and some abbreviations


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: csiroanuki5
  • Participant: csiro.hawking
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/4/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Quoted material, forwarded material, and signatures ignored


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: csiroanuki6
  • Participant: csiro.hawking
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/4/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Text in Subject repeated


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: csusm1
  • Participant: csusm.guillen
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/31/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: We used the system INDRI developed by UMASS and CMU to create an index. The index was then used by "runquery" to retrieve documents. The topics were mapped to the INDRI format before running the queries.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: csusm2
  • Participant: csusm.guillen
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/31/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: We used the INDRI system developed by UMASS and CMU to create an index. The index was then used to retrieve documents with the option "runquery" of INDRI. In this run we are using different combinations of ordered/unordered phrases, synonyms, single terms and exact match terms.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: DrexelKI05a
  • Participant: drexelu.allen
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: basic tf*idf


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: DrexelKI05b
  • Participant: drexelu.allen
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: 2-pass without query expansion


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: DrexelKI05c
  • Participant: drexelu.allen
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: 2-pass with query expansion


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: DrexelKI05d
  • Participant: drexelu.allen
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: weighted query expansion


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: DREXEXP1
  • Participant: drexelu.allen
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: Basically this run is based on the information retrieval Vector model. About 20,000 person names extracted from the w3c corpus as candidates for experts and each person is represented by a small collection of documents, such as emails they sent. These documents are indexed by not only keywords but also 2-gram and 3-gram phrases that are obtained from PATTree n-gram extraction algorithms. Cosine similarity is applied to measure the relevance between the queries and the candidates. During query processing, phrases in the queries were signed higher weight.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: DREXEXP2
  • Participant: drexelu.allen
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: Basically this run is based on the latent semantic indexing retrieval model. About 20,000 person names extracted from the w3c corpus as candidates for experts and each person is represented by a small collection of documents, such as emails they sent. These documents are indexed by not only keywords but also 2-gram and 3-gram phrases that are obtained from PATTree n-gram extraction algorithms. In this approach, relevance ranking is measured by matrix algebra. The technique called singular value decomposition (SVD) is applied to calculate the singular values in the large term-document matrix. The idea is that the top k singular values can be used to identify the key elements of the matrix. Each query is treated as a peudo-document. Similarity between queries and documents is scored by cosine similarity measure.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: du05baseline
  • Participant: uduisburg.essen.frommholz
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: In this run, no distinction is made between quoted and new text of a message. For each term t in the whole message m , the term weight is seen as the probability P(t|d) which is estimated based on tf(t,m), the term frequency of t in m, using the formula wtf(t,m) = tf(t,m)/(avgtf(m) + tf(t,m)). Retrieval is performed with probabilistic datalog in a vector-space-like manner. This run is the baseline for our other runs.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: du05highstrg
  • Participant: uduisburg.essen.frommholz
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: If a message m' is a reply to message m, usually parts of m quoted by the author of m'. These quotations are interpreted as highlightings of parts of m (further referred to as "highlight quotes"). For a message m, each quotation q of a successor message m' is extracted and linked with m. Each q is seen as a separate document; for each document d (containing m and q), term weights are the estimated probability P(t|d), using tf(t,d), the term frequency of t in d and the formula P(t|d) \approx wtf(t,d) = tf(t,d)/(avgtf(d) + tf(t,d)). Another component is the link between m and q, which can be weak or strong, reflecting the influence the highlight quotation has on m's term weights. The link weight is expressed by P(link(q,m)). For a message m, the overall term weights P_{high}(t|m) are thus estimated as P(t|m) + \sum_q P(link(q,m)) * P(t|q). In this run, it is P(link(q,m)) = 0.9, so we have a strong connection between m and each q. Retrieval is performed with probabilistic datalog in a vector-space-like manner.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: du05highweak
  • Participant: uduisburg.essen.frommholz
