Interface IXmlWritingContext

    • Method Detail

      • writeDefinitionValue

        void writeDefinitionValue​(@NonNull
                                  IClassBinding targetDefinition,
                                  Object targetObject,
                                  QName parentName)
                           throws IOException
        Write the data described by the provided targetDefinition as an XML element.
        targetDefinition - the bound Module definition describing the structure of the XML data to write
        targetObject - the Java object data to write
        parentName - the qualified name of the XML element to write
        IOException - if an error occurred while writing the XML
      • writeInstanceValue

        void writeInstanceValue​(@NonNull
                                IBoundNamedModelInstance targetInstance,
                                Object targetObject,
                                QName parentName)
                         throws IOException
        Write the data described by the provided targetDefinition as an XML element.
        targetInstance - the model instance that describes the syntax of the data to write
        targetObject - the Java object data to write
        parentName - the qualified name of the XML element to write
        IOException - if an error occurred while writing the XML