Data Generation and Curation#
Trevor Keller, NIST, @tkphd
Daniel Wheeler, NIST, @wd15
Damien Pinto, McGill, @DamienPinto
Phase-field models are characterized by a form of PDE related to an Eulerian free boundary problem and defined by a diffuse interface. Phase-field models for practical applications require sufficient high fidelity to resolve both the macro length scale related to the application and the micro length scales associated with the free boundary. Performing a useful phase-field simulation requires extensive computational resources and can generate large volumes of raw field data. This data consists of field variables defined throughout a discretized domain or an interpolation function with many Gauss points. Typically, data is stored at sufficient temporal frequency to reconstruct the evolution of the field variables.
In recent years there have been efforts to embed phase-field models into integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) based materials design workflows [TLL22]. However, to leverage relevant phase-field resources for these workflows a systematic approach is required for archiving and accessing data. Furthermore, it is often difficult for downstream researchers to find and access raw or minimally processed data from phase-field studies, before the post-processing steps and final publication. In this document, we will provide motivation, guidance and a template for packaging and publishing findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) data from phase-field studies as well as managing unpublished raw data [WDA+16]. Following the protocols outlined in this guide will provide downstream researchers with an enhanced capability to use phase-field as part of larger ICME workflows and, in particular, data intensive usages such as AI surrogate models. This guide serves as a primer rather than a detailed reference on scientific data, aiming to stimulate thought and ensure that phase-field practitioners are aware of the key considerations before initiating a phase-field study.
It is beneficial for the reader to be clear regarding the main concepts of FAIR data management when applied to phase-field studies. Broadly speaking, FAIR data management encompasses the curation of simulation workflows (including the software, data inputs and data outputs) for subsequent researchers or even machine agents. FAIR data concepts for simulation workflows have been well explained elsewhere, see [WAB+24]. A scientific workflow is generally conceptualized as a graph of connected actions with various inputs and outputs. Some of the nodes in a workflow may not be entirely automated and require human agent inputs, which can increase the complexity of workflow curation. Workflow nodes include the pre and post-processing steps for phase-field simulation workflows. In this guide, the raw and post-processed data is considered to be distinct from the metadata, which describes the simulation, associated workflow and data files. The raw data is generated by the simulation as it is running and often consists of temporal field data. The post-processed data consists of derived quantities and images generated using the raw data. The software or software application used to perform the simulation generally refers to a particular phase-field code, which is part of the larger computational environment. The code might also refer to the software, but the distinction is that the code may have been modified by the researcher and might include input files to the software application. Although the code can be considered as data in the larger sense, in this work, the data curation process excludes consideration of code curation, which involves its own distinct practices. See the Software Development section of the best practices guide for a more detailed discussion of software and code curation.
--- title: A Phase-Field Workflow --- flowchart TD id1@{ shape: lean-r, label: "Input Files", fill: #f96 } id1.2@{ shape: lean-r, label: "Parameters" } id1.1@{ shape: lean-r, label: "Code" } id2@{ shape: lean-r, label: "Computational Environment" } id2.5@{ shape: rect, label: "Pre-processing, (e.g. CALPHAD or Meshing)" } id2.7@{ shape: bow-rect, label: "Pre-processed Data" } id3[Phase-Field Simulation] id3.5@{ shape: bow-rect, label: "Scratch Data" } id4@{ shape: bow-rect, label: "Raw Field Data" } id5@{ shape: rect, label: "Post-processing (e.g. Data Visualization)" } id6@{ shape: bow-rect, label: "Post-processed Data" } id7@{ shape: lin-cyl, label: "Data Repository" } id8@{ shape: bow-rect, label: "Metadata" } id1.2-->id1 id1-->id2.5 id1-->id5 id2.5-->id2.7-->id3 id1-->id3 id1.1-->id3 id2-->id3 id3-->id4-->id5-->id6 id3-->id3.5-->id3 id2-->id2.5 id2-->id5 id6--Curation-->id7 id4--Curation-->id7 id8--Curation-->id7 id1.2-->id8 id1.1-->id8 id1-->id8 id2-->id8
Data Generation#
Let’s first draw the distinction between data generation and data curation. Data generation involves writing raw data to disk during the simulation execution and generating post-processed data from that raw data. Data curation involves packaging the generated data objects from a phase-field workflow or study along with sufficient provenance metadata into a FAIR research object for consumption by subsequent scientific studies.