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: If a message m' is a reply to message m, usually parts of m quoted by the author of m'. These quotations are interpreted as highlightings of parts of m (further referred to as "highlight quotes"). For a message m, each quotation q of a successor message m' is extracted and linked with m. Each q is seen as a separate document; for each document d (containing m and q), term weights are the estimated probability P(t|d), using tf(t,d), the term frequency of t in d and the formula P(t|d) \approx wtf(t,d) = tf(t,d)/(avgtf(d) + tf(t,d)). Another component is the link between m and q, which can be weak or strong, reflecting the influence the highlight quotation has on m's term weights. The link weight is expressed by P(link(q,m)). For a message m, the overall term weights P_{high}(t|m) are thus estimated as P(t|m) + \sum_q P(link(q,m)) * P(t|q). In this run, it is P(link(q,m)) = 0.3, so we only have a weak connection between m and each q. Retrieval is performed with probabilistic datalog in a vector-space-like manner.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: du05quotstrg
  • Participant: uduisburg.essen.frommholz
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: The goal of this run is to study the effect of the quotation part of the message on retrieval effectiveness. During indexing, an email message m is separated into two parts the quotation quot and the message mes (containing only the new parts of the message). quot and mes are seen as separate documents which are connected via a link. For each term, the term weight is seen as the probability P(t|d) which is estimated based on tf(t,quot) and tf(t,mes), the term frequency of t in quot and in mes, respectively, using the formula wtf(t,d) = tf(t,d)/(avgtf(d) + tf(t,d)). Another component is the link between quot and mes, which can be weak or strong, reflecting the influence the quotation part has on term weights. The link weight is expressed by P(link(quot,mes)). For a message m, P(t|m) is thus estimated as P(t|mes) + P(link(quot,mess)) * P(t|quot). In this run, it is P(link(quot,mess)) = 0.9, so we have a strong connection between mes and quot. Retrieval is performed with probabilistic datalog in a vector-space-like manner.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: du05quotweak
  • Participant: uduisburg.essen.frommholz
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: The goal of this run is to study the effect of the quotation part of the message on retrieval effectiveness. During indexing, an email message m is separated into two parts the quotation quot and the message mes (containing only the new parts of the message). quot and mes are seen as separate documents which are connected via a link. For each term, the term weight is seen as the probability P(t|d) which is estimated based on tf(t,quot) and tf(t,mes), the term frequency of t in quot and in mes, respectively, using the formula wtf(t,d) = tf(t,d)/(avgtf(d) + tf(t,d)). Another component is the link between quot and mes, which can be weak or strong, reflecting the influence the quotation part has on term weights. The link weight is expressed by P(link(quot,mes)). For a message m, P(t|m) is thus estimated as P(t|mes) + P(link(quot,mess)) * P(t|quot). In this run, it is P(link(quot,mess)) = 0.3, so we only have a weak connection between mes and quot. Retrieval is performed with probabilistic datalog in a vector-space-like manner.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: humEK05l
  • Participant: hummingbird.tomlinson
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/1/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: plain content search including linguistic expansion from English inflectional stemming


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: humEK05p
  • Participant: hummingbird.tomlinson
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/1/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: same as humEK05pl except inflections disabled


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: humEK05pl
  • Participant: hummingbird.tomlinson
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/1/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: same as humEK05tl except additional meta fields included in addition to Title (similar to last year's humW04pl)


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: humEK05t3l
  • Participant: hummingbird.tomlinson
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/1/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: same as humEK05tl except 3x extra weight on Title


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: humEK05tl
  • Participant: hummingbird.tomlinson
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/1/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: same as humEK05l except extra weight on Title


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: irmdLT
  • Participant: umagdeburg.nuernberger
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: For retrieval the language modeling approach was used (two-stage LM). The top results of an inital content only run were used to retrieve all documents that appeared in the same threads as the top retrieved ones and reranking was performed on this set.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: irmdLTF
  • Participant: umagdeburg.nuernberger
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: For retrieval the language modeling approach was used (two-stage LM). The top results of an inital content only run were used to retrieve all documents that appeared in the same threads as the top retrieved ones and reranking was performed on this set. Also, documents were filtered based on the characteristics of the document's term frequency distribution.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: irmdT
  • Participant: umagdeburg.nuernberger
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: For retrieval the language modeling approach was used (two-stage LM).


