Annotation Type BoundField

  • @Documented
    public @interface BoundField
    Identifies that the annotation target is a bound property that references a Module field.

    For XML serialization, the useName() identifies the name of the element to use and the namespace() identifies the namespace of this element.

    For JSON and YAML serializations, the useName() identifies the property/item name to use.

    The field must be either:

    1. A Module data type or a collection whose item value is Module data type, with a BoundFieldValue annotation on the field.
    2. A type or a collection whose item value is a type based on a class with a MetaschemaField annotation.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      String description
      Get the documentary description of the field.
      String formalName
      Get the documentary formal name of the field.
      boolean inXmlWrapped
      If the data type allows it, determines if the field's value must be wrapped with an XML element.
      int maxOccurs
      A number that indicates the maximum occurrence of the model instance.
      int minOccurs
      A non-negative number that indicates the minimum occurrence of the model instance.
      String namespace
      The namespace to use for associated XML elements.
      String remarks
      Get any remarks for this field.
      String useName
      The model name to use for JSON/YAML singleton values and associated XML elements.
    • Element Detail

      • formalName

        String formalName
        Get the documentary formal name of the field.

        If the value is "##none", then the description will be considered null.

        a markdown string or "##none" if no formal name is provided
      • description

        String description
        Get the documentary description of the field.

        If the value is "##none", then the description will be considered null.

        a markdown string or "##none" if no description is provided
      • useName

        String useName
        The model name to use for JSON/YAML singleton values and associated XML elements.

        If the value is "##none", then the use name will be provided by the definition or by the field name if the item value class is missing the MetaschemaField annotation.

        the name
      • namespace

        String namespace
        The namespace to use for associated XML elements.

        If the value is "##default", then element name is derived from the namespace provided in the package-info.

        the namespace
      • inXmlWrapped

        boolean inXmlWrapped
        If the data type allows it, determines if the field's value must be wrapped with an XML element.
        true if the field must be wrapped, or false otherwise
      • minOccurs

        int minOccurs
        A non-negative number that indicates the minimum occurrence of the model instance.
        a non-negative number
      • maxOccurs

        int maxOccurs
        A number that indicates the maximum occurrence of the model instance.
        a positive number or -1 to indicate "unbounded"
      • remarks

        String remarks
        Get any remarks for this field.
        a markdown string or "##none" if no remarks are provided