IES-City Framework Library
The following documents are working documents of the IES-City Framework
Videos || Workshop Presentations || Documents
IES-City Framework Release 1.0
This section contains the release documents for the IES-City Framework Release v1.0.
- IES-City Framework Release v1.0 20180930 (document)
- This is the release of the Internet of Things-Enabled Smart City Framework (IES-City Framework)
- IES-City Framework Application Framework Tool (document)
- IES-City Framework Application Framework Tool
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis Template (document)
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis Template
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPIAnalysis_Comparison (document)
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis Comparison
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: AWS (document)
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: AWS
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: CVRIA (document)
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: CVRIA
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: E015 (document)
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: E015
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: FIWARE (document)
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: FIWARE
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: oneM2M (document)
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: oneM2M
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: OpenIoT (document)
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: OpenIoT
Workshop Presentations
Austin Workshop June 15-16 2016
- Plenary Sessions at Austin Midpoint Workshop (Presentation)
- Plenary session slide deck with project overview and status of all working groups
- Application Framework Status Austin Workshop (Presentation)
- Status of the Application Working Group and subgroups at Austin midpoint workshop
- Consensus PPI Status Austin Workshop (Presentation)
- Status of the Consensus PPI Working Group at Austin midpoint workshop
- Deployed PPI Status Austin Workshop (Presentation)
- Status of the Deployed PPI Working Group at Austin midpoint workshop
ENEA Workshop April 14-15 2016
- Allesandro Bassi, Bassi Consulting (Presentation)
- Allesandro Bassi, An Internet of Things - Architecture Primer
- David Boswarthick, ETSI (Presentation)
- David Boswarthick, ETSI
- Jacques Vermeulen, Nokia (Presentation)
- Jacques Vermeulen, Nokia
- Jaeho Kim, MSIP (Presentation)
- Jaeho Kim, MSIP
- Juanjo Hierro, TelefonicaI+D, FIWARE (Presentation)
- Juanjo Hierro, TelefonicaI+D, FIWARE
- Marco Giolo, Almaviva S.p.A. (Presentation)
- Marco Giolo, Almaviva S.p.A.
- Martin Burns, NIST (Presentation)
- Martin Burns, NIST
- Omar Elloumi, Nokia Bell Labs (Presentation)
- Omar Elloumi, Nokia Bell Labs
- Saviour Alfino, BSI (Presentation)
- Saviour Alfino, BSI
NIST Workshop March 24-25 2016
- Introduction of IES-City Framework (Presentation)
- Welcome from Dr. David Wollman, NIST and the IES-City Framework Partners. Project followed by overview by Dr. Martin Burns
- Michal Koenig, Qualcomm (Presentation)
- Michal Koenig, Qualcomm
- Dan Hoffman, Montgomery County Maryland, USA (Presentation)
- Dan Hoffman, Montgomery County Maryland, USA
- David Jenkins, IBM (Presentation)
- David Jenkins, IBM
- James Aloisi (Remote) - City Protocol (Presentation)
- James Aloisi (Remote) - City Protocol
- Shi-Wan Lin (Remote) - Industrial Internet Consortium (Presentation)
- Shi-Wan Lin (Remote) - Industrial Internet Consortium
- Ramesh Peri, Intel (Presentation)
- Ramesh Peri, Intel
- Stephano de Panfilis, Engineering - Open and Agile Smart Cities (Presentation)
- Stephano de Panfilis, Engineering - Open and Agile Smart Cities
Other Documents
Framework Document Drafting
- IES-City Framework Draft for Review (document)
- IES-City Framework Draft for Review
- IES-City Framework Application Framework Tool (document)
- IES-City Framework Application Framework Tool
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis Template (document)
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis Template
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPIAnalysis_Comparison (document)
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis Comparison
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: AWS (document)
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: AWS
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: CVRIA (document)
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: CVRIA
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: E015 (document)
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: E015
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: FIWARE (document)
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: FIWARE
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: oneM2M (document)
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: oneM2M
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: OpenIoT (document)
- IES-City Framework ConsensusPPI Analysis: OpenIoT
- IES-City Framework February 8 Workshop Presentations (document)
- IES-City Framework February 8 Workshop Presentations
Videos From NIST and ENEA Kickoff Workshops
- IoT Enabled Smart City Framework, Day 3 Part 1
- Marty Burns, David Wollman, Partner Introductions and Comments, Vatsal Bhat, Eric Simmon, Dan Hoffman.
- IoT Enabled Smart City Framework, Day 3 Part 2
- Michael Koenig, Dan Hoffman, David Jenkins
- IoT Enabled Smart City Framework, Day 3 Part 2
- James Aloisi, Shi-Wan Lin, Ramesh Peri, Stephano de Panfilis
- Morning session - part I
- ENEA IES-City Framework KickoffMeeting: Morning session - part I
- Morning session - part II
- ENEA IES-City Framework KickoffMeeting: Morning session - part II
- Afternoon session - part I
- ENEA IES-City Framework KickoffMeeting: Afternoon session - part I
- Afternoon session - part II
- ENEA IES-City Framework KickoffMeeting: Afternoon session - part II
Checksums for the documents stored for this site can be found here