Interface INamedModelElement

    • Method Detail

      • getFormalName

        String getFormalName()
        The formal display name.
        the formal name or null if not defined
      • getEffectiveFormalName

        default String getEffectiveFormalName()
        The resolved formal display name, which allows an instance to override a definition's name.
        the formal name or null if not defined
      • getDescription

        MarkupLine getDescription()
        Get the text that describes the basic use of the element.
        a line of markup text or null if not defined
      • getEffectiveDescription

        default MarkupLine getEffectiveDescription()
        Get the text that describes the basic use of the element, which allows an instance to override a definition's description.
        a line of markup text or null if not defined
      • getProperties

        Map<QName,​Set<String>> getProperties()
        Get the mapping of property name to values for the model element.
        the mapping
      • hasProperty

        default boolean hasProperty​(@NonNull
                                    QName qname)
        Determine if a property is defined.
        qname - the qualified name of the property
        true if the property is defined or false otherwise
      • getPropertyValues

        default Set<StringgetPropertyValues​(@NonNull
                                              QName qname)
        Get the values associated with a given property.
        qname - the qualified name of the property
        the values or an empty set
      • hasPropertyValue

        default boolean hasPropertyValue​(@NonNull
                                         QName qname,
                                         String value)
        Determine if a given property, with a given qname, has the identified value.
        qname - the qualified name of the property
        value - the expected property value
        true if the property value is defined or false otherwise
      • getJsonName

        default String getJsonName()
        Get the name used for the associated property in JSON/YAML.
        the JSON property name
      • getEffectiveName

        default String getEffectiveName()
        Get the name to use based on the provided names. This method will return the use name provided by getUseName() if the call is not null, and fall back to the name provided by getName() otherwise. This is the model name to use for the for an instance where the instance is referenced.
        the use name if available, or the name if not
        See Also:
        getUseName(), getName()
      • getName

        String getName()
        Retrieve the name of the model element.
        the name
      • getUseName

        String getUseName()
        Retrieve the name to use for the model element, instead of the name.
        the use name or null if no use name is defined