
Metaschema modules can define different kinds of constraints to support data validation within and between document instances.

The types of constraints allowed for a given definition

<define-flag> constraints

The following constraint types are allowed for <define-flag> definitions.

For each of these constraint types, use of the @target attribute is prohibited. This is because a flag constraint may only target the flag, since a flag has no child nodes.

<define-field> constraints

The following constraint types are allowed for <define-field> definitions.

<define-assembly> constraints

The following constraint types are allowed for <define-assembly> definitions.

Common Constraint Data

All constraints share a common syntax composed of the following:

DataData TypeUseDefault Value
@idtokenoptional(no default)
<formal-name>string0 or 1(no default)
<description>markup-line0 or 1(no default)
<prop>special0 to ∞(no default)
<remarks>special0 or 1(no default)

Each individual constraint allows the following data.


A constraint MAY have an OPTIONAL @id flag, which provides an identifier for the constraint.

Metaschema processors MAY use the identifier for processing constraints and/or referencing them in output for later analysis.


A constraint MAY have an OPTIONAL @level attribute, which identifies the severity level of a violation of the constraint.

If defined, a @level MUST have a value of either: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFORMATIONAL, or DEBUG.

These values have the following definitions:

  • CRITICAL: A violation of the constraint represents a serious fault in the content that will prevent typical use of the content.
  • ERROR: A violation of the constraint represents a fault in the content. This may include issues around compatibility, integrity, consistency, etc.
  • WARNING: A violation of the constraint represents a potential issue with the content.
  • INFORMATIONAL: A violation of the constraint represents a point of interest.
  • DEBUG: A violation of the constraint represents a fault in the content that may warrant review by a developer when performing model or tool development.

Metaschema processors MAY perform conditional processing and/or presentation of constraint violations based on the level value.


The target of a constraint identifies the content nodes that a constraint applies to.

Not all constraint types require a @target. Each constraint type defines if the @target is required, optional, or implicit.

When provided, the value of a @target MUST be a valid Metapath expression.

If a @target value is not defined, a Metaschema processor MUST process the value as target=".", the current context of that constraint definition in a module, for a field or flag.

A target can apply to any node(s) in the document instance(s). There is no guarantee the constraint target is a child of its respective assembly, field, or flag. Thus, a Metaschema processor MUST resolve the Metapath expression to identify the actual target nodes that the constraint applies to. If no resulting target nodes are identified, then the constraint MUST be ignored.

@deprecated Version

The optional @deprecated attribute communicates that use of the given information element implemented by the definition is intended to be discontinued, starting with the information model revision indicated by the attribute’s value.

This attribute’s value MUST be a version string that is equal to or comes before the <schema-version> declared in the Metaschema module header.

Declaring the @deprecated attribute communicates to content creators that all use of the annotated information element is to be avoided. This annotation can be used in documentation generation and in Metaschema-aware tools that provide context around use of the definition.

The following example illustrates deprecating the flag named flag-name starting with the information model semantic version 1.1.0.



The @name attribute provides the definition’s identifier, which can be used in other parts of a module, or in an importing Metaschema module, to reference the definition.

In top-level definitions, this attribute’s value MUST be a token that is unique among sibling definitions of the same type.

Note: The names of flags, fields, and assemblies are expected to be maintained as separate identifier sets. This allows a flag definition, a field definition, and an assembly definition to each have the same name in a given Metaschema module.


The optional @scope attribute is used to communicate the intended visibility of the definition when accessed by another module through an <import> element.

  • global - Indicates that the definition MUST be made available for reference within importing modules. Definitions in the same and importing modules can reference it. This is the default behavior when @scope is not declared.
  • local - Indicates that the definition MUST NOT be made available for reference within importing modules. Only definitions in the same module can reference it.

Note: References to definitions in the same module are always possible regardless of scope.

The scope of a definition affects how the definition’s name is resolved.


The optional <formal-name> field provides a human-readable, short string label for the constraint for use in documentation.

The <formal-name> label is intended to provide an easy to recognize, meaningful name for the constraint.

While not required, it is best practice to include a <formal-name>.


The optional <description> field is a single line of markup that describes the semantic meaning and use of the constraint.

The description ties the constraint to the related information element concept in the information domain that the constraint is representing. This information is ideal for use in documentation.

While not required, it is best practice to include a <description>.


The optional <prop> assembly provides a structure for declaring arbitrary properties, which consist of a @namespace, @name, and @value.

DataData TypeUseDefault Value
@nametokenrequired(no default)
@valuetokenrequired(no default)

The @name and @namespace is used in combination to define a semantically unique name, represented by the @name attribute, within the managed namespace defined by the @namespace attribute. If the @namespace attribute is omitted, the @name MUST be considered in the namespace.

