The teqp paper in I&ECRΒΆ
A few minor changes have been made:
method requires the molar concentrations to be a numpy array (to avoid copies) (as of version 0.14.0The top-level methods
have been deprecated, and the methods attached to the instance are preferredThe
field must always be provided
import timeit, numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'classic')
import teqp
def build_models():
Tc_K, pc_Pa, acentric = 647.096, 22064000.0, 0.3442920843
water = {
"a0i / Pa m^6/mol^2": 0.12277 , "bi / m^3/mol": 0.000014515, "c1": 0.67359,
"Tc / K": 647.096, "epsABi / J/mol": 16655.0, "betaABi": 0.0692, "class": "4C"
j = {"cubic": "SRK", "pures": [water], "R_gas / J/mol/K": 8.3144598, "radial_dist": "CS"}
datapath = teqp.get_datapath()
def get_PCSAFT():
c = teqp.SAFTCoeffs()
# Values from,
# but association contribution is ignored = 'Water'
c.m = 2.5472
c.sigma_Angstrom = 2.1054
c.epsilon_over_k = 138.63
return teqp.PCSAFTEOS(coeffs=[c])
return [
('vdW', teqp.vdWEOS([Tc_K], [pc_Pa])),
('PR', teqp.canonical_PR([Tc_K], [pc_Pa], [acentric])),
('SRK', teqp.canonical_SRK([Tc_K], [pc_Pa], [acentric])),
('PCSAFT', get_PCSAFT()),
('CPA', teqp.CPAfactory(j)),
('IAPWS', teqp.build_multifluid_model(["Water"], datapath))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(7,6))
T = 700 # K
rhovec = np.geomspace(0.1, 30e3, 10000) # mol/m^3; critical density is 17873.8... mol/m^3
tic = timeit.default_timer()
for abbrv, model in build_models():
splus = np.array([model.get_splus(T, np.array([rho])) for rho in rhovec])
plt.plot(rhovec, splus, label=abbrv, lw = 1.5 if abbrv=='IAPWS' else 1)
elap = timeit.default_timer()-tic
plt.axvline(17873.8, dashes=[2,2])
plt.gca().set(xlabel=r'$\rho$ / mol/m$^3$', ylabel=r'$s^+\equiv (s^{\rm ig}(T,\rho)-s(T,\rho))/R$')
plt.gcf().text(0,0,f'time: {elap:0.1f} s', ha='left', va='bottom', fontsize=7)
plt.gcf().text(1,0,f'teqp: {teqp.__version__}', ha='right', va='bottom', fontsize=7)

import json, timeit
import pandas, numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt'classic')
import teqp
Tc_K = [190.564, 154.581]
pc_Pa = [4599200, 5042800]
acentric = [0.011, 0.022]
model = teqp.canonical_PR(Tc_K, pc_Pa, acentric)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(7, 6), subplot_kw=dict(projection='3d'))
tic = timeit.default_timer()
for ifluid in [0,1]:
model0 = teqp.canonical_PR([Tc_K[ifluid]], [pc_Pa[ifluid]], [acentric[ifluid]])
for T in np.linspace(190, 120, 50):
if T > Tc_K[ifluid]: continue
[rhoL, rhoV] = model0.superanc_rhoLV(T)
rhovecL = np.array([0.0, 0.0]); rhovecL[ifluid] = rhoL
rhovecV = np.array([0.0, 0.0]); rhovecV[ifluid] = rhoV
opt = teqp.TVLEOptions(); opt.calc_criticality = True
df = pandas.DataFrame(model.trace_VLE_isotherm_binary(T, rhovecL, rhovecV, opt))
df['too_critical'] = df.apply(
lambda row: (abs(row['crit. conditions L'][0]) < 5e-8), axis=1)
first_too_critical = np.argmax(df['too_critical'])
df = df.iloc[0:(first_too_critical if first_too_critical else len(df))]
line, = ax.plot(xs=df['T / K'], ys=df['xL_0 / mole frac.'], zs=df['pL / Pa']/1e6,
lw=0.2, color='k')
ax.plot(xs=df['T / K'], ys=df['xV_0 / mole frac.'], zs=df['pL / Pa']/1e6,
dashes=[2,2], color=line.get_color(), lw=0.2)
elap = timeit.default_timer()-tic
ax.view_init(elev=10., azim=130)
ax.set(xlabel='$T$ / K', ylabel='$x_1$ / mole frac.', zlabel='$p$ / MPa')
fig.text(0,0,f'time: {elap:0.1f} s', ha='left', va='bottom', fontsize=7)
fig.text(1,0,f'teqp: {teqp.__version__}', ha='right', va='bottom', fontsize=7)

import timeit
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'classic')
import pandas
import teqp
def get_critical_curve(ipure):
""" Return curve as pandas DataFrame """
names = ['Nitrogen', 'Ethane']
model = teqp.build_multifluid_model(names, teqp.get_datapath())
T0 = model.get_Tcvec()[ipure]
rho0 = np.array([1.0/model.get_vcvec()[ipure]]*2)
rho0[1-ipure] = 0
o = teqp.TCABOptions()
o.init_dt = 1.0 # step in the parameter
o.rel_err = 1e-8
o.abs_err = 1e-5
o.integration_order = 5
o.calc_stability = True
o.polish = True
curveJSON = model.trace_critical_arclength_binary(T0, rho0, '', o)
df = pandas.DataFrame(curveJSON)
rhotot = df['rho0 / mol/m^3']+df['rho1 / mol/m^3']
df['z0 / mole frac.'] = df['rho0 / mol/m^3']/rhotot
return df
if __name__ == '__main__':
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(7, 6))
tic = timeit.default_timer()
for ipure in [1,0]:
df = get_critical_curve(ipure)
first_unstable = np.argmax(~df['locally stable'])
df = df.iloc[0:(first_unstable if first_unstable else len(df))]
line, = plt.plot(df['T / K'], df['p / Pa']/1e6, '-')
plt.plot(df['T / K'].iloc[0], df['p / Pa'].iloc[0]/1e6, 'd',
elap = timeit.default_timer()-tic
plt.gca().set(xlabel='$T$ / K', ylabel='$p$ / MPa',
xlim=(100, 350), ylim=(1, 1e3))
plt.gcf().text(0,0,f'time: {elap:0.1f} s', ha='left', va='bottom', fontsize=7)
plt.gcf().text(1,0,f'teqp: {teqp.__version__}', ha='right', va='bottom', fontsize=7)