optbayesexpt API ================ * :obj:`OptBayesExpt` is the core class that performs Bayesian inference and selects measurement settings. Typically, it is the only class that a user will need to interact with directly. * :obj:`OptBayesExptNoiseParameter` is similar to :obj:`OptBayesExpt` but is designed for cases where the measurement uncertainty is a parameter to be estimated. * :obj:`ParticlePDF` is inherited by :obj:`OptBayesExpt` to handle the duties of a probability distribution functions. * :obj:`OBE_Server` class provides communication with other processes through a mini-language of label-value commands. * :obj:`Socket` class is inherited by :obj:`Server` to handle TCP connections and message encoding/decoding. * The **obe_utils.py** file provides * A :obj:`MeasurementSimulator` class that uses "true value" parameters and added noise to simulate experimental outputs. * For post-processing, a :obj:`trace_sort()` function sorts measurement data by measurement setting and combines all measurements with settings in common. * A :obj:`differential_entropy()` function to calculate information entropy from samples of a distribution. .. toctree:: obe_base obe_noiseparam obe_server obe_socket particlepdf obe_utils