A Python module for both rendering and submitting PFHub phase-field benchmark results using Jupyter, Pandas and Plotly.
To view benchmark results go to the live website at
Using Pip¶
First install a Python environment manager such as Micromamba and ensure Pip is available. To install the PFHub CLI use,
$ pip install git+
Using Nix¶
First install the Nix package manager and then enable Flakes. To install the PFHub CLI use,
$ nix shell github:usnistgov/pfhub-cli
for just the command line tool or
$ nix develop github:usnistgov/pfhub-cli
to generate an environment with Python and Jupyter available. See the Nix section of the development guide to get more help starting out with Nix.
To test that the PFHub CLI is installed correctly use
$ pfhub test
A single test will fail if ZENODO_SANDBOX_API_TOKEN
is not set, see
the development guide.
Submit a benchmark result¶
Under construction.
Contributions are welcome. See the development guide to get started.
See the NIST license
If you need to cite the PFHub CLI, please see CITATION.cff and cite it as follows:
Wheeler, D., Keller, T., DeWitt, S. J., Jokisaari, A. M., Schwen, D., Guyer, J. E., Aagesen, L. K., Heinonen, O. G., Tonks, M. R., Voorhees, P. W., Warren, J. A. (2019). PFHub: The Phase-Field Community Hub. Journal of Open Research Software, 7(1), 29. DOI: