import warnings from omegaconf import DictConfig, ListConfig import tempfile from omegaconf import OmegaConf from pytorch_lightning.loggers.tensorboard import TensorBoardLogger from pytorch_lightning.loggers.mlflow import MLFlowLogger from mlflow.utils.mlflow_tags import ( MLFLOW_RUN_NAME, MLFLOW_SOURCE_NAME, MLFLOW_GIT_COMMIT, MLFLOW_USER ) import logging import sys import os import socket try: import git except ImportError:"Unable to import it") git = None """ mlflow loggers """ class MSMLFlowLogger(MLFlowLogger): def __init__(self, config, model, loader, artifacts, *args, **kwargs): """ constructor for a logger for MLFlow. Shares function definitions with MSTensorBoardLogger :param config: configuration :param model: model :param loader: dataloader :param artifacts: directories to log """ super().__init__( experiment_name=config.experiment_name, tracking_uri=config.logging.MSMLFlowLogger.tracking_uri, run_name=config.get('run_name', None), *args, **kwargs, ) self.model = model self.loader = loader self.config = config self.mlf_setup_tags() self.log_params_to_mlflow() self.mlf_log_string(str(self.model), "model_summary.txt") def mlf_log_string(self, string_in, filename): """ log omegaconf to mlflow :param string_in: string to write :param filename: name of the artifact file """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: with open(f"{tempdir}/{filename}", mode="w+") as fp: fp.write(string_in) fp.flush() self.experiment.log_artifact(run_id=self.run_id, def log_params_to_mlflow(self): """ log typical experiment parameters to mlflow """ self.mlf_log_string(OmegaConf.to_yaml(self.config), "config.txt") self.log_params_from_omegaconf_dict( self.log_params_from_omegaconf_dict( self.log_params_from_omegaconf_dict(self.config.input) def log_params_from_omegaconf_dict(self, params): """ recursively examine omegaconf object :param params: omegaconf object """ for param_name, element in params.items(): self._explore_recursive(param_name, element) def _explore_recursive(self, parent_name, element, enumerate_lists=False): """ recursion function for log_params_from_omegaconf_dict :param parent_name: key of parent element :param element: value of parent element :param enumerate_lists: enumerate every element in a list """ if isinstance(element, DictConfig): for k, v in element.items(): if isinstance(v, DictConfig) or isinstance(v, ListConfig): self._explore_recursive(f"{parent_name}.{k}", v) else: self.experiment.log_param(self.run_id, f"{parent_name}.{k}", v) elif enumerate_lists and isinstance(element, ListConfig): for i, v in enumerate(element): self.experiment.log_param(self.run_id, f"{parent_name}.{i}", v) else: self.experiment.log_param(self.run_id, f"{parent_name}", element) def mlf_setup_tags(self): """ create tags for logging as MLflow doesn't set these standard mlflow tags """ self.mlf_set_tag(MLFLOW_RUN_NAME, None, self.run_id)'run id = {self.run_id}') self.mlf_set_tag(MLFLOW_USER, self.config.logging.user) self.mlf_set_tag( MLFLOW_SOURCE_NAME,, sys.argv[0] ) if self.config.logging.git.commit: self.mlf_set_tag(MLFLOW_GIT_COMMIT, self.config.logging.git.commit) elif git: try: repo = git.Repo(search_parent_directories=True) self.mlf_set_tag( MLFLOW_GIT_COMMIT, self.config.logging.git.commit, repo.head.object.hexsha, ) except git.InvalidGitRepositoryError: pass self.mlf_set_tag("mlflow.note.content", self.config.logging.note.content) # log ip address and hostname hostname = socket.gethostname() self.mlf_set_tag("hostname", hostname) try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) self.mlf_set_tag("ip", ip) except Exception as e: pass # log some useful environment variables for env_variable in ['SLURM_JOB_NAME', 'SLURM_JOB_ID', 'SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID', 'SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID', 'SLURM_SUBMIT_HOST', 'SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR', ]: try: self.mlf_set_tag(env_variable, os.environ.get(env_variable)) except KeyError as e: pass self.mlf_set_tag("cwd", os.getcwd()) self.mlf_set_tag("command_line", ' '.join(sys.argv)) # model information tag is MLFLOW_LOGGED_MODELS, but needs to be of the form # # list of # {'artifact_path': 