Metaschema Syntax
The following is an approximate outline of the Metaschema module syntax. Each element and attribute links to the specific specification section describing the element. Attribute value choices are indicated where possible, with default values highlighted.
<-- ############# -->
<-- Module Header -->
<-- ############# --><-- ##################### -->
<-- Top-Level define-flag -->
<-- ##################### --><constraint/><example/></define-flag><-- ######################### -->
<-- Top-Level define-assembly -->
<-- ######################### --><-- Flag Instance -->
</flag><model><-- Assembly Instance -->
</assembly><-- Field Instance -->
</field><-- Inline Assembly Definition -->
<-- Inline Field Definition -->
<define-field/><-- Choice -->
<choice/><-- Any -->
<any/></model><constraint/><example/></define-assembly><-- ###################### -->
<-- Top-Level define-field -->
<-- ###################### --><-- Flag Instance -->