Interface IPropertyCollector

  • public interface IPropertyCollector
    The class is used to "collect" items together to assign to the property's field. For fields with a collection type, implementations of this class will handle managing the underlying collection.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void add​(Object item)
      Add an item to the "collection", who's type depends on the property configuration.
      void addAll​(Collection<?> items)
      Add a collection of item to the "collection", who's type depends on the property configuration.
      Object getValue()
      Get the current state of the "collection".
    • Method Detail

      • add

        void add​(@NonNull
                 Object item)
        Add an item to the "collection", who's type depends on the property configuration.
        item - the item to add
        IllegalStateException - if the item cannot be added due to a model inconsistency
      • addAll

        void addAll​(@NonNull
                    Collection<?> items)
        Add a collection of item to the "collection", who's type depends on the property configuration.
        items - the items to add
        IllegalStateException - if the item cannot be added due to a model inconsistency
      • getValue

        Object getValue()
        Get the current state of the "collection". For single valued "non-collections" this may return a null value. For any collection type, such as List or Map, this must return a non-null empty collection.
        the "collection" value or null for a single valued instance that is not defined