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: irmdTTF
  • Participant: umagdeburg.nuernberger
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: For retrieval the language modeling approach was used (two-stage LM). The top results of an inital content only run were used to retrieve all documents that appeared in the same threads as the top retrieved ones and reranking was performed on this set. Also, documents were filtered based on the characteristics of the document's term frequency distribution.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Participant: umaryland.oard
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/1/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Default baseline run with INQUERY.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Participant: umaryland.oard
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/1/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Document expansion with threads without quoted text. If a message is in a thread which is composed of at least two messages, the message is expanded with one copy of itself, one copy of its chronologically previous message, and one copy of its chronologically next message. Quoted texts are removed from the messages.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Participant: umaryland.oard
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/1/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Document expansion with threads with quoted text. If a message is in a thread which is composed of at least two messages, the message is expanded with one copy of itself, one copy of its chronologically previous message, and one copy of its chronologically next message. Quoted texts are kept in the messages.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Participant: umaryland.oard
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/1/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Date and version expressions in both the documents and the queries have been normalized. For instance, 12-Mar-2000 is transformed to day12 March 2000; HTML 4.0 is transformed to HTML four pointx zero.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Participant: drexelu.allen
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: We applied Support Vector Machines to known item task. We also applied N-Gram and POS tagging and other Natural Language Processing techniques.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: LLEXemails
  • Participant: lowlands.devries
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/4/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: Baseline run, based on Language models estimated from emails sent by candidates.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: LMheaderAND
  • Participant: lowlands.devries
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Language Model with lambda 0.85. Combination of 'header' and 'text' scores by 'and' operator (product).


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: LMheaderOR
  • Participant: lowlands.devries
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Language Model with lambda 0.85. Combination of 'header' and 'text' scores by 'or' operator (sum).


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: LMlam08Thr
  • Participant: lowlands.devries
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Language Model with lambda 0.8. Propagation of threads scores.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: LMMlam05Thr
  • Participant: lowlands.devries
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Language Model with lambda 0.5. Propagation of threads scores.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: LMplaintext
  • Participant: lowlands.devries
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Language Model with lambda 0.85. Simple Document ranking.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: LMsubjectAND
  • Participant: lowlands.devries
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Language Model with lambda 0.85. Combination of 'subject' and 'text' scores by 'and' operator (product).


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: LMsubjectOR
  • Participant: lowlands.devries
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Language Model with lambda 0.85. Combination of 'subject' and 'text' scores by 'or' operator (sum).


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: LPC1
  • Participant: langpower.yang
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: manual
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Briefly list the most salient features of this run.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: LPC2
  • Participant: langpower.yang
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: manual
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Briefly list the most salient features of this run.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: LPC3
  • Participant: langpower.yang
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: System built using rule-based NLP and concept-based indexing. Earlier processing with lower coverage in parsing and indexing.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: LPC4
  • Participant: langpower.yang
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: System built using rule-based NLP and concept-based indexing.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: LPC5
  • Participant: langpower.yang
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/6/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Briefly list the most salient features of this run.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MSRA051
  • Participant: microsoft.cao
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: The basic model, 1) a two-stage model of combining relevance and co-occurrence 2) the co-occurrence model consists of body-body, title-author, and title-tree submodels 3) a back-off query term matching method which prefers exact match, then partial match, and finally word-level match


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MSRA052
  • Participant: microsoft.cao
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: The basic model plus acronym normalization


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MSRA053
  • Participant: microsoft.cao
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: The basic model without acronym indexing


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MSRA054
  • Participant: microsoft.cao
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: The basic model plus cluster-based re-ranking


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MSRA055
  • Participant: microsoft.cao
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: The basic model plus acronym normalization and cluster-based re-ranking


