Source code for pymcr.constraints
Built-in constraints
All classes need a transform class. Note, unlike sklearn, transform can copy
or overwrite input depending on copy attribute.
from abc import (ABC as _ABC, abstractmethod as _abstractmethod)
import numpy as _np
__all__ = ['Constraint', 'ConstraintNonneg', 'ConstraintCumsumNonneg',
'ConstraintZeroEndPoints', 'ConstraintZeroCumSumEndPoints',
'ConstraintNorm', 'ConstraintCutBelow', 'ConstraintCutAbove',
'ConstraintCompressBelow', 'ConstraintCutAbove',
'ConstraintCompressAbove', 'ConstraintReplaceZeros',
[docs]class Constraint(_ABC):
""" Abstract class for constraints
copy : bool
Make copy of input data, A; otherwise, overwrite (if mutable)
def __init__(self, copy=True):
self.copy = copy
[docs]class ConstraintNonneg(Constraint):
Non-negativity constraint. All negative entries made 0.
copy : bool
Make copy of input data, A; otherwise, overwrite (if mutable)
def __init__(self, copy=False):
""" A must be non-negative"""
[docs] def transform(self, A):
""" Apply nonnegative constraint"""
if self.copy:
return A*(A > 0)
A *= (A > 0)
return A
[docs]class ConstraintCumsumNonneg(Constraint):
Cumulative-Summation non-negativity constraint. All negative
entries made 0.
copy : bool
Make copy of input data, A; otherwise, overwrite (if mutable)
def __init__(self, axis=-1, copy=False):
""" A must be non-negative"""
self.axis = axis
[docs] def transform(self, A):
""" Apply cumsum nonnegative constraint"""
if self.copy:
return A*(_np.cumsum(A, self.axis) > 0)
A *= (_np.cumsum(A, self.axis) > 0)
return A
[docs]class ConstraintZeroEndPoints(Constraint):
Enforce the endpoints (or the mean over a range) is zero
copy : bool
Make copy of input data, A; otherwise, overwrite (if mutable)
axis : int
Axis to operate on
span : int
Number of pixels along the ends to average.
def __init__(self, axis=-1, span=1, copy=False):
""" A must be non-negative"""
if [0, 1, -1].count(axis) != 1:
raise TypeError('Axis must be 0, 1, or -1')
self.axis = axis
self.span = span
[docs] def transform(self, A):
""" Apply cumsum nonnegative constraint"""
pix_vec = _np.arange(A.shape[self.axis])
if (self.axis == 0):
if self.span == 1:
slope = (A[-1, :] - A[0, :]) / (pix_vec[-1] - pix_vec[0])
intercept = A[0, :]
slope = ((A[-self.span:, :].mean(axis=0) -
A[:self.span, :].mean(axis=0)) /
(pix_vec[-self.span:].mean() -
intercept = (A[:self.span, :] -[:self.span, None],
slope[None, :])).mean(axis=0)
if self.copy:
return A -[:, None],
slope[None, :]) - intercept[None, :]
A -= ([:, None],
slope[None, :]) + intercept[None, :])
return A
if self.span == 1:
slope = (A[:, -1] - A[:, 0]) / (pix_vec[-1] - pix_vec[0])
intercept = A[:, 0]
slope = ((A[:, -self.span:].mean(axis=1) -
A[:, :self.span].mean(axis=1)) /
(pix_vec[-self.span:].mean() -
intercept = (A[:, :self.span] -[:, None],
pix_vec[None, :self.span])).mean(axis=1)
if self.copy:
return A -[:, None],
pix_vec[None, :]) - intercept[:, None]
A -= ([:, None],
pix_vec[None, :]) + intercept[:, None])
return A
[docs]class ConstraintZeroCumSumEndPoints(Constraint):
Enforce the endpoints of the cumsum (or the mean over a range) is
near-zero. Note: this is an approximation.
copy : bool
Make copy of input data, A; otherwise, overwrite (if mutable)
nodes : list of int
In addition to end-points, other points to ensure are approximately 0
axis : int
Axis to operate on
span : int
Number of pixels along the ends to average.