When performing a phase-field simulation, one must be cognizant of several factors pertaining to data generation. Generally speaking, the considerations can be defined as follow.
Writing raw data to disk
File formats
Recovering from crashes and restarts
Using workflow tools
High performance computing (HPC) environments and parallel writes
These considerations will be outlined below.
Writing raw data to disk#
Selecting the appropriate data to write to disk during the simulation largely depends on the requirements such as post-processing or debugging. However, it is good practice to consider future uses of the data that might not be of immediate benefit to the research study. Lack of forethought in retaining data could hinder the data curation of the final research object. The data generation process should be considered independently from restarts, which is discussed in a subsequent section. In general, the data required to reconstruct derived quantities or the evolution of field data will not be the same as the data required to restart a simulation.
On many HPC systems writing to disk frequently can be expensive and intermittently stall a simulation due to a number off factors such as I/O contention, see the HPC section below. Generally, when writing data it is best to use single large writes to disk as opposed to multiple small writes especially on shared file systems (i.e. “perform more write bytes per write function call” [PFM+20]). In practice this could involve caching multiple field variables across multiple save steps and then writing to disk as a single data blob in an HDF5 file for example. Caching and chunking data writes is a trade-off between IO efficiency, data loss due to jobs crashing, simulation performance, memory usage and communication overhead for parallel jobs. Overall, it is essential that the IO part of a code is well profiled using different write configurations. The replicability of writes should also be tested by checking the hash of data files while varying parallel configurations, write frequencies and data chunking strategies. I/O performance can be a major bottleneck for larger parallel simulations, but there are tools to help characterize I/O, see [ABW+24] for a thorough overview.
File formats#
As a general rule it is best to choose file formats that work with the tools already in use and / or that your colleagues are using. There are other considerations to be aware of though. Human readable formats such as CSV, JSON or even YAML are often useful for small medium data sets (such as derived quantities) as some metadata can be embedded alongside the raw data resulting in a FAIRer data product than standard binary formats. Some binary file formats also support metadata and might be more useful for final data curation of a phase-field study even if not used during the research process. One main benefit of using binary data (beyond saving disk space) is the ability to preserve full precision for floating point numbers. See the Working with Data section of the Python for Scientific Computing document for a comparison of binary versus text based formats. The longevity of file formats should be considered as well. A particularly egregious case of ignoring longevity would be using the Pickle file format in Python, which is both language dependent and code dependent. It is an example of data serialization, which is used mainly for in-process data storage for asynchronous tasks and checkpointing, but not good for long term data storage.
There are many binary formats used for storing field data based on an Eulerian mesh or grid. Common formats for field data are NetCDF, VTK, XDMF and EXODUS. Within the phase-field community, VTK seems to be the mostly widely used. VTK is actually a visualization library, but supports a number of different native file formats based on both XML and HDF5 (both non-binary and binary). The VTK library works well with FE simulations supporting many different element types as well as parallel data storage for domain decomposition. See the XML file formats documentation for VTK for an overview of the many different file extensions and their meanings. In contrast to VTK, NetCDF is more geared towards gridded data having arisen from atmospheric research (using finite difference grids rather than finite element meshes). For a comparison of performance and metrics for different file types see the MeshIO
The MeshIO tool [Sch] is a good place to start for IO when writing
custom phase-field codes in Python (or Julia using pyimport
). MeshIO is also
a good place to start for exploring, debugging or picking apart file data in an
interactive Python environment. Debugging data can be much more difficult with
GUI style data viewers such as Paraview. The scientific Python ecosystem is
very rich with tools for data manipulation and storage such as Pandas, which
supports table data storage in many different formats, and xarray
[HJ17] for higher dimensional data storage. xarray supports NetCDF
file storage, which includes coordinate systems and metadata in
HDF5. Both Pandas and xarray can be used in a parallel or a distributed manner
in conjunction with Dask. Dask along with xarray supports writing to the Zarr
data format which supports out-of-memory operations.
