masskit.small_molecule package


masskit.small_molecule.react module

class masskit.small_molecule.react.Reactor(standardization_function=<function standardize_mol>)

Bases: object

class for doing several reactions on molecules with multiple steps

apply_reactions(molecules, max_products=1000, mass_range=None)

apply a series of reactions to a list of molecules

  • molecules – list of rdkit Mol

  • max_products – maximum number of products per reaction

  • mass_range – tuple containing low and high value of allowed mass of product


list of product molecules

create_reactions(reactant_names=None, functional_group_names=None)

create a set of reactions using functional groups that are modified by the addition of replacement groups

  • reactant_names – list of replacement group names

  • functional_group_names – list of functional group names

property functional_group_names

returns a list of functional group names


list of functional group names

react(molecules, reactant_names=None, functional_group_names=None, max_products=1000, max_passes=100, include_original_molecules=False, num_tautomers=0, mass_range=None)

Given a list of molecules, react them using the named reactions

  • molecules – standardized molecule or list of molecules to be reacted

  • reactant_names – list of names of replacement groups added in the reaction. None or [None] means all

  • functional_group_names – list of names of the functional groups where reactions take place. None or [None] means all

  • max_products – maximum number of products per reaction and overall. an approximate bound

  • max_passes – iteratively apply the reactions to reaction products up to max_passes

  • include_original_molecules – add the original molecules to the returned products

  • num_tautomers – create up to this this number of tautomers from the input structures

  • mass_range – tuple containing low and high value of allowed mass of product


list of reaction products as rdkit Mol

property reactant_names

returns a list of replacement group names


list of replacement group names

masskit.small_molecule.threed module

masskit.small_molecule.threed.bounding_box(mol, conformer_id=-1)

given a mol with a conformer, return the bounding box of the conformer

  • mol – the rdkit mol

  • conformer_id – the conformer to use


the bounding box as an np array

masskit.small_molecule.threed.create_conformer(mol, num_conformers=10)

create a conformer for a rdkit mol

  • mol – rdkit molecule. *note that an rdkit molecule is passed by value, not reference*

  • num_conformers – max number of 3D conformers created per molecule


molecule, conformer ids, success/failure

masskit.small_molecule.utils module

masskit.small_molecule.utils.AdjustAromaticNs(m, nitrogenPattern='[n&D2&H0;r5,r6]')

default nitrogen pattern matches Ns in 5 rings and 6 rings in order to be able to fix: O=c1ccncc1 nitrogenPattern is aromatic n in ring of size 5 or 6 with 2 further explict connections, with 0 further H


get list of double bonds with undefined stereochemistry. Copied from


m – molecule


list of bonds

masskit.small_molecule.utils.set_dative_bonds(mol, fromAtoms=(7, 8))

convert some bonds to dative

Replaces some single bonds between metals and atoms with atomic numbers in fomAtoms with dative bonds. The replacement is only done if the atom has “too many” bonds.

Returns the modified molecule.


standardize molecule


mol – rdkit mol to standardize


standardized mol


calculate group additivity values per atom


mol – the molecule


dict that maps atom number to group additivity value, calculated polarizability

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