Using the SWID Validation Tool and API

Supports validating a SWID tag against the requirements defined by ISO/IEC 19770-2:2015, IETF CoSWID, and NIST Internal Report (NISTIR) 8060.

This project is implemented using the [Decima Framework][decima], which provides the validation capabilities used to perform the SWID tag validation.

The source can be found in the project’s Github repo.

Use as a Command Line Tool

The latest version of the tool binary can be downloaded from the NIST SWID Tag project page.

This tool provides an convenient way to check if a SWID or CoSWID tag is valid and provides the necessary information required by the standard and best practices.

Use as an API

To use SWIDVal can also be used as an Java API, add the following dependency to your POM:


The following is an example of using the SWIDVal API:

// Load the document to assess; the factory can be reused
DefaultXMLDocumentFactory documentFactory = new DefaultXMLDocumentFactory();
XMLDocument doc = documentFactory.load(new File("src/test/resources/other/authoritative.swidtag"));

SWIDAssessmentFactory factory = SWIDAssessmentFactory.getInstance();
factory.setResultDirectory(new File("schematron-results"));

// setup the assessment engine; the executor can be reused
AssessmentExecutor<XMLDocument> executor
    = factory.newAssessmentExecutor(TagType.PRIMARY, true, Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor());

// setup the result collector
AssessmentResultBuilder assessmentResultBuilder
    = SWIDAssessmentResultBuilderFactory.newAssessmentResultBuilder(TagType.PRIMARY, true);

// do the assessment
executor.execute(doc, assessmentResultBuilder);

// generate the results
AssessmentResults validationResult = assessmentResultBuilder.end().build(SWIDRequirementsManager.getInstance());

// Output the results
Collection<BaseRequirementResult> results = validationResult.getBaseRequirementResults();
for (BaseRequirementResult reqResult : results) {
  System.out.println(reqResult.getBaseRequirement().getId() + ": status=" + reqResult.getStatus());
  for (DerivedRequirementResult derResult : reqResult.getDerivedRequirementResults()) {
    System.out.println("  " + derResult.getDerivedRequirement().getId() + ": status=" + derResult.getStatus());
    for (TestResult asrResult : derResult.getTestResults()) {
      System.out.println("    status=" + asrResult.getStatus() + ", message=" + asrResult.getResultValues()
          + ", location=" + asrResult.getContext().getLine() + "," + asrResult.getContext().getColumn() + ", xpath="
          + ((XPathContext) asrResult.getContext()).getXPath());

The API documentation provides more details.