Recovering from crashes and restarts#
A study from 2020 of HPC systems calculated the success rate (I.e. no error code on completion) of multi-node jobs with non-shared memory at between 60% and 70% [KJM+20]. Needless to say that check-pointing is absolutely required for any jobs of more than a day. Nearly everyday, an HPC platform will experience some sort of failure [BPRS22], [ARVZ14]. That doesn’t mean that every job will fail every day, but it would be optimistic to think that jobs will go beyond a week without some issues. Given the failure rate one can estimate how long it might take to run a job without check-pointing. A very rough estimate for expected completion time assuming instantaneous restarts and no queuing time is given by,
where \(T\) is the nominal job completion time with no failures and \(\mu\) is the mean time to failure. The formula predicts an expected time of 3.8 days for a job that nominally runs for 3 days with a \(\mu\) of one week. The formula is of course a gross simplification and includes many assumptions that are invalid in practice (such as a uniform failure distribution), but regardless of the assumptions the exponential time increase without check-pointing is inescapable. Assuming that we’re agreed on the need for checkpoints, the next step is to decide on the optimal time interval between checkpoints. This is given by the well known Young/Daly formula,
where \(C\) is the wall time required to execute the code associated with a checkpoint [BDH+22], [BGBD+24]. The Young/Daly formula accounts for the trade off between the start up time cost for a job to get back to its original point of failure and the cost associated with writing the checkpoint to disk. For example, with a weekly failure rate and \(C=6\) minutes the optimal write frequency is 5.8 hours. In practice these estimates for \(\mu\) and \(C\) might be a little pessimistic, but be aware of the trade off [BPRS22]. Note that some HPC systems have upper bounds on run times. The Texas Advanced Computing Center has an upper bound of 7 days for most jobs so \(\mu<7\) days regardless of other system failures.
Given the above theory, what are some practical conclusions to draw?
Take some time to estimate both \(\mu\) and \(C\). It might be worth discussing the \(\mu\) value with the HPC cluster administrator to get some valid numbers. Of course \(C\) can be estimated by running test jobs. Estimating these values can be difficult due to HPC cluster volatility, but it’s good to know if you should be checkpointing every day or every hour or even never checkpointing at all in the circumstances that \(W \approx T\).
Ensure that restarts are deterministic (i.e. results don’t change between a job that restarts and one that doesn’t). One way to do this is to compare hashes from raw data output files assuming that the simulation itself is deterministic.
Consider using a checkpointing library if you’re using a custom phase-field code or even a workflow tool such as Snakemake which has the inbuilt ability to handle checkpointing. A tool like Snakemake is good for large parameter studies where it is difficult to keep track of a multiplicy of jobs and their various output files making restarts complicated. The
library is acceptable for checkpointing Python programs as checkpoint data is only useful for a brief period.Many PDE solvers and dedicated phase field codes will have a checkpoint mechanism built in. However, never trust the veracity of these mechanisms. Always run your own tests varying parallel parameters and checkpoint frequency!
Checkpointing strategies on HPC clusters is a complex topic, see [HRB+19] for an overview.