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MSRCDS1
  • Participant: microsoft.robertson
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Three text fields Subject, Body, QuotedBody. Two static features HasParent and Year.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MSRCDS2
  • Participant: microsoft.robertson
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Three text fields Subject, Body, QuotedBody.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MSRCDS3
  • Participant: microsoft.robertson
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Three text fields but with even weights Subject, Body, QuotedBody.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MSRCDS4
  • Participant: microsoft.robertson
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Three text fields Subject, Body, QuotedBody. Three static features HasParent, Year, URLsInBody and SubjectContainsRE.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MSRCDS5
  • Participant: microsoft.robertson
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Three text fields Subject+From, Body, QuotedBody. Four static features HasParent, Year, URLsInBody and SubjectContainsRE.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MSRCKI1
  • Participant: microsoft.robertson
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Three text fields Subject, Body, QuotedBody. Two static features HasParent and Year.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MSRCKI2
  • Participant: microsoft.robertson
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Three text fields Subject, Body, QuotedBody.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MSRCKI3
  • Participant: microsoft.robertson
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Three text fields but with even weights Subject, Body, QuotedBody.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MSRCKI4
  • Participant: microsoft.robertson
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Three text fields Subject, Body, QuotedBody. Four static features HasParent, Year, URLsInBody and SubjectContainsRE.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MSRCKI5
  • Participant: microsoft.robertson
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Three text fields Subject+From, Body, QuotedBody. Four static features HasParent, Year, URLsInBody and SubjectContainsRE.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MU05ENd1
  • Participant: umelbourne.anh
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Dirichlet metric. Document scores enhanced with decaying-weighted scores of thread ancestors, descendants.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MU05ENd2
  • Participant: umelbourne.anh
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Dirichlet metric. Body of message and quoted text held in parallel indexes, score of document a weighted combination of the two.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MU05ENd3
  • Participant: umelbourne.anh
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Dirichlet metric. Message score enhanced by "authority" of author; authority of author judged by number of postings by that author.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MU05ENd4
  • Participant: umelbourne.anh
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Dirichlet metric on body (not quoted text) of messages.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: MU05ENd5
  • Participant: umelbourne.anh
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Impact metric on body of messages (not quoted text).


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: NON
  • Participant: drexelu.allen
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/30/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: The system employs the keyphrases extraction techniques as well as Natural Language Processing technqiues such as N-GRAM and Part-Of-Speech tagging. It also applies Support Vector Machine (SVM) to classify the discussion messages.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: OddsC
  • Participant: uamsterdam.mueller
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Infers structural components of query and ranks using the Odds ratio of each component. Automatic Run.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: OddsWcEst
  • Participant: uamsterdam.mueller
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Infers structural components of query and ranks using the Odds ratio of each component. Uses weighted components with are automatically estimated. Automatic Run.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: PITTDTA1
  • Participant: upittsburgh.he
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: performed document expansion using w3c-www-esw-people collection. used Indri2.0 search engine


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Participant: upittsburgh.he
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: performed document expansion using w3c-www-esw-people collection. used Indri2.0 search engine, also performed document reranking using the thread information (big reranking algorithm).


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Participant: upittsburgh.he
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: performed document expansion using w3c-www-esw-people collection. used Indri2.0 search engine, also performed document reranking using the thread information (small reranking algorithm)


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Participant: upittsburgh.he
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: performed document expansion using w3c-www-esw-people collection. used Indri2.0 search engine, also performed document reranking using the thread information (small reranking algorithm), reranking used top 50 docs with adjust weight 0.8


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: PITTKIA1W7
  • Participant: upittsburgh.he
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: use indri2.0 as the search engine, use w3c-www-esw-people collection as the document expansion collection for generating top 20 terms from top 20 documents. then search the w3c-email collection. the weight between the original query and the expanded part is 0.7 and 0.3


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: PITTKIA1W8
  • Participant: upittsburgh.he
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: use indri2.0 as the search engine, use w3c-www-esw-people collection as the document expansion collection for generating top 20 terms from top 20 documents. then search the w3c-email collection. the weight between the original query and the expanded part is 0.8 and 0.2


