Class AbstractModule

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractModule

        public AbstractModule​(@NonNull
                              List<? extends IModule> importedModules)
        Construct a new Metaschema module object.
        importedModules - the collection of Metaschema module objects this Metaschema module imports
    • Method Detail

      • getImportedModuleByShortName

        public IModule getImportedModuleByShortName​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: IModule
        Retrieve the imported Metaschema module with the specified name, if it exists.
        Specified by:
        getImportedModuleByShortName in interface IModule
        name - the short name of the Metschema module to retrieve
        the imported Metaschema module or null if it doesn't exist
      • getExportedFlagDefinitions

        public Collection<? extends IFlagDefinitiongetExportedFlagDefinitions()
        Description copied from interface: IModule
        Retrieve the top-level flag definitions that are marked global in this Metaschema module or in any imported Metaschema modules. The resulting collection is built by adding global definitions from each imported Metaschema module in order of import, then adding global definitions from the current Metaschema module. Such a map is built in this way for each imported Metaschema module in the chain. Values for clashing keys will be replaced in this order, giving preference to the "closest" definition.
        Specified by:
        getExportedFlagDefinitions in interface IModule
        the collection of exported flag definitions
      • getExportedFieldDefinitions

        public Collection<? extends IFieldDefinitiongetExportedFieldDefinitions()
        Description copied from interface: IModule
        Retrieve the top-level field definitions that are marked global in this Metaschema module or in any imported Metaschema module. The resulting collection is built by adding global definitions from each imported Metaschema module in order of import, then adding global definitions from the current Metaschema module. Such a map is built in this way for each imported Metaschema module in the chain. Values for clashing keys will be replaced in this order, giving preference to the "closest" definition
        Specified by:
        getExportedFieldDefinitions in interface IModule
        the collection of exported field definitions
      • getExportedAssemblyDefinitions

        public Collection<? extends IAssemblyDefinitiongetExportedAssemblyDefinitions()
        Description copied from interface: IModule
        Retrieve the top-level assembly definitions that are marked global in this Metaschema module or in any imported Metaschema module. The resulting collection is built by adding global definitions from each imported Metaschema module in order of import, then adding global definitions from the current Metaschema module. This collection is built in this way for each imported Metaschema module in the chain. Items with duplicate names will be replaced in this order, giving preference to the "closest" definition
        Specified by:
        getExportedAssemblyDefinitions in interface IModule
        the collection of exported assembly definitions
      • initExports

        protected void initExports()
        Processes the definitions exported by the Metaschema, saving a list of all exported by specific model types.