The @value flag represents the lexical value assignment for the semantically unique name represented by the combination of the @name and @namespace. The lexical values of the @value attribute may be restricted for the specific semantically unique name, but such restrictions are not enforced directly in this model.

A property is useful for annotating a constraint with additional information that might describe, in a structured way, the semantics, use, nature, or other significant information related to the constraint. In many cases, a property might be used to tailor generated documentation or to support an experimental, non-standardized feature in Metaschema.


The optional <remarks> field provides a place to add notes related to the use of the constraint. Remarks can be used to clarify the semantics of the constraint in specific conditions, or to better describe how the constraint is utilized within a model.

The <remarks> field is optional and may occur multiple times.

It supports an optional @class flag that can be used to identify format specific remarks, to be handled appropriately (or ignored when not useful) in a downstream application. Valid values for @class are:

  • XML: The remark applies to the XML format binding.
  • JSON: The remark applies to the JSON or YAML format bindings.

Constraint Types

The following describes the supported constraint constructs.

let Expressions

The optional <let> assembly provides a structure for variable/expression bindings, which consist of a @var and @expression.

DataData TypeUseDefault Value
@vartokenrequired(no default)
@expressionspecialrequired(no default)

Using the let assembly, a variable can be defined, which can be used by reference in a Metapath expression in subsequent constraints.

A let statement has a REQUIRED @var flag, which defines the variable name.

A let statement has a REQUIRED @expression flag, which defines an Metapath expression, whose result is used to define the variable’s value in the evaluation context.

During constraint evaluation, each let statement MUST be evaluated in encounter order. If a previous variable is bound with the same name in the evaluation context, the new value MUST bound in a sub-context to avoid side effects. This sub-context MUST be made available to any constraints following the let statement declaration, and to any constraints defined on child nodes of the current context.

During evaluation, when a variable is bound for a let statement, the variables value MUST be set to the result of evaluating the @expression using the current node as the Metapath evaluation focus.

For example:

Given the following fragment of a Metaschema module.

<define-assembly name="sibling">
  <define-flag name="name" required="yes"/>
    <!-- stores the parent of the current node -->
    <let var="parent" expression=".."/>
    <let var="sibling-count" expression="count($parent/sibling)"/>
    <expect target="." test="$sibling-count = 3"/>

And the following document.

<parent name="p1">
  <sibling name="a"/>
  <sibling name="b"/>
  <sibling name="c"/>
<parent name="p2">
  <sibling name="x"/>
  <sibling name="Y"/>

The expect constraint would pass for each sibling in the parent named “p1”, and would fail for each sibling in the parent named “p2”.

allowed-values Constraints

The allowed-values constraint is a type of Metaschema constraint that restricts field or flag value(s) based on an enumerated set of permitted values.

The syntax of <allowed-values> consists of the following:

DataData TypeUseDefault Value
@allow-other>yes or nooptionalno
@extensible>model, external, or noneoptionalno
@idtokenoptional(no default)
@targetspecial(varies)(no default)
<formal-name>string0 or 1(no default)
<description>markup-line0 or 1(no default)
<prop>special0 to ∞(no default)
<enum>special1 to ∞(no default)
<remarks>special0 or 1(no default)

Each allowed-values constraint has a source that will be either:

  • model: The constraint is defined in a Metaschema module, i.e. an internal constraint.
  • external: The constraint is defined outside a Metaschema module, i.e. an external constraint.

The @target of an <allowed-values> constraint is a Metapath expression that specifies the node(s) in a document instance whose value is restricted by the constraint.


Within a given <allowed-values> constraint, an <enum> expresses an individual allowed value, expressed using that field’s @value flag.

A Metaschema processor MAY use the text value of the enum’s XML element as documentation for a given allowed value enumeration. Below is an example.

<define-flag name="form-factor">
  <formal>Computer Form Factor</formal-name>
    <description>The type of computer in the example application's data
      <allowed-values allow-other="yes">
        <enum value="laptop">this text value documents the domain and
          information model's meaning of a laptop</enum>
        <enum value="desktop">this text value documents the domain and
          information model's meaning of a desktop</enum>
    </constraint> ...  

allowed-values Processing

Metaschema processors MUST process <allowed-values> constraints.

The constraint’s @target is a Metapath expression that identifies the node values the constraint applies to.

A @target is REQUIRED for allowed value constraints associated with a field and assembly. A @target MUST NOT be provided for an allowed value constraint associated with a flag, since such a constraint can only target the flag’s value. In flag use cases the @target MUST be considered ., referring to the flag node.

