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Currently, it implements a simple alternating regression scheme (MCR-AR). The most common implementation is with ordinary least-squares regression, MCR-ALS. MCR with non-negativity constraints on both matrices is the same as nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF). Historically, other names were used for MCR as well: - Self modeling mixture analysis (SMMA) - Self modeling curve resolution (SMCR) Documentation ------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: User Docs installing usage license_link .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Developer Docs contribute_link license_link api modules Available methods ----------------- - Regressors: - `Ordinary least squares `_ (default) - `Non-negatively constrained least squares `_ - Native support for `scikit-learn linear model regressors `_ (e.g., `LinearRegression `_, `RidgeRegression `_, `Lasso `_) - Constraints - Non-negativity - Normalization - Zero end-points - Zero (approx) end-points of cumulative summation (can specify nodes as well) - Non-negativity of cumulative summation - Compress or cut values above or below a threshold value - Replace sum-across-features samples (e.g., 0 concentration) with prescribed target - Enforce a plane ("planarize"). E.g., a concentration image is a plane. - Error metrics / Loss function - Mean-squared error - Other options - Fix known targets (C and/or ST, and let others vary) Software Design Philosophy -------------------------- What it **does** do: - Approximate the concentration and spectral matrices via minimization routines. This is the core the MCR methods. - Enable the application of certain constraints in a user-defined order. What it **does not** do: - Estimate the number of components in the sample (though some tools tools may be provided in the future). This is a bonus feature in some more-advanced MCR-ALS packages. - In MATLAB: https://mcrals.wordpress.com/ - In R: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ALS/index.html Logging ------- **New in pyMCR 0.3.1**, Python's native logging module is now used to capture messages. Though this is not as convenient as print() statements, it has many advantages. - Logging module docs: https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/logging.html - Logging tutorial: https://docs.python.org/3.7/howto/logging.html#logging-basic-tutorial - Logging cookbook: https://docs.python.org/3.7/howto/logging-cookbook.html#logging-cookbook A simple example that prints simplified logging messages to the stdout (command line): .. code:: python import sys import logging # Need to import pymcr or mcr prior to setting up the logger from pymcr.mcr import McrAR logger = logging.getLogger('pymcr') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # StdOut is a "stream"; thus, StreamHandler stdout_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) # Set the message format. Simple and removing log level or date info stdout_format = logging.Formatter('%(message)s') # Just a basic message akin to print statements stdout_handler.setFormatter(stdout_format) logger.addHandler(stdout_handler) # Begin your code for pyMCR below Basic Usage ----------- See also :doc:`usage`. .. code:: python from pymcr.mcr import McrAR mcrar = McrAR() # MCR assumes a system of the form: D = CS^T # # Data that you will provide (hyperspectral context): # D [n_pixels, n_frequencies] # Hyperspectral image unraveled in space (2D) # # initial_spectra [n_components, n_frequencies] ## S^T in the literature # OR # initial_conc [n_pixels, n_components] ## C in the literature # If you have an initial estimate of the spectra mcrar.fit(D, ST=initial_spectra) # Otherwise, if you have an initial estimate of the concentrations mcrar.fit(D, C=initial_conc) Example Results ---------------- Command line and Jupyter notebook examples are provided in the ``Examples/`` folder. From ``Examples/Demo.ipynb``: .. image:: ./_static/mcr_spectra_retr.png .. image:: ./_static/mcr_conc_retr.png Citing this Software -------------------- If you use *pyMCR*, citing the following article is much appreciated: - `C. H. Camp Jr., "pyMCR: A Python Library for Multivariate Curve Resolution Analysis with Alternating Regression (MCR-AR)", Journal of Research of National Institute of Standards and Technology 124, 1-10 (2019) `_. References ---------- - `W. H. Lawton and E. A. Sylvestre, "Self Modeling Curve Resolution", Technometrics 13, 617–633 (1971). `_ - https://mcrals.wordpress.com/theory/ - `J. Jaumot, R. Gargallo, A. de Juan, and R. Tauler, "A graphical user-friendly interface for MCR-ALS: a new tool for multivariate curve resolution in MATLAB", Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 76, 101-110 (2005). `_ - `J. Felten, H. Hall, J. Jaumot, R. Tauler, A. de Juan, and A. Gorzsás, "Vibrational spectroscopic image analysis of biological material using multivariate curve resolution–alternating least squares (MCR-ALS)", Nature Protocols 10, 217-240 (2015). `_ Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`