def __init__(self, nodes=None, axis=-1, copy=False):
""" A must be non-negative"""
self.nodes = nodes
if [0, 1, -1].count(axis) != 1:
raise TypeError('Axis must be 0, 1, or -1')
self.axis = axis
[docs] def transform(self, A):
""" Apply cumsum nonnegative constraint"""
meaner = A.mean(self.axis)
if self.nodes:
self.nodes = set(self.nodes)
self.nodes.update({0, A.shape[self.axis]})
self.nodes = list(self.nodes)
if (self.axis == 0):
if self.copy:
temp = 1.0*A
for num in range(len(self.nodes) - 1):
n0 = self.nodes[num]
n1 = self.nodes[num+1]
temp[n0:n1, :] -= temp[n0:n1, :].mean(self.axis)[None, :]
return temp
for num in range(len(self.nodes) - 1):
n0 = self.nodes[num]
n1 = self.nodes[num+1]
A[n0:n1, :] -= A[n0:n1, :].mean(self.axis)[None, :]
return A
if self.copy:
temp = 1.0*A
for num in range(len(self.nodes) - 1):
n0 = self.nodes[num]
n1 = self.nodes[num+1]
temp[:, n0:n1] -= temp[:, n0:n1].mean(self.axis)[:, None]
return temp
for num in range(len(self.nodes) - 1):
n0 = self.nodes[num]
n1 = self.nodes[num+1]
A[:, n0:n1] -= A[:, n0:n1].mean(self.axis)[:, None]
return A
if (self.axis == 0):
if self.copy:
return A - meaner[None, :]
A -= meaner[None, :]
return A
if self.copy:
return A - meaner[:, None]
A -= meaner[:, None]
return A
[docs]class ConstraintNorm(Constraint):
Normalization constraint.
axis : int
Which axis of input matrix A to apply normalization acorss.
fix : list
Keep fix-axes as-is and normalize the remaining axes based on the
residual of the fixed axes.
set_zeros_to_feature : int
Set all samples which sum-to-zero across axis to 1 for a particular
feature (See Notes)
copy : bool
Make copy of input data, A; otherwise, overwrite (if mutable)
- For set_zeros_to_feature, assuming the data represents concentration
with a matrix [n_samples, n_features] and the axis is across the
features, for every sample that sums to 0 across axis, would be
replaced with a vector [n_features] of zeros except at
set_zeros_to_feature, which would equal 1. I.e., this pixel is
now pure substance of index value set_zeros_to_feature.
def __init__(self, axis=-1, fix=None, copy=False):
"""Normalize along axis"""
if fix is None:
self.fix = fix
elif isinstance(fix, int):
self.fix = [fix]
elif isinstance(fix, (list, tuple)):
self.fix = fix
elif isinstance(fix, _np.ndarray):
if _np.issubdtype(fix.dtype, _np.integer):
self.fix = fix.tolist()
raise TypeError('ndarrays must be of dtype int')
raise TypeError('Parameter fix must be of type None, int, list,',
'tuple, ndarray')
if not ((axis == 0) | (axis == 1) | (axis == -1)):
raise ValueError('Axis must be 0,1, or -1')
self.axis = axis
[docs] def transform(self, A):
""" Apply normalization constraint """
if self.copy:
if self.axis == 0:
if not self.fix: # No fixed axes
return A / A.sum(axis=self.axis)[None, :]
else: # Fixed axes
fix_locs = self.fix
not_fix_locs = [v for v in _np.arange(A.shape[0]).tolist()
if self.fix.count(v) == 0]
scaler = _np.ones(A.shape)
div = A[not_fix_locs, :].sum(axis=0)[None, :]
div[div == 0] = 1
scaler[not_fix_locs, :] = ((1 - A[fix_locs, :].sum(axis=0)[None, :]) / div)
return A * scaler
else: # Axis = 1 / -1
if not self.fix: # No fixed axes
return A / A.sum(axis=self.axis)[:, None]
else: # Fixed axis
fix_locs = self.fix
not_fix_locs = [v for v in _np.arange(A.shape[-1]).tolist()
if self.fix.count(v) == 0]