When evaluating the @target Metapath expression, the Metapath focus MUST be the constraint’s evaluation focus. Thus, the targets are determined in the context in where the constraint is declared.

The sequence of nodes that result from Metapath evaluation are the constraints target node(s).

The nodes resulting from evaluating an <allowed-values> @target are intended to be field or flag nodes, which have a value. If these nodes are an instance of an assembly, a Metaschema processor error SHOULD be raised.

Multiple <allowed-values> constraints can apply to a given target node, which may be declared by constraints defined on different content nodes. Implementations will need a means to determine the complete set of <allowed-values> constraints that apply to a given target node, which is referred to as the target node’sapplicable set”.

This may be handled using a two phased evaluation that first resolves the <allowed-values> constraints associated with each target node determining the applicable set, then, second, evaluates the applicable set for each target node. Other implementations may be possible and are allowed if they result in the same effective behavior.

The applicable set of <allowed-values> constraints is verified for correctness using the @extension attribute on each set member.

For each <allowed-values> in the applicable set, the @allow-other attribute is used to determine the expected value set for a given content value.

The following subsections detail the processing requirements for the @extension and @allow-other attributes.


For each <allowed-values> constraints the applicable set, the @extension attribute MUST be one of the following values.

  • none: There can be no other matching <allowed-values> constraint for the same target value. This is the least permissive option.

  • model: (default) Multiple matching <allowed-values> constraints are allowed for the same target value as long as the constraints are defined in the same model. Constraints sourced from outside the model are not allowed.

    All allowed-values constraints declared within a Metaschema model matching the same @target can be combined. If a matching constraint within the model has allow-other=“no”, then constraints declared externally from the model are not allowed. This is the implicit default value if no @extension is provided.

  • external: Multiple matching <allowed-values> constraints are allowed for the same target value, which can be sourced from within the model or externally through a set of external constraints.

    All allowed-values constraints, declared within the model and externally through an extension, that match the same @target can be combined. This is the most permissive option.

One of the following requirements MUST apply when processing a value’s applicable set to validate it.

  1. The applicable set MUST contain a single <allowed-values> constraint with the @extension attribute value none.
  2. All <allowed-values> constraints in the applicable set MUST have the @extension attribute value model and originate from a model source.
  3. All <allowed-values> constraints in the applicable set MUST have the @extension attribute value external and originate from either a model or extension source.
  4. An error MUST be raised indicating the applicable set is invalid.

The expected value set can be considered open or closed.

  • open: In an open set, the actual value can be any value. The expected value set provides suggested values.
  • closed: In a closed set, the actual value is expected to match a value in the expected value set.

For each <allowed-values> constraint, the @allow-other attribute MUST be one of the following values.

  • yes: Identifies the expected value set as open, as long as no other <allowed-values> constraint in the applicable set has @allow-other="no" declared explicitly or implicitly.
  • no: (default) Identifies the expected value set as closed. This is the implicit default value if no @allow-other is provided.

One of the following requirements MUST apply when processing a value’s targeting set of <allowed-values> constraints to determine the expected value set.

  1. One <allowed-values> constraint in the applicable set MUST have the @allow-other attribute value no. The expected value set is closed.

    The actual value MUST match one of the enumerated values declared on any of the <allowed-values> constraints in the targeting set. An error MUST be produced to indicate that the value doesn’t match one of the enumerated values.

    It is possible to require a value that does not align with the value node’s Metaschema data type. In such cases, this creates a situation where both the data type and a closed value requirement cannot be met. In such cases, the constraint processor MUST report this as an error.

  2. All <allowed-values> constraints in the applicable set MUST have the @allow-other attribute value yes. The expected value set is open.

    Any type-appropriate actual value MUST be allowed. A warning MAY be produced to indicate that the value doesn’t match one of the enumerated values.

expect Constraints

The <expect> constraint is a type of Metaschema constraint that restricts field or flag value(s) based on the evaluation of a @test Metapath expression.

The syntax of <expect> consists of the following:

DataData TypeUseDefault Value
@idtokenoptional(no default)
@targetspecial(varies)(no default)
@testspecialrequired(no default)
<formal-name>string0 or 1(no default)
<description>markup-line0 or 1(no default)
<prop>special0 to ∞(no default)
<message>special0 or 1(no default)
<remarks>special0 or 1(no default)

The @target attribute of an <expect> constraint is a Metapath expression that specifies the node(s) in a document instance whose value is restricted by the constraint.