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Participant: upittsburgh.he
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: use indri2.0 as the search engine, search the w3c-email collection directly.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Participant: upittsburgh.he
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: use indri2.0 as the search engine, search the w3c-email collection directly. use Indri's blind relevance feedback feature with the parameter as look at top 20 documents, select top 20 terms, with weight 0.5


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: prisds1
  • Participant: beijingu.guo
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: A result for discussion task produced by group of Pattern Recognition & Information System, based lemur.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: prisds2
  • Participant: beijingu.guo
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: A result for discussion task produced by group of Pattern Recognition & Information System, based lemur.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: prisds3
  • Participant: beijingu.guo
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: A result for discussion task produced by group of Pattern Recognition & Information System, based lemur.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: prisds4
  • Participant: beijingu.guo
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: A result for discussion task produced by group of Pattern Recognition & Information System, based lemur.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: prisds5
  • Participant: beijingu.guo
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/28/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: A result for discussion task produced by group of Pattern Recognition & Information System, based lemur.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: PRISEX1
  • Participant: beijingu.guo
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/10/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: BASED ON LEMUR3.1


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: PRISEX2
  • Participant: beijingu.guo
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/10/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: BASED ON LEMUR3.1


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: PRISEX3
  • Participant: beijingu.guo
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/10/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: BASED ON LEMUR3.1


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: PRISEX4
  • Participant: beijingu.guo
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/10/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: BASED ON LEMUR3.1


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: PRISEX5
  • Participant: beijingu.guo
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/10/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: BASED ON LEMUR3.1


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: priski1
  • Participant: beijingu.guo
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/2/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: A result for the known item task produced by the group of Pattern Recognition & Information System, based lemur.(The number is not the order.)


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: priski2
  • Participant: beijingu.guo
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/2/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: A result for the known item task produced by the group of Pattern Recognition & Information System, based lemur.(The number is not the order.)


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: priski3
  • Participant: beijingu.guo
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/2/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: A result for the known item task produced by the group of Pattern Recognition & Information System, based lemur.(The number is not the order.)


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: priski4
  • Participant: beijingu.guo
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/2/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: A result for the known item task produced by the group of Pattern Recognition & Information System, based lemur.(The number is not the order.)


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: priski5
  • Participant: beijingu.guo
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/2/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: A result for the known item task produced by the group of Pattern Recognition & Information System, based lemur.(The number is not the order.)


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: PRO
  • Participant: drexelu.allen
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/30/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: The system employs the keyphrases extraction techniques as well as Natural Language Processing technqiues such as N-GRAM and Part-Of-Speech tagging. It also applies Support Vector Machine (SVM) to classify the discussion messages.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: qdC
  • Participant: uamsterdam.mueller
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Infers structural components of query and ranks using the likelihood of each component. Automatic Run.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: qdFlat
  • Participant: uamsterdam.mueller
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Baseline run Using Language Modelling approach with Jelinek Mercer Smoothing where lambda = 0.1. All email fields indexed and porter stemming applied to corpus. Porter stemming and stopping applied to queries. Fully automatic run.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: qdWcEst
  • Participant: uamsterdam.mueller
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Infers structural components of query and ranks using the likelihood of each component. Uses weighted components with are automatically estimated. Automatic Run.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: qmirdju
  • Participant: qm-univ-london.roelleke
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: tf-idf based strategy, with disjoint(normalized query term weights) assumption for the probabilistic combination of idf based probabilities, unstemmed


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: qmirdts
  • Participant: qm-univ-london.roelleke
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: tf-idf based strategy, with independence assumption for the probabilistic combination of idf based probabilities, stemmed


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: qmirdtu
  • Participant: qm-univ-london.roelleke
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: tf-idf based strategy, with independence assumption for the probabilistic combination of idf based probabilities, unstemmed