scaler = _np.ones(A.shape)
div = A[:, not_fix_locs].sum(axis=-1)[:, None]
div[div == 0] = 1
scaler[:, not_fix_locs] = ((1 - A[:, fix_locs].sum(axis=-1)[:, None]) / div)
return A * scaler
else: # Overwrite original data
if A.dtype != _np.float:
raise TypeError('A.dtype must be float for',
'in-place math (copy=False)')
if self.axis == 0:
if not self.fix: # No fixed axes
A /= A.sum(axis=self.axis)[None, :]
return A
else: # Fixed axes
fix_locs = self.fix
not_fix_locs = [v for v in _np.arange(A.shape[0]).tolist()
if self.fix.count(v) == 0]
scaler = _np.ones(A.shape)
div = A[not_fix_locs, :].sum(axis=0)[None, :]
div[div == 0] = 1
scaler[not_fix_locs, :] = ((1 - A[fix_locs, :].sum(axis=0)[None, :]) / div)
A *= scaler
return A
else: # Axis = 1 / -1
if not self.fix: # No fixed axes
A /= A.sum(axis=self.axis)[:, None]
return A
else: # Fixed axis
fix_locs = self.fix
not_fix_locs = [v for v in _np.arange(A.shape[-1]).tolist()
if self.fix.count(v) == 0]
scaler = _np.ones(A.shape)
div = A[:, not_fix_locs].sum(axis=-1)[:, None]
div[div == 0] = 1
scaler[:, not_fix_locs] = ((1 - A[:, fix_locs].sum(axis=-1)[:, None]) / div)
A *= scaler
return A
[docs]class ConstraintReplaceZeros(Constraint):
Samples that sum-to-zero across axis are replaced with a vector of 0's except
for a 1 at feature if a single value. In a concentration context, e.g., samples with
no concentration are replaced with 100% concentration of a set feature. If multiple
features given, equal amounts of each feature (summing to 1) are used.
axis : int
Which axis of input matrix A to apply normalization acorss.
feature : int, list, tuple
Set all samples which sum-to-zero across axis to fval for a particular
feature (or fractional) for multiple features.
fval : float
Value of summation across axis of replacement vector.
copy : bool
Make copy of input data, A; otherwise, overwrite (if mutable)
def __init__(self, axis=-1, feature=None, fval=1, copy=False):
"""Replace sum-to-zero samples with new feature vector along axis"""
self.fval = fval
if feature is None:
self.feature = feature
elif isinstance(feature, int):
self.feature = [feature]
elif isinstance(feature, (list, tuple)):
self.feature = feature
elif isinstance(feature, _np.ndarray):
if _np.issubdtype(feature.dtype, _np.integer):
self.feature = feature.tolist()
raise TypeError('ndarrays must be of dtype int')
raise TypeError('Parameter feature must be of type None, int, list, tuple, ndarray')
if not ((axis == 0) | (axis == 1) | (axis == -1)):
raise ValueError('Axis must be 0,1, or -1')
self.axis = axis
[docs] def transform(self, A):
""" Apply constraint """
if self.feature:
replacement = _np.zeros(A.shape[self.axis])
replacement[self.feature] = self.fval
replacement /= replacement.sum()
replacement *= self.fval
if self.copy:
A_out = 1*A
if self.axis == 0:
A_out[:, A_out.sum(axis=0) == 0] = replacement[:, None]
else: # Axis 1 / -1
A_out[A_out.sum(axis=-1) == 0] = replacement
return A_out
if self.axis == 0:
A[:, A.sum(axis=0) == 0] = replacement[:, None]
else: # Axis 1 / -1
A[A.sum(axis=-1) == 0] = replacement
return A
return A
class _CutExclude(Constraint):
Parent class for methods that cut and can exclude
value : float
Cutoff value
axis_sumnz : int
If not None, cut below value only applied where sum across specified
axis does not go to 0, i.e. all values cut.