A @target is REQUIRED for expect constraints associated with a field and assembly. A @target MUST NOT be provided for an expect constraint associated with a flag, since such a constraint can only target the flag’s value. In flag use cases the @target MUST be considered ., referring to the flag node.

The @test attribute of an <expect> constraint specifies the logical condition to be evaluated against each value node resulting from evaluating the @target. This expression MUST evaluate to a Metaschema boolean value true or false.

When the @test expression evaluates to true for a target value node, then the target value node MUST be considered valid and passing the constraint.

When the @test expression evaluates to false for a target value node, then the target value node MUST be considered not valid and failing the constraint.

A constraint may have an OPTIONAL @level attribute and/or an OPTIONAL child <message> element to indicate severity and documentation explaining how the target nodes are invalid.

If defined, the <message> value MUST be a Metaschema string value. It MAY contain a Metapath expression templates that starts with {, contains a Metapath expression, and ends with }. When evaluating a template Metapath expression, the context of the Metapath evaluation focus MUST be the failing value node.

has-cardinality Constraints

The has-cardinality constraint is a type of Metaschema constraint that defines the cardinality of assemblies, flags, and, fields, i.e. the required minimum count of occurrences, the maximum count of occurrences, or both for applicable document instances.

The syntax of <has-cardinality> consists of the following:

DataData TypeUseDefault Value
@idtokenoptional(no default)
@targetspecial(varies)(no default)
@min-occursnon-negative-integeroptional(no default)
@max-occursnon-negative-integer or unboundedoptional(no default)
<formal-name>string0 or 1(no default)
<description>markup-line0 or 1(no default)
<prop>special0 to ∞(no default)
<remarks>special0 or 1(no default)

The @target flag of an <has-cardinality> constraint is a Metapath expression that defines the node(s) in a document instance to count.

The constraint MUST define a @target with a Metapath expression. The processor MUST only count the document instance node(s) resulting from its evaluation.

A constraint MUST define a value for either the @min-occurs or @max-occurs flag. It MAY optionally have both flags defined.

The @min-occurs flag MUST be an integer that defines the minimum number of required occurrences for results matching the evaluation of the @target.

The @max-occurs flag MUST be an integer that defines the maximum number of required occurrences for results matching the evaluation of the @target.

A constraint passes and document instance(s) valid if the count of results matching the evaluation of the @target Metapath is equal or more than the value of @min-occurs, if defined, and equal to or less than the value of @max-occurs, if defined. If these requirements are not met when defined, the constraint is not passing and the document instance(s) are not valid.

index Constraints

The <index> constraint is a type of Metaschema constraint that defines an index of document instance nodes addressable by key.

The syntax of <index> consists of the following:

DataData TypeUseDefault Value
@idtokenoptional(no default)
@nametokenrequired(no default)
@targetspecialrequired(no default)
<formal-name>string0 or 1(no default)
<description>markup-line0 or 1(no default)
<prop>special0 to ∞(no default)
<key-field>special1 to ∞(no default)
<remarks>special0 or 1(no default)

The syntax of <key-field> consists of the following:

DataData TypeUseDefault Value
@targetspecialrequired(no default)
@patternregexoptional(no default)
<remarks>special0 or 1(no default)

The @name flag of an <index> constraint specifies the identity of the index. The constraint MUST define the name.

The @target flag of an <index> constraint defines the node(s) in a document instance to index. The index MUST define a @target with a Metapath expression. The processor MUST index only the node(s) resulting from evaluating the @target.

The <key-field> assembly of an <index> constraint defines the flag or field value that is the key for each entry in the index. A <key-field> assembly MUST define at least one @target flag with a Metapath expression evaluated relative to the evaluation focus using each node that matches the constraint’s @target.

An <index> constraint MAY define more than one <key-field> assembly. The composite key for each entry in the index is the combination of values for the @target of every <key-field/>. The composite values of the key are the discriminator for the uniqueness of the index entry.

An <index> constraint requires that each member entry be unique based upon this composite key.

If the evaluation of the Metapath @target of the <key-field/> does not result in a value, its value for that key in the index is null.

If two entries have the same key computed from the <key-field> @targets when generating the index, the processor MUST return a processing error.

index-has-key Constraints

The <index-has-key> constraint is a type of Metaschema constraint that checks if a value is a valid cross-reference to values in an existing index constraint`.

The index-has-key constraint has the same flags and assemblies as a index constraint.

The @target flag of an <index-has-key> constraint defines the node(s) in a document instance to check as a cross-reference. The index MUST define a @target with a Metapath expression to identify the nodes to check. The processor MUST only check the node(s) resulting from evaluating the @target.

