Application Framework
Workshop Webinars: phone:+1(408)650-3123;404083029#
Meetings: May 24 and June 7 at 8am EDT/2pm CEST
- Assimilate Smart City Application Frameworks (deployed and proposed)
- Capture the Breadth of Applications in Cities (exhaustive list, dynamic in nature)
- Provide a Framework to Measure Benefits that can be derived from these Applications (meeting the demand, better service delivery, need-based solutions, to drive behaviors in cities to accelerate innovation, enablers)
- Identify Metrics to Assess the Readiness of Cities to Absorb these Applications (accessibility, interoperability, decision maker can evaluate performance)
Guiding Principles
- Framework/Metrics: Commonly Understandable and Flexible (adaptable)
- Pilot Newly Developed Framework and Metrics in 5-6 Cities (diversity)
- A Framework to Measure Benefits that can be derived from Assimilated Applications (meeting the demand, better service delivery, need-based solutions, to drive behaviors in cities to accelerate innovation, enablers)
- A List of Metrics to Assess the Readiness of Cities to Absorb Smart City Applications (accessibility, interoperability, decision maker can evaluate performance)
- Outcomes of 5-6 City Pilots on Benefits Framework and Readiness Metrics
Major Milestones – Plan for Fall 2016
- Discuss first draft of frameworks/metrics for each subgroup: September 22 [Each group leader presents the first draft of the metrics for her/his subgroup, asks for collaboration/feedback on it, share the document with the partners]
- Identify a list of potential cities for pilot testing frameworks/metrics: September 22 (internal WG1 concall)
- Feedback about the presented documents have to be sent within September 29 (by email)
- Frameworks/metrics ready for all subgroups: October 6/ (external WG1 concall)
- Share almost final draft of each subgroup sections on Oct 15 and discuss it during an Internal Concall
- October 16 for final status check and last edits
- First Draft finalized: October 21 - to be ready for the face-to-face meeting in Washington DC on Oct 27
- Pilot test Frameworks/Metrics with cities: Nov/Dec (guided interviews online or in person)
Working Group Files
- DI210-006-v2-ApplicationFrameworks-IES-City-April15th.pptx (document)
- Discussion in working group at workshop
- MG224-015-v1-Outcomes_of_the_discussion_aboutWG1_in_Rome.docx (document)
- Notes from ENEA workshop
- NIST-IES-City-IntroductionToWG1-May6.pdf (document)
- Initial thoughts on each of three sub-workgroups for the Application Framework working group.