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: qmirex1
  • Participant: qm-univ-london.roelleke
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/4/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: The retrieval strategy has two steps, the first step retrieve relevant emails, and the second step find the experts from the top 1000 relevant emails. We describe LCF (Local Contribution Frequency) and GCF (Global Contribution Frequency) to be used to rank the experts.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: qmirex2
  • Participant: qm-univ-london.roelleke
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: The strategy first finds the relevant documents, then the person who wrote the most relevant emails will be ranked highest.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: qmirex3
  • Participant: qm-univ-london.roelleke
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: The strategy first retrieves relevant documents, we use similar strategy with qmirex1, but here we find the authors who wrote the most relevant emails to cumpute the lcf rather than compute the authors' average weight.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: qmirex4
  • Participant: qm-univ-london.roelleke
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/6/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: lcf-gcf strategy with amended implementation


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: qmirkidju
  • Participant: qm-univ-london.roelleke
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/4/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: tf-idf based strategy, with disjoint(normalized query term weights) assumption for the probabilistic combination of idf based probabilities, unstemmed


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: qmirkidtu
  • Participant: qm-univ-london.roelleke
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/4/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: tf-idf based strategy, with independence assumption for the probabilisitic combination of idf based probabilities, unstemmed


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Participant: umaryland.oard
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Document expansion with threads without quoted text. If a message is in a thread which is composed of at least two messages, the message is expanded with one copy of itself, one copy of its chronologically previous message, and one copy of its chronologically next message. Quoted texts are removed from the messages. In this run, queries are taken from both the "query" and "narrative" fields.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Participant: umaryland.oard
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Document expansion with threads without quoted text. If a message is in a thread which is composed of at least two messages, the message is expanded with one copy of itself, one copy of its chronologically previous message, and one copy of its chronologically next message. Quoted texts are removed from the messages. In this run, queries are taken from both the "query" fields only.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Participant: umaryland.oard
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Document expansion with threads with quoted text. If a message is in a thread which is composed of at least two messages, the message is expanded with one copy of itself, one copy of its chronologically previous message, and one copy of its chronologically next message. Quoted texts are kept in the messages.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: THUENT0501
  • Participant:
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/3/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: This run makes use of all w3c web part information and inlink anchor text of these files. Text content are reconstructed and formed description files for each candidate person. Structure information inside web pages was also used to improve performance


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: THUENT0502
  • Participant:
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/3/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: This run makes use of all w3c web part information and inlink anchor text of these files. Text content are reconstructed and formed description files for each candidate person. Structure information inside web pages was also used to improve performance. Words from important pages are emphasized in this run.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: THUENT0503
  • Participant:
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/3/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: This run makes use of all w3c web part information and inlink anchor text of these files. Text content are reconstructed and formed description files for each candidate person. Structure information inside web pages was also used to improve performance. Words from important pages are emphasized in this run. Word pairs are also given a higher weight.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: THUENT0504
  • Participant:
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/3/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: This run makes use of all w3c web part information and Email lists (the list part) together with inlink anchor text of these files. Text content are reconstructed and formed description files for each candidate person. Structure information inside web pages was also used to improve performance. Words from important pages are emphasized in this run.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: THUENT0505
  • Participant:
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/3/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: This run makes use of all w3c web part information and Email lists (the list part) together with inlink anchor text of these files. Text content are reconstructed and formed description files for each candidate person. Structure information inside web pages was also used to improve performance. Words from important pages are emphasized in this run. Bi-gram retrieval was also applied.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Participant: umaryland.oard
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Default baseline run with INQUERY.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Participant: umaryland.oard
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/30/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Date and version expressions in both the documents and the queries have been normalized. For instance, 12-Mar-2000 is transformed to day12 March 2000; HTML 4.0 is transformed to HTML four pointx zero.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: ToNsBs350
  • Participant: uamsterdam.mueller
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Query Field only (with stopping) No Stemming applied Language Modelling approach using Bayes Smoothing


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: ToNsBs350F
  • Participant: uamsterdam.mueller
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: From the baseline run, we filter out unimportant messages


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: ToNsBs350FT
  • Participant: uamsterdam.mueller
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Baseline + Filter and prior according to thread size


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: ToNsBs350FT5
  • Participant: uamsterdam.mueller
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: Baseline + Filter and prior according to thread size


