001package gov.nist.secauto.oscal.lib.model;
003import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.binding.model.annotations.AllowedValue;
004import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.binding.model.annotations.AllowedValues;
005import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.binding.model.annotations.AssemblyConstraints;
006import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.binding.model.annotations.BoundAssembly;
007import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.binding.model.annotations.BoundField;
008import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.binding.model.annotations.BoundFieldValue;
009import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.binding.model.annotations.BoundFlag;
010import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.binding.model.annotations.GroupAs;
011import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.binding.model.annotations.HasCardinality;
012import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.binding.model.annotations.IsUnique;
013import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.binding.model.annotations.KeyField;
014import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.binding.model.annotations.MetaschemaAssembly;
015import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.binding.model.annotations.ValueConstraints;
016import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.model.common.JsonGroupAsBehavior;
017import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.model.common.constraint.IConstraint;
018import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.model.common.datatype.adapter.UuidAdapter;
019import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.model.common.datatype.markup.MarkupLine;
020import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.model.common.datatype.markup.MarkupLineAdapter;
021import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.model.common.datatype.markup.MarkupMultiline;
022import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.model.common.datatype.markup.MarkupMultilineAdapter;
023import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.model.common.util.ObjectUtils;
024import java.lang.Override;
025import java.lang.String;
026import java.util.LinkedList;
027import java.util.List;
028import java.util.UUID;
029import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.MultilineRecursiveToStringStyle;
030import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ReflectionToStringBuilder;
033 * Identifies an assessment or related process that can be performed. In the assessment plan, this is an intended activity which may be associated with an assessment task. In the assessment results, this an activity that was actually performed as part of an assessment.
034 */
036    formalName = "Activity",
037    description = "Identifies an assessment or related process that can be performed. In the assessment plan, this is an intended activity which may be associated with an assessment task. In the assessment results, this an activity that was actually performed as part of an assessment.",
038    name = "activity",
039    metaschema = OscalAssessmentCommonMetaschema.class
042    allowedValues = {
043        @AllowedValues(level = IConstraint.Level.ERROR, target = "prop[has-oscal-namespace('http://csrc.nist.gov/ns/oscal')]/@name", values = @AllowedValue(value = "method", description = "The assessment method to use. This typically appears on parts with the name \"assessment\".")),
044        @AllowedValues(level = IConstraint.Level.ERROR, target = "prop[has-oscal-namespace('http://csrc.nist.gov/ns/oscal') and @name='method']/@value", values = {@AllowedValue(value = "INTERVIEW", description = "The process of holding discussions with individuals or groups of individuals within an organization to once again, facilitate assessor understanding, achieve clarification, or obtain evidence."), @AllowedValue(value = "EXAMINE", description = "The process of reviewing, inspecting, observing, studying, or analyzing one or more assessment objects (i.e., specifications, mechanisms, or activities)."), @AllowedValue(value = "TEST", description = "The process of exercising one or more assessment objects (i.e., activities or mechanisms) under specified conditions to compare actual with expected behavior.")})
045    }
048    isUnique = @IsUnique(id = "unique-activity-responsible-role", level = IConstraint.Level.ERROR, target = "responsible-role", keyFields = @KeyField(target = "@role-id"), remarks = "Since `responsible-role` associates multiple `party-uuid` entries with a single `role-id`, each role-id must be referenced only once."),
049    hasCardinality = @HasCardinality(level = IConstraint.Level.ERROR, target = "prop[has-oscal-namespace('http://csrc.nist.gov/ns/oscal') and @name='method']", minOccurs = 1)
051public class Activity {
052  @BoundFlag(
053      formalName = "Assessment Activity Universally Unique Identifier",
054      description = "A [machine-oriented](https://pages.nist.gov/OSCAL/concepts/identifier-use/#machine-oriented), [globally unique](https://pages.nist.gov/OSCAL/concepts/identifier-use/#globally-unique) identifier with [cross-instance](https://pages.nist.gov/OSCAL/concepts/identifier-use/#cross-instance) scope that can be used to reference this assessment activity elsewhere in [this or other OSCAL instances](https://pages.nist.gov/OSCAL/concepts/identifier-use/#scope). The locally defined *UUID* of the `activity` can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned [per-subject](https://pages.nist.gov/OSCAL/concepts/identifier-use/#consistency), which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.",
055      useName = "uuid",
056      required = true,
057      typeAdapter = UuidAdapter.class
058  )
059  private UUID _uuid;
061  /**
062   * "The title for this included activity."
063   */
064  @BoundField(
065      formalName = "Included Activity Title",
066      description = "The title for this included activity.",
067      useName = "title"
068  )
069  @BoundFieldValue(
070      typeAdapter = MarkupLineAdapter.class
071  )
072  private MarkupLine _title;
074  /**
075   * "A human-readable description of this included activity."
076   */
077  @BoundField(
078      formalName = "Included Activity Description",
079      description = "A human-readable description of this included activity.",
080      useName = "description",
081      minOccurs = 1
082  )
083  @BoundFieldValue(
084      typeAdapter = MarkupMultilineAdapter.class
085  )
086  private MarkupMultiline _description;
088  @BoundAssembly(
089      formalName = "Property",
090      description = "An attribute, characteristic, or quality of the containing object expressed as a namespace qualified name/value pair.",
091      useName = "prop",
092      maxOccurs = -1
093  )
094  @GroupAs(
095      name = "props",
096      inJson = JsonGroupAsBehavior.LIST
097  )
098  private List<Property> _props;
100  @BoundAssembly(
101      formalName = "Link",
102      description = "A reference to a local or remote resource, that has a specific relation to the containing object.",
103      useName = "link",
104      maxOccurs = -1
105  )
106  @GroupAs(
107      name = "links",
108      inJson = JsonGroupAsBehavior.LIST
109  )
110  private List<Link> _links;
112  /**
113   * "Identifies an individual step in a series of steps related to an activity, such as an assessment test or examination procedure."
