import datetime import os import tempfile import numpy as np import pytorch_lightning as pl import torch from masskit.spectra.spectrum_plotting import AnimateSpectrumPlot, multiple_spectrum_plot class PeptideCB(pl.Callback): """ callbacks for peptide spectra training """ def __init__(self, config, loggers=None, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.loggers = loggers self.config = config if self.config.logging.images.animate: self.animator = AnimateSpectrumPlot() else: self.animator = None def on_validation_batch_end( self, trainer, pl_module, outputs, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx ): if batch_idx == 0 and (dataloader_idx == 0 or dataloader_idx is None) and self.loggers and self.config.logging.image_epoch_interval: # pytorch lightning renamed running_sanity_check to sanity_checking in 1.5 sanity_checking = False if hasattr(trainer, 'running_sanity_check') and trainer.running_sanity_check: sanity_checking = True if hasattr(trainer, 'sanity_checking') and trainer.sanity_checking: sanity_checking = True if sanity_checking or trainer.current_epoch % self.config.logging.image_epoch_interval: return with torch.no_grad(): # predict the spectra using the model pl_module.eval() # send the input tensors to the gpu # for key in batch._fields: # value = getattr(batch, key) # if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor): # batch = batch._replace(**{key:}) predicted_spectra = pl_module(batch) pl_module.train() predicted_spectra = predicted_spectra.y_prime[ 0 : self.config.logging.images.num_images, 0, : ] spectra = torch.squeeze(batch.y)[0 : self.config.logging.images.num_images, :] # generate mz values mz = np.linspace(0,, spectra.shape[-1], endpoint=False) # create a mirror plot and log title = ( f"Validation epoch: {trainer.current_epoch}, " f"Date: {'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}" f"\nExperiment: {self.config.experiment_name}" ) if "MSMLFlowLogger" in self.loggers: title += f"\nRun: {self.loggers['MSMLFlowLogger'].run_id}" subtitles = [] for index in batch.index: data = trainer.val_dataloaders[0].dataset.get_data_row(index) if len(data['peptide']) > 15: name = data['peptide'][0: 15 - 1] + ">" else: name = data['peptide'] subtitles.append(f"{name} +{data['charge']} {int(data['ev'])}eV") fig = multiple_spectrum_plot( spectra.cpu().numpy(), mirror_intensities=predicted_spectra.cpu().numpy(), dpi=self.config.logging.images.dpi, mz=mz, min_mz=0,, title=title, subtitles=subtitles, normalize=self.config.logging.images.intensity_norm ) # create a tag for the logging system filename = f"val_epoch_{trainer.current_epoch:03d}.gif" # log the figure if self.animator: self.animator.add_figure(fig) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: tmp_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, filename) self.animator.create_animated_gif(tmp_path) for logger in self.loggers.values(): logger.log_image_file(tmp_path, fig=fig, global_step=trainer.current_epoch) else: for logger in self.loggers.values(): logger.log_figure(filename, fig, global_step=trainer.current_epoch)