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: uams05run0
  • Participant: uamsterdam.mueller
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/3/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: Considering the top 500 documents for each topic. Build a language model for each query for each candidate.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: uams05run1
  • Participant: uamsterdam.mueller
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: S(1) top200documents,EXACT_MATCH,dirichletLM,beta=50000


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: uams05run2
  • Participant: uamsterdam.mueller
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: S(2) top200documents,EMAIL_MATCH,dirichletLM,beta=50000


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: uams05run3
  • Participant: uamsterdam.mueller
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: S(3) top200documents,EXACT_MATCH0.5 + EMAIL_MATCH0.5,dirichletLM,beta=50000


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: uams05run4
  • Participant: uamsterdam.mueller
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: S(4) top200documents,EXACT_MATCH0.375 + NAME_MATCH0.208 + EMAIL_MATCH*0.416,dirichletLM,beta=50000


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Participant: drexelu.allen
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: We applied Support Vector Machines to known item task. We also applied N-Gram and POS tagging and other Natural Language Processing techniques.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: uogEBase
  • Participant: uglasgow.ounis
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/30/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Divergence From Randomness PL2F weighting model with field specific term-frequency normaliastion, 3 fields (body, title, anchor text). Index only lists sub-collection. Weak porter stemming.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: uogEDates1
  • Participant: uglasgow.ounis
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/30/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Divergence From Randomness PL2F weighting model with field specific term-frequency normaliastion, 3 fields (body, title, anchor text). Index only lists sub-collection. Weak porter stemming. Boosting messages that occur near to dates mentioned in the topics.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: uogEDates12T
  • Participant: uglasgow.ounis
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/30/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Divergence From Randomness PL2F weighting model with field specific term-frequency normaliastion, 3 fields (body, title, anchor text). Index only lists sub-collection. Weak porter stemming. Boosting more recent messages, messages that were sent near to dates mentioned in the topics, and messages relative to their thread depth.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: uogEDates2
  • Participant: uglasgow.ounis
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/30/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Divergence From Randomness PL2F weighting model with field specific term-frequency normaliastion, 3 fields (body, title, anchor text). Index only lists sub-collection. Weak porter stemming. Boosting more recent messages.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: uogES05B2
  • Participant: uglasgow.ounis
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: Combining documents with 2 normalisations of term frequencies. Based on Divergence from Randomness framework.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: uogES05CbaDT
  • Participant: uglasgow.ounis
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: Combining documents with multiple normalisations, three content fields. Based on Divergence from Randomness framework. Uses additional email evidence - threads and dates.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: uogES05Cbase
  • Participant: uglasgow.ounis
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: Combining documents with multiple normalisations, three content fields. Based on Divergence from Randomness framework.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: uogES05CbiH
  • Participant: uglasgow.ounis
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: Combining documents with multiple normalisations, three content fields. Based on Divergence from Randomness framework. Uses additional web evidence - homepages.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: uogES05Cbis
  • Participant: uglasgow.ounis
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 10/5/2005
  • Task: expert
  • Run description: Combining documents with multiple normalisations, three content fields. Based on Divergence from Randomness framework.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: UwatEntDS
  • Participant: uwaterloo.vechtomova
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: - Okapi was used for retrieval; - Only original text in the messages was indexed.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: UwatEntDSq
  • Participant: uwaterloo.vechtomova
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: - Okapi was used for retrieval; - Complete messages were indexed (with quoted text).


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: UwatEntDSth
  • Participant: uwaterloo.vechtomova
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 7/29/2005
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: discussion
  • Run description: - Okapi was used for retrieval; - Complete threads were indexed; - Only original text in the messages was indexed.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: UWATEntKI
  • Participant: uwaterloo.vechtomova
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/5/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: Documents ranked using Okapi.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: WIMent01
  • Participant: fudan.niu
  • Track: Enterprise
  • Year: 2005
  • Submission: 8/2/2005
  • Task: knownitem
  • Run description: KL-divergence language model based retrieval method, using author, date, to do rerank