Annotation Type MetaschemaFieldValue

    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      String defaultValue
      The default value of the flag represented as a string.
      Class<? extends IDataTypeAdapter<?>> typeAdapter
      The Module data type adapter for the field's value.
      String valueKeyName
      The name of the JSON property that contains the field's value.
    • Element Detail

      • typeAdapter

        Class<? extends IDataTypeAdapter<?>> typeAdapter
        The Module data type adapter for the field's value.
        the data type adapter
      • defaultValue

        String defaultValue
        The default value of the flag represented as a string.

        The value Constants.NULL_VALUE is used to indicate if no default value is provided.

        the default value
      • valueKeyName

        String valueKeyName
        The name of the JSON property that contains the field's value. If this value is provided, the the name will be used as the property name. Otherwise, the property name will default to a value defined by the data type.

        Use of this annotation is mutually exclusive with the JsonFieldValueKeyFlag annotation.

        the name