Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- r -
- R : teqp::GERGGeneral::GERG200XAlphaig, teqp::IdealHelmholtzConstant, teqp::IdealHelmholtzCp0Constant, teqp::IdealHelmholtzCp0PowerT, teqp::IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Cosh, teqp::IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Sinh, teqp::IdealHelmholtzLead, teqp::IdealHelmholtzLogT, teqp::IdealHelmholtzPlanckEinstein, teqp::IdealHelmholtzPlanckEinsteinGeneralized, teqp::IdealHelmholtzPowerT
- r : teqp::MixVLEReturn
- R : teqp::WilsonResidualHelmholtzOverRT< NumType >
- R0 : teqp::IsothermPureVLEResiduals< Model, TYPE, backend >
- radial_dist : teqp::association::AssociationOptions
- Rcalc : teqp::MultiFluid< CorrespondingTerm, DepartureTerm >
- red : teqp::GERG2004::GERG2004ResidualModel, teqp::GERG2008::GERG2008ResidualModel
- redD : teqp::twocenterljf::Twocenterljf< TypePolarContribution >
- redfunc : teqp::MultiFluid< CorrespondingTerm, DepartureTerm >, teqp::MultiFluidAdapter< DepartureFunction, BaseClass >, teqp::MultiFluidAdapter_Ecs< BaseClass >
- redT : teqp::twocenterljf::Twocenterljf< TypePolarContribution >
- reducing_value : teqp::VLEAncillary
- ref : teqp::LKP::LKPMix
- rel_err : teqp::PVLEOptions, teqp::TCABOptions, teqp::TVLEOptions, teqp::VLLE::VLLETracerOptions
- relaxation : teqp::MixVLETpFlags
- reltol : teqp::MixVLEpxFlags, teqp::MixVLETpFlags
- relxtol : teqp::MixVLEpxFlags, teqp::MixVLETpFlags
- return_code : teqp::MixVLEReturn
- revision : teqp::TVLEOptions
- rho_trivial_threshold : teqp::VLLE::VLLEFinderOptions
- rhoc : teqp::GERGGeneral::GERG200XAlphaig
- rhoc_molm3 : teqp::GERGGeneral::PureInfo
- rhoL : teqp::MultiFluidVLEAncillaries
- rhoV : teqp::MultiFluidVLEAncillaries
- rhovecL : teqp::MixVLEReturn
- rhovecV : teqp::MixVLEReturn
- Rr : teqp::IsothermPureVLEResiduals< Model, TYPE, backend >
- Rstar : teqp::GERGGeneral::GERG200XAlphaig
- rtol : teqp::association::AssociationOptions
- Ru : teqp::AdvancedPRaEres< NumType, AlphaFunctions >, teqp::GenericCubic< NumType, AlphaFunctions >, teqp::QuantumCorrectedPR, teqp::RKPRCismondi2005, teqp::vdWEOS1, teqp::vdWEOS< NumType >