exclude : int, list , tuple, ndarray
Exclude targets
exclude_axis : int
Along which axis to enumerate targets
copy : bool
Make copy of input data, A; otherwise, overwrite (if mutable)
def __init__(self, value=0, axis_sumnz=None, exclude=None,
exclude_axis=-1, copy=False):
""" """
self.value = value
self.axis = axis_sumnz
self.exclude = exclude
self.exclude_axis = exclude_axis
self._excl_mat = None
def _make_excl_mat(self, A_shape):
X, Y = _np.meshgrid(_np.arange(A_shape[1]), _np.arange(A_shape[0]))
if self.exclude is None:
self._excl_mat = _np.zeros(X.shape, dtype=_np.bool)
if self.exclude_axis == 0:
self._excl_mat = _np.in1d(Y.ravel(), self.exclude).reshape(Y.shape)
self._excl_mat = _np.in1d(X.ravel(), self.exclude).reshape(X.shape)
[docs]class ConstraintCutBelow(_CutExclude):
Cut values below (and not-equal to) a certain threshold.
value : float
Cutoff value
axis_sumnz : int
If not None, cut below value only applied where sum across specified
axis does not go to 0, i.e. all values cut.
exclude : int, list , tuple, ndarray
Exclude targets
exclude_axis : int
Along which axis to enumerate targets
copy : bool
Make copy of input data, A; otherwise, overwrite (if mutable)
def __init__(self, value=0, axis_sumnz=None, exclude=None, exclude_axis=-1, copy=False):
""" Initialize """
super().__init__(value=value, axis_sumnz=axis_sumnz, exclude=exclude,
exclude_axis=exclude_axis, copy=copy)
[docs] def transform(self, A):
""" Apply cut-below value constraint"""
if self._excl_mat is None:
if self.axis is None:
if self.copy:
return A*((A >= self.value) | self._excl_mat)
A *= ((A >= self.value) | self._excl_mat)
return A
if self.copy:
return A*(_np.alltrue(A < self.value, axis=self.axis, keepdims=True) +
(A >= self.value) + self._excl_mat)
A *= (_np.alltrue(A < self.value, axis=self.axis, keepdims=True) +
(A >= self.value) + self._excl_mat)
return A
[docs]class ConstraintCompressBelow(Constraint):
Compress values below (and not-equal to) a certain threshold (set to value)
value : float
Cutoff value
copy : bool
Make copy of input data, A; otherwise, overwrite (if mutable)
def __init__(self, value=0, copy=False):
""" """
self.value = value
[docs] def transform(self, A):
""" Apply compress-below value constraint"""
if self.copy:
return A*(A >= self.value) + self.value*(A < self.value)
temp = self.value*(A < self.value)
A *= (A >= self.value)
A += temp
return A
[docs]class ConstraintCutAbove(_CutExclude):
Cut values above (and not-equal to) a certain threshold
value : float
Cutoff value
axis_sumnz : int
If not None, cut above value only applied where sum across specified
axis does not go to 0, i.e. all values cut.
exclude : int, list , tuple, ndarray
Exclude targets
exclude_axis : int
Along which axis to enumerate targets
copy : bool
Make copy of input data, A; otherwise, overwrite (if mutable)
def __init__(self, value=0, axis_sumnz=None, exclude=None, exclude_axis=-1, copy=False):
""" """
super().__init__(value=value, axis_sumnz=axis_sumnz, exclude=exclude,
exclude_axis=exclude_axis, copy=copy)
[docs] def transform(self, A):
""" Apply cut-above value constraint"""
if self._excl_mat is None:
if self.axis is None:
if self.copy:
return A*((A <= self.value) | self._excl_mat)
A *= ((A <= self.value) | self._excl_mat)
return A
if self.copy:
return A*(_np.alltrue(A > self.value, axis=self.axis, keepdims=True) +
(A <= self.value) + self._excl_mat)
A *= (_np.alltrue(A > self.value, axis=self.axis, keepdims=True) +
(A <= self.value) + self._excl_mat)
return A
[docs]class ConstraintCompressAbove(Constraint):
Compress values above (and not-equal to) a certain threshold (set to value)
value : float
Cutoff value
copy : bool
Make copy of input data, A; otherwise, overwrite (if mutable)
def __init__(self, value=0, copy=False):
""" """
self.value = value
[docs] def transform(self, A):
""" Apply compress-above value constraint"""
if self.copy:
return A*(A <= self.value) + self.value*(A > self.value)
temp = self.value*(A > self.value)
A *= (A <= self.value)
A += temp
return A
[docs]class ConstraintPlanarize(Constraint):
Set a particular target to a plane
target : int, list, tuple
Target numbers to set to a fitted plane
shape : tuple, list
Shape of array (M,N) which is (Y,X)
use_vals_above : float
Only calculate based on values above (not including)
use_vals_below : float
Only calculate based on values below (not including)
lims_to_plane : bool
The returned plane will be limited to the range of the optionally supplied
use_vals_below, use_vals above.
