Class DefaultJsonProblemHandler

    • Method Detail

      • handleUnknownProperty

        public boolean handleUnknownProperty​(IClassBinding classBinding,
                                             Object targetObject,
                                             String fieldName,
                                             IJsonParsingContext parsingContext)
                                      throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: IJsonProblemHandler
        Callback used to handle a JSON property that is unknown to the model being parsed.
        Specified by:
        handleUnknownProperty in interface IJsonProblemHandler
        classBinding - the bound class currently describing the data being parsed
        targetObject - the Java object for the parentDefinition
        fieldName - the unknown JSON field name
        parsingContext - the JSON parsing context used for parsing
        true if the attribute was handled by this method, or false otherwise
        IOException - if an error occurred while handling the unrecognized data