A package to analyze \(\ln \Pi(N)\) data from Transition Matrix Monte Carlo simulation. The main output from TMMC simulations, \(\ln \Pi(N)\), provides a means to calculate a host of thermodynamic properties. Moreover, if \(\ln \Pi(N)\) is calculated at a specific chemical potential, it can be reweighted to provide thermodynamic information at a different chemical potential
provides a wide array of routines to analyze \(\ln \Pi(N)\). These
Reweighting to arbitrary chemical potential
Segmenting \(\ln \Pi(N)\) (to identify unique phases)
Containers for interacting with several values of \(\ln \Pi(N)\) in a vectorized way.
Calculating thermodynamic properties from these containers
Calculating limits of stability, and phase equilibrium
This package is actively used by the author. Please feel free to create a pull request for wanted features and suggestions!
Quick start#
Use one of the following
pip install tmmc-lnpy
conda install -c conda-forge tmmc-lnpy
Example usage#
Note that the distribution name tmmc-lnpy
is different than the import name
due to name clashing on pypi.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import lnpy
>>> import lnpy.examples
>>> ref = lnpy.examples.load_example_lnpimasked("lj_sub")
>>> phase_creator = lnpy.PhaseCreator(nmax=1, ref=ref)
>>> build_phases = phase_creator.build_phases_mu([None])
>>> collection = lnpy.lnPiCollection.from_builder(
... lnzs=np.linspace(-10, 3, 5), build_phases=build_phases
... )
# Collections are like pandas.Series
>>> collection
<class lnPiCollection>
lnz_0 phase
-10.00 0 [-10.0]
-6.75 0 [-6.75]
-3.50 0 [-3.5]
-0.25 0 [-0.25]
3.00 0 [3.0]
dtype: object
# Access xarray backend for Grand Canonical properties with `xge` accessor
>>> collection.xge.betaOmega()
<xarray.DataArray 'betaOmega' (lnz_0: 5, phase: 1)> Size: 40B
* lnz_0 (lnz_0) float64 40B -10.0 -6.75 -3.5 -0.25 3.0
* phase (phase) int64 8B 0
beta float64 8B 1.372
volume float64 8B 512.0
dims_n: ['n_0']
dims_lnz: ['lnz_0']
dims_comp: ['component']
dims_state: ['lnz_0', 'beta', 'volume']
dims_rec: ['sample']
standard_name: grand_potential
long_name: $\beta \Omega(\mu,V,T)$