scaler : float
A large value that is much bigger than any values in the input array.
Needed to ensure SVD properly creates plane. If None, auto-calculates.
recalc_scaler : bool
Auto-calculate for every new input (does not use previously provided or
calculated value)
copy : bool
Make copy of input data, A; otherwise, overwrite (if mutable)
- This uses an SVD to calculate the vector normal to the plane that fits the input data. It
assumes that the 3rd singular vector is the normal; thus, the x and y vectors for the data need
be larger than the variance of the input data. Scaler enables this by scaling the auto-generated
x and y vectors to be much larger than the max-min of the input data
def __init__(self, target, shape, use_vals_above=None, use_vals_below=None,
lims_to_plane=True, scaler=None, recalc_scaler=False, copy=False):
if isinstance(target, int): = [target]
elif isinstance(target, (list, tuple, _np.ndarray)): = target
raise TypeError('target must be an int, list, 2D ndarray, or tuple')
self.shape = shape
self.copy = copy
self.scaler = scaler
self.recalc = recalc_scaler
self.use_above = use_vals_above
self.use_below = use_vals_below
self.lims_to_plane = lims_to_plane
self._x = None
self._y = None
self._X = None
self._Y = None
if scaler is not None:
[docs] def _setup_xy(self, scaler):
self.scaler = scaler
self._x = scaler*_np.arange(self.shape[1], dtype=_np.float)
self._y = scaler*_np.arange(self.shape[0], dtype=_np.float)
self._X, self._Y = _np.meshgrid(self._x, self._y)
self._X = self._X.ravel()
self._Y = self._Y.ravel()
[docs] def transform(self, A):
""" Set targets, t, to fit planes """
if (self.scaler is None) | (self.recalc):
self._setup_xy(1e3 * _np.abs(A.max() - A.min()))
if self.copy:
A2 = 1*A
for t in
X2 = 1*self._X
Y2 = 1*self._Y
Z2 = 1*A[:, t]
Stack = _np.vstack((X2, Y2, Z2))
if self.use_above is not None:
X2 = X2[Z2 > self.use_above]
Y2 = Y2[Z2 > self.use_above]
Z2 = Z2[Z2 > self.use_above]
Stack = _np.vstack((X2, Y2, Z2))
if self.use_below is not None:
X2 = X2[Z2 < self.use_below]
Y2 = Y2[Z2 < self.use_below]
Z2 = Z2[Z2 < self.use_below]
Stack = _np.vstack((X2, Y2, Z2))
Stack = Stack - Stack.mean(axis=-1)[:, None]
U, s, Vh = _np.linalg.svd(Stack, full_matrices=False)
norm_to_plane = 1*U[:, -1]
plane = (((-norm_to_plane[0] * (self._X - X2.mean())) -
(norm_to_plane[1] * (self._Y - Y2.mean()))) /
norm_to_plane[2]) + Z2.mean()
if self.lims_to_plane:
if self.use_above is not None:
plane[plane < self.use_above] = self.use_above
if self.use_below is not None:
plane[plane > self.use_below] = self.use_below
if not self.copy:
A[:, t] = plane
A2[:, t] = plane
if self.copy:
return A2
return A
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover
A = _np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 5, 6, 7], [7, 8, 9, 10]]).astype(_np.float)
A_transform = _np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]).astype(_np.float)
constr = ConstraintCutAbove(copy=True, value=4)
out = constr.transform(A)
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose as _assert_allclose
_assert_allclose(out, A_transform)