1 Participation Information

1.1 Names

Information in this section is provided by the participant.

  • Participant Name: ROC
  • PFT III Identifier: roc+0005
  • PFT III API Version: 1.1.0

  • Feature Extractor:
    • Marketing Name: ROC SDK v3.2.0
  • Template Matcher:
    • Marketing Name: ROC SDK v3.2.0

1.2 Dates

  • Application Date: 17 June 2024
  • First Submission Date: 14 June 2024 (as version 0004)
  • Final Submission Date: 20 June 2024 (as version 0005)
  • Validation Date: 20 June 2024
  • Completion Date: 21 June 2024

1.3 Libraries

Testing completed using Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS.

Table 1.1: Information regarding library and configuration files provided as part of roc+0005.
Filename MD5 Checksum Size
libicutu.so.66 e52a996730797512d6bdbda16e38b111 220 kB
libicuuc.so.66 847a1dc2d266d158449beb5b4229ba45 2 MB
libroc.so.3.2.0 37f1fad014b9153c549660ebf6239022 47 MB
libicuio.so.66 d8b76e7ef55aa79a367725beeb1e82a9 60 kB
libQt5Concurrent.so.5.14 47ce700bc77c3e88816b4dc51327a65c 31 kB
libicudata.so.66 2236674edbe8efc94f2f681a6e373cdb 28 MB
libpftiii_roc_0005.so df7a8ee15a6a1aecd247f71c0b0d130b 31 kB
libicui18n.so.66 053f6f9d58e59a75509e4bf5e2c21f96 3 MB
libicutest.so.66 b5e76b46ddafa3671ac90bbe8fa8d240 82 kB
libQt5Core.so.5 56beb55e6c63caf0b622281eb7efca2e 7 MB
libQt5Concurrent.so.5.14.2 47ce700bc77c3e88816b4dc51327a65c 31 kB
libQt5Core.so 56beb55e6c63caf0b622281eb7efca2e 7 MB
libQt5Network.so.5 04318595fd24ee8a5c1b0d4eb5aee838 2 MB
libQt5Network.so.5.14 04318595fd24ee8a5c1b0d4eb5aee838 2 MB
libicutu.so.66.1 e52a996730797512d6bdbda16e38b111 220 kB
libicudata.so.66.1 2236674edbe8efc94f2f681a6e373cdb 28 MB
libQt5Network.so 04318595fd24ee8a5c1b0d4eb5aee838 2 MB
libQt5Core.so.5.14 56beb55e6c63caf0b622281eb7efca2e 7 MB
libQt5Core.so.5.14.2 56beb55e6c63caf0b622281eb7efca2e 7 MB
libQt5Concurrent.so.5 47ce700bc77c3e88816b4dc51327a65c 31 kB
libicuuc.so.66.1 847a1dc2d266d158449beb5b4229ba45 2 MB
libicutest.so.66.1 b5e76b46ddafa3671ac90bbe8fa8d240 82 kB
libicui18n.so.66.1 053f6f9d58e59a75509e4bf5e2c21f96 3 MB
libroc.so.3.2 37f1fad014b9153c549660ebf6239022 47 MB
libQt5Network.so.5.14.2 04318595fd24ee8a5c1b0d4eb5aee838 2 MB
libroc.so 37f1fad014b9153c549660ebf6239022 47 MB
libicuio.so.66.1 d8b76e7ef55aa79a367725beeb1e82a9 60 kB
libQt5Concurrent.so 47ce700bc77c3e88816b4dc51327a65c 31 kB
libroc_fingerprint_representation.so c285ebed60c43bb784e64fc794410683 117 MB
ROC.lic ed6ac4b5e0692079b5d68a3fd7263049 584 B
libroc_fingerprint_representation.so.3.2 c285ebed60c43bb784e64fc794410683 117 MB