'best_model', # 'flavors': {'keras': {'data': 'data', # 'keras_module': 'tensorflow.keras', # 'keras_version': '2.3.0-tf'}, # 'python_function': {'data': 'data', # 'env': 'conda.yaml', # 'loader_module': 'mlflow.keras', # 'python_version': '3.6.9'}}, # 'run_id': '43d7deafb5b74cf489f2ecbbc9e3828c', # 'utc_time_created': '2020-07-03 06:31:25.337757'} # where utc_time_created, artifact_path, flavors.python_function are required def mlf_set_tag(self, tag, config_value, process_value=None): """ set a particular tag with the config value. if null config value, then use process value :param tag: the tag :param config_value: the configuration value :param process_value: the process value :return: """ if config_value: self.experiment.set_tag(self.run_id, tag, config_value) elif process_value: self.experiment.set_tag(self.run_id, tag, process_value) def log_figure(self, figure_tag, fig, global_step=None): """ log a matplotlib figure as an artifact :param figure_tag: name of the image :param fig: the matplotlib figure :param global_step: the epoch """ self.experiment.log_figure(self.run_id, fig, figure_tag) def log_image_file(self, filename, fig=None, global_step=None): """ log an image file, including animated gifs, or, if the logger does not support saving files, log an image of the matplotlib figure :param fig: matplotlib figure :param filename: what to name the image :param global_step: epoch """ self.experiment.log_artifact(self.run_id, filename) def close(self, artifacts=None, *args, **kwargs): """ close the log, saving tensorboard artifacts if available to mlflow :param artifacts: directory with artifact directries to log """ if artifacts: for artifact_name, artifact in artifacts.items(): self.experiment.log_artifacts( self.run_id, artifact, artifact_path=artifact_name ) class MSTensorBoardLogger(TensorBoardLogger): def __init__(self, config, model, loader, artifacts, *args, **kwargs): """ constructor for a logger for TensorBoard. Shares function definitions with MSMLFlowLogger :param config: configuration :param model: model :param loader: dataloader used to initial model so a graph can be created. :param artifacts: directories to log """ super().__init__( config.logging.MSTensorBoardLogger.log_dir, name=config.experiment_name, *args, **kwargs, ) self.model = model self.loader = loader self.config = config artifacts["events"] = config.logging.MSTensorBoardLogger.log_dir self.log_hyperparams( self.experiment.add_text("config.yaml", OmegaConf.to_yaml(self.config)) self.experiment.add_text("model_summary", str(self.model)) def log_figure(self, figure_tag, fig, global_step=None): """ log a matplotlib figure as an artifact :param figure_tag: name of the image :param fig: the matplotlib figure :param global_step: the epoch """ self.experiment.add_figure(figure_tag, fig, global_step=global_step) def log_image_file(self, filename, fig=None, global_step=None): """ log a list of images as an animated gif, or, if the logger does not support animated gifs, log an image of the matplotlib figure :param fig: matplotlib figure :param filename: what to name the image :param global_step: epoch """ if fig: self.log_figure(os.path.basename(filename), fig, global_step=global_step) def close(self, *args, **kwargs): """ close the logger, adding graph to the log. currently disabled as there are multiple problems with using torch.jit.trace. :return: """ return # batch = next(iter(self.loader.create_loader("valid"))) # self.model.eval() # for non-deterministic model, will give a warning "TracerWarning: Output nr 1. of the traced function..." # as torch.jit.trace is called without setting check_trace=False # for non spectrum model, complains about missing attribute for bins property. # self.experiment.add_graph(self.model, (batch,)) # self.model.train() def filter_pytorch_lightning_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", r"The dataloader.*does not have many workers", UserWarning, "pytorch_lightning", ) warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", r"No correct seed found, seed set to", UserWarning, "pytorch_lightning", ) warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", r"No seed found, seed set to .*", UserWarning, )