ssmdevices.electronics package

class ssmdevices.electronics.AcronamePropertyAdapter

Bases: KeyAdapterBase

get(device, key: tuple, trait=None)

Apply an instrument setting to the instrument. The value ``value’’ will be applied to the trait attriute ``attr’’ in type(self).

set(device, key: tuple, value, trait=None)

Apply an instrument setting to the instrument. The value ``value’’ will be applied to the trait attriute ``attr’’ in type(self).

class ssmdevices.electronics.AcronameUSBHub2x4(resource: str)

Bases: Device

A USB hub with control over each port.


Release control over the device.


Backend implementations overload this to open a backend connection to the resource.

class ssmdevices.electronics.SwiftNavPiksi(resource: str = None, *, timeout: float = 2, write_termination: bytes = b'\n', baud_rate: int = 1000000, parity: bytes = b'N', stopbits: 1 | 1.5 | 2 = 1, xonxoff: bool = False, rtscts: bool = False, dsrdtr: bool = False, poll_rate: float = 0.1, data_format: bytes = b'', stop_timeout: float = 0.5, max_queue_size: int = 100000)

Bases: SerialLoggingDevice