Annotation Type ValueConstraints

    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      AllowedValues[] allowedValues
      Get the allowed value constraints for the type or field this annotation is applied to.
      Expect[] expect
      Get the expect constraints for the type or field this annotation is applied to.
      IndexHasKey[] indexHasKey
      Get the index-has-key constraints for the type or field this annotation is applied to.
      Matches[] matches
      Get the matches constraints for the type or field this annotation is applied to.
    • Element Detail

      • allowedValues

        AllowedValues[] allowedValues
        Get the allowed value constraints for the type or field this annotation is applied to.
        the allowed values or an empty array if no allowed values constraints are defined
      • matches

        Matches[] matches
        Get the matches constraints for the type or field this annotation is applied to.
        the allowed values or an empty array if no allowed values constraints are defined
      • indexHasKey

        IndexHasKey[] indexHasKey
        Get the index-has-key constraints for the type or field this annotation is applied to.
        the allowed values or an empty array if no allowed values constraints are defined
      • expect

        Expect[] expect
        Get the expect constraints for the type or field this annotation is applied to.
        the expected constraints or an empty array if no expected constraints are defined