Using Workflow Tools#
In general when running many phase-field jobs for a parameter study or dealing
with many pre and post-processing steps, it is wise to employ a workflow
tool. The authors are particularly familiar with Snakemake so discussion is
slanted towards this tool. One of the main benefits of using a workflow tool is
that the user is more likely to automate workflow steps that ordinarily would
not be automated with ad-hoc tools such as Bash scripts. Workflow tools enforce
a structure on and careful consideration of the inputs, outputs and overall task
graph of the workflow. As a side effect, the imposed graph structure produces a
much FAIRer research object when the research is eventually published. Future
reuse of the study is much easier when the steps in producing the final data
objects are clearly expressed. When using Snakemake, the Snakefile
itself is a
clear human readable record of the steps required to re-execute the
workflow. Ideally, the Snakefile
will fully automate all the steps required,
starting from the parameters and raw input data, to reach the final images and
data tables used in any publications. In practice this might be quite difficult
to implement due to the chaotic nature of research projects and the associated
A secondary impact of using a workflow tool is that it often imposes a directory and file structure on the project. For example, Snakemake has an ideal suggested directory structure. An example folder structure when using Snakemake would look like the following.
├── config
│ └── config.yaml
├── resources
├── results
│ └── image.png
└── workflow
├── envs
│ ├── env.yaml
│ ├── flake.lock
│ ├── flake.nix
│ ├── poetry.lock
│ └── pyproject.toml
├── notebooks
│ └── analysis.ipynb
├── rules
│ ├── postprocess.smk
│ ├── preprocess.smk
│ └── sim.smk
├── scripts
│ ├──
│ └──
└── Snakefile
Notice that the above directory structure includes the envs
directory. This
allows different steps in the workflow to be run with independent computational
environments. Additionally, most workflow tools will support both HPC and local
workstation execution and make porting between systems easier.
See [MJL+21] for a more detailed overview of Snakemake and a list of other good workflow tools.
HPC Environments and parallel writes#
Under construction
Data Curation#
Data curation involves manipulating an assortment of unstructured data files, scripts and metadata from a research study into a coherent research data object that satisfies the principles of FAIR data. A robust data curation process is often a requirement for compliance with funding bodies and to simply meet the most basic needs of transparency in scientific research. The fundamental steps to curate a computational research project into a research data object and publish are as follows.
Automation: Automate the entire computational workflow where possible during the research process from initial inputs to final research products such as images and data tables.
Public Development: Submit the code and workflows appropriately during development. This step will not be described here, but is discussed in the Version control and metadata section of the Software Development Guide.
Metadata Standards: Employ a suitable metadata standard where possible to describe different aspects of the research project such as the raw data files, derived data assets, software environments, numerical algorithms and problem specification.
Licensing: License the research work appropriately. This may require a separate license for the data products as they are generally not archived in the code repository.
Data Repositories: Select a data repository to curate the data, submit the data and then obtain a DOI.
The above steps are difficult to implement near the conclusion of a research study. The authors suggest considering these steps at the outset and during a study and also considering these steps as part of an overall protocol in a computational materials research group.
Automating workflows in computational materials science is useful for many
reasons, however, for data curation purposes it provides and added benefit. In
short, an outlined workflow associated with a curated FAIR object is a primary
method to improve FAIR quality for subsequent researchers. For most workflow
tools, the operation script outlining the workflow graph is the ultimate form of
metadata about how the archived data files are used or generated during the
research. For example, with Snakemake, the Snakefile
has clearly outlined,
human-readable inputs and outputs as well as the procedure associated with each
input / output pair. The computational environment, command line arguments,
environment variables are recorded for each workflow step as well as the order
of execution of each of these steps.
In recent years there have been efforts in the life sciences to provide a minimum workflow for independent code execution during the peer review process. The CODECHECK initiative [DS21] tries to provide a standard for executing workflows and a certification if the workflow satisfies basic criteria. These types of efforts will likely be used within the computational materials science community in the coming years so adopting automated workflow tools as part of your research will greatly benefit this process.
See also [LNH+21]
Metadata Standards#
Selecting a data repository#
Dockstore and Workflowhub
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