Class AbstractMetaschemaMojo

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected String[] excludes
      A set of exclusion patterns used to prevent certain files from being processed.
      protected String[] includes
      A set of inclusion patterns used to select which metaschema are to be processed.
      protected File staleFileDirectory
      The directory where the staleFile is found.
      • Fields inherited from interface org.apache.maven.plugin.Mojo

    • Field Detail

      • staleFileDirectory

        protected File staleFileDirectory

        The directory where the staleFile is found. The staleFile is used to determine if re-generation of generated Java classes is needed, by recording when the last build occurred.

        This directory is expected to be located within the ${}, to ensure that code (re)generation occurs after cleaning the project.

      • includes

        protected String[] includes
        A set of inclusion patterns used to select which metaschema are to be processed. By default, all files are processed.
      • excludes

        protected String[] excludes
        A set of exclusion patterns used to prevent certain files from being processed. By default, this set is empty such that no files are excluded.
    • Method Detail

      • getBuildContext

        protected final getBuildContext()
        The BuildContext is used to identify which files or directories were modified since last build. This is used to determine if Module-based generation must be performed again.
        the active Plexus BuildContext.
      • getMavenProject

        protected final org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject getMavenProject()
        Retrieve the Maven project context.
        The active MavenProject.
      • getMojoExecution

        public org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecution getMojoExecution()
        Retrieve the mojo execution context.
        The active MojoExecution.
      • getOutputDirectory

        protected File getOutputDirectory()
        Retrieve the directory where generated classes will be stored.
        the directory
      • setOutputDirectory

        protected void setOutputDirectory​(File outputDirectory)
        Set the directory where generated classes will be stored.
        outputDirectory - the directory to use
      • getEncoding

        protected final String getEncoding()
        Gets the file encoding to use for generated classes.

        The algorithm for finding the encoding to use is as follows (where the first non-null value found is used for encoding):

        1. If the configuration property is explicitly given within the plugin's configuration, use that value.
        2. If the Maven property is defined, use its value.
        3. Otherwise use the value from the system property file.encoding.
        The encoding to be used by this AbstractJaxbMojo and its tools.
      • getSources

        protected Stream<FilegetSources()
        Retrieve a stream of Module file sources.
        the stream
      • shouldExecutionBeSkipped

        protected boolean shouldExecutionBeSkipped()
        Determine if the execution of this mojo should be skipped.
        true if the mojo execution should be skipped, or false otherwise
      • getStaleFileName

        protected abstract String getStaleFileName()
        Get the name of the file that is used to detect staleness.
        the name
      • getStaleFile

        protected final File getStaleFile()
        Gets the staleFile for this execution.
        the staleFile
      • isGenerationRequired

        protected boolean isGenerationRequired()
        Determine if code generation is required. This is done by comparing the last modified time of each Module source file against the stale file managed by this plugin.
        true if the code generation is needed, or false otherwise