import logging import numpy as np import torch from import Uniprot21, mod_masses import masskit_ai.spectrum.peptide.peptide_constants as constants from masskit_ai.spectrum.spectrum_embed import Embed1D """ embedding classes - each embedding can be specified in the configuration - each embedding has a corresponding *_embed function and *_channels function - *_embed function returns the embedding - *_channels function returns the number of channels in the function - the channels function returns the total number of channels in all embeddings - the embed function returns the embedding for a row of data """ class EmbedPeptide(Embed1D): """ peptide 1D embedding """ def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) self.mods = # conversion objects self.u21 = Uniprot21() # create mod reverse mapping self.mod2index = {} for i, mod in enumerate(self.mods): # convert the modification names in self.mods into standard integer ids and relate to int embedding self.mod2index[mod_masses.dictionary.index(mod)] = i + 1 # addition of 1 allows for no mod def get_mod_list(self, row): """ given a data row, return a numpy array of mods :param row: data row :return: mods as numpy array """ mod_list = np.zeros(self.max_len) if row["mod_names"] is not None and row["mod_positions"] is not None: for name, position in zip(row["mod_names"], row["mod_positions"]): if position >= len(mod_list): continue # get the int embedding mod_list[position] = self.mod2index.get(name, 0) return mod_list def mods_embed(self, row): """ embed the peptide modifications as a one hot tensor :param row: data record :return: one hot tensor """ mod_list = self.get_mod_list(row) return Embed1D.list2one_hot(mod_list, self.mods_channels()) def mods_channels(self): """ number of channels for modifications :return: number of channels """ # addition of 1 allows for no mods return len(self.mods) + 1 def mods_singleton_embed(self, row): """ embed the modifications as a float tensor ranging from 0 to the number of mods :param row: data record :return: float tensor """ mod_list = self.get_mod_list(row) return torch.unsqueeze(torch.FloatTensor(mod_list), -1) @staticmethod def mods_singleton_channels(): """ the number of mods_singleton channels :return: the number of mod channels """ return 1 def peptide_embed(self, row): """ embed the peptide sequence as a one hot tensor :param row: data record :return: one hot tensor """ peptide = self.u21.encode(row["peptide"], count=self.max_len) return Embed1D.list2one_hot(peptide, self.peptide_channels()) @staticmethod def peptide_channels(): """ number of channels for peptide embedding :return: number of channels """ return constants.PEPTIDE_CLASSES def peptide_singleton_embed(self, row): """ embed the peptide sequence as a float tensor ranging from 0 to the number of amino acids :param row: data record :return: one hot tensor """ peptide = self.u21.encode(row["peptide"], count=self.max_len) return torch.unsqueeze(torch.FloatTensor(peptide), -1) @staticmethod def peptide_singleton_channels(): """ number of channels for peptide singleton embedding :return: number of channels """ return 1