The similar to an <index> constraint, the <key-field/> assembly is used to compute the cross-reference’s key.

The @name flag of an <index> constraint MUST specify the name of a previously defined index constraint.

is-unique Constraints

The <is-unique> constraint is a type of Metaschema constraint that checks that a computed key, based on field and flag values, does not occur more than once. Unlike <index>, an explicit, named index is not created. Therefore, this constraint MUST NOT define a @name flag.

The index-has-key constraint has the same flags and assemblies as a index constraint, except it doesn’t have a @name.

The id flag of an <is-unique> constraint specifies an identifier for the constraint.

The @target flag of an <is-unique> constraint identifies the node(s) in a document instance to check for uniqueness. The <is-unique> MUST define a @target with a Metapath expression. The processor MUST check uniqueness for only the node(s) resulting from evaluating the @target.

A <key-field> assembly of an <is-unique> constraint identifies the flag or field value that is the key used to determine the uniqueness of each entry based on a computed key. A <key-field> element MUST define at least one @target flag with a Metapath expression evaluated relative to the evaluation focus using each node that matches the constraint’s @target.

An is-unique constraint MAY define more than one <key-field> assembly. The composite key for each entry in the index is the combination of values for the @target of every <key-field/>. The composite values of the key are the discriminator for the uniqueness of the index entry.

When evaluating a given key relative to other computed keys for the same constraint, if the given key has the same computed key value as another node matching the same constraint, then the target node MUST be considered to not pass the constraint.

matches Constraints

The <matches> constraint is a type of Metaschema constraint that restricts field or flag value(s) based on node(s) matching the target Metapath expression. Each one of these are discussed below.

The syntax of <matches> consists of the following:

DataData TypeUseDefault Value
@idtokenoptional(no default)
@datatypespecialoptional(no default)
@regexspecialoptional(no default)
@targetspecial(varies)(no default)
<formal-name>string0 or 1(no default)
<description>markup-line0 or 1(no default)
<prop>special0 to ∞(no default)
<remarks>special0 or 1(no default)

A match can be made by 2 different ways based on @datatype and/or based on @regex.

The @target flag of an matches constraint specifies the node(s) in a document instance whose value matches the @datatype and/or the @regex.

A @target is REQUIRED for matches constraints associated with a field and assembly. A @target MUST NOT be provided for a matches constraint associated with a flag, since such a constraint can only target the flag’s value. In flag use cases the @target MUST be considered ., referring to the flag node.

The matches constraint MUST define a target with a Metapath expression. The processor MUST evaluate only the node(s) resulting from evaluating the @target.

If a @datatype is provided, each resulting node’s value MUST match the syntax of the given @datatype.

If a @regex is provided, each resulting node’s value MUST match the pattern specified by the given @regex.

When evaluating node(s) matching the @target, the node(s) pass the constraint when matching all requirements of @datatype, if defined, and @regex, if defined.

If the node(s) do not match any of these requirements, then the node(s) MUST be considered to not pass the constraint.

Constraint Processing

In a Metaschema-based document instance, each node in the document instance is associated with a definition in a Metaschema module. Thus, a given content node has one and only one associated definition.

A constraint is defined relative to an assembly, field, or flag definition in a Metaschema module.

All constraints associated with a definition MUST be evaluated against all associated content nodes.

Constraints may be declared internally within a definition or as an external set of constraints associated with a definition. To determine the evaluation order, internal and external constraints associated with a definition need to be combined.

Declaration order MUST be determined in the following way.

  1. Internal constraints defined directly in the definition are ordered first according to their original order.
  2. External constraints are appended in the order the external constraints were provided to the processor.

Each constraint MUST be evaluated in declaration order.

For example:

Given the Metaschema module definitions below:


Constraint evaluation would be handled depth-first as follows:

  • When document node asmA is processed, constraints defined on that node’s definition will be evaluated.
  • When document node fldX is processed, constraints defined on that node’s definition will be evaluated.
  • and so on…

Note: The target of the constraint does not affect this evaluation order, but may affect what resulting node the constraint applies to.

When a constraint is evaluated against the associated content node, this node is considered the constraints evaluation focus.

Processing Error Handling

Processing errors occur when a defect in the constraint definition causes an unintended error to occur during constraint processing. This differs from a validation error that results from not meeting the requirement of a constraint.

  • If a processing error occurs while processing a constraint, which can result from evaluating a Metapath expression, the error SHOULD be reported.
  • If a processing error occurs while processing a constraint, then the document instance being validated MUST NOT be considered valid. This is due to the inability to make a conclusion around validity, since some constraints were not validated due to errors.

External Constraints