114   */
115  @BoundAssembly(
116      formalName = "Step",
117      description = "Identifies an individual step in a series of steps related to an activity, such as an assessment test or examination procedure.",
118      useName = "step",
119      maxOccurs = -1
120  )
121  @GroupAs(
122      name = "steps",
123      inJson = JsonGroupAsBehavior.LIST
124  )
125  private List<Step> _steps;
127  @BoundAssembly(
128      formalName = "Reviewed Controls and Control Objectives",
129      description = "Identifies the controls being assessed and their control objectives.",
130      useName = "related-controls",
131      remarks = "This can be optionally used to define the set of controls and control objectives that are assessed or remediated by this activity."
132  )
133  private ReviewedControls _relatedControls;
135  @BoundAssembly(
136      formalName = "Responsible Role",
137      description = "A reference to a role with responsibility for performing a function relative to the containing object, optionally associated with a set of persons and/or organizations that perform that role.",
138      useName = "responsible-role",
139      maxOccurs = -1,
140      remarks = "Since `responsible-role` associates multiple `party-uuid` entries with a single `role-id`, each role-id must be referenced only once."
141  )
142  @GroupAs(
143      name = "responsible-roles",
144      inJson = JsonGroupAsBehavior.LIST
145  )
146  private List<ResponsibleRole> _responsibleRoles;
148  @BoundField(
149      formalName = "Remarks",
150      description = "Additional commentary about the containing object.",
151      useName = "remarks"
152  )
153  @BoundFieldValue(
154      typeAdapter = MarkupMultilineAdapter.class
155  )
156  private MarkupMultiline _remarks;
158  public Activity() {
159  }
161  public UUID getUuid() {
162    return _uuid;
163  }
165  public void setUuid(UUID value) {
166    _uuid = value;
167  }
169  public MarkupLine getTitle() {
170    return _title;
171  }
173  public void setTitle(MarkupLine value) {
174    _title = value;
175  }
177  public MarkupMultiline getDescription() {
178    return _description;
179  }
181  public void setDescription(MarkupMultiline value) {
182    _description = value;
183  }
185  public List<Property> getProps() {
186    return _props;
187  }
189  public void setProps(List<Property> value) {
190    _props = value;
191  }
193  /**
194   * Add a new {@link Property} item to the underlying collection.
195   * @param item the item to add
196   * @return {@code true}
197   */
198  public boolean addProp(Property item) {
199    Property value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
200    if (_props == null) {
201      _props = new LinkedList<>();
202    }
203    return _props.add(value);
204  }
206  /**
207   * Remove the first matching {@link Property} item from the underlying collection.
208   * @param item the item to remove
209   * @return {@code true} if the item was removed or {@code false} otherwise
210   */
211  public boolean removeProp(Property item) {
212    Property value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
213    return _props == null ? false : _props.remove(value);
214  }
216  public List<Link> getLinks() {
217    return _links;
218  }
220  public void setLinks(List<Link> value) {
221    _links = value;
222  }
224  /**
225   * Add a new {@link Link} item to the underlying collection.
226   * @param item the item to add
227   * @return {@code true}
228   */
229  public boolean addLink(Link item) {
230    Link value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
231    if (_links == null) {
232      _links = new LinkedList<>();
233    }
234    return _links.add(value);
235  }
237  /**
238   * Remove the first matching {@link Link} item from the underlying collection.
239   * @param item the item to remove
240   * @return {@code true} if the item was removed or {@code false} otherwise
241   */
242  public boolean removeLink(Link item) {
243    Link value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
244    return _links == null ? false : _links.remove(value);
245  }
247  public List<Step> getSteps() {
248    return _steps;
249  }
251  public void setSteps(List<Step> value) {
252    _steps = value;
253  }
255  /**
256   * Add a new {@link Step} item to the underlying collection.
257   * @param item the item to add
258   * @return {@code true}
259   */
260  public boolean addStep(Step item) {
261    Step value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
262    if (_steps == null) {
263      _steps = new LinkedList<>();
264    }
265    return _steps.add(value);
266  }
268  /**
269   * Remove the first matching {@link Step} item from the underlying collection.
270   * @param item the item to remove
271   * @return {@code true} if the item was removed or {@code false} otherwise
272   */
273  public boolean removeStep(Step item) {
274    Step value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
275    return _steps == null ? false : _steps.remove(value);
276  }
278  public ReviewedControls getRelatedControls() {
279    return _relatedControls;
280  }
282  public void setRelatedControls(ReviewedControls value) {
283    _relatedControls = value;
284  }
286  public List<ResponsibleRole> getResponsibleRoles() {
287    return _responsibleRoles;
288  }
290  public void setResponsibleRoles(List<ResponsibleRole> value) {
291    _responsibleRoles = value;
292  }
294  /**
295   * Add a new {@link ResponsibleRole} item to the underlying collection.
296   * @param item the item to add
297   * @return {@code true}
298   */
299  public boolean addResponsibleRole(ResponsibleRole item) {
300    ResponsibleRole value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
301    if (_responsibleRoles == null) {
302      _responsibleRoles = new LinkedList<>();
303    }
304    return _responsibleRoles.add(value);
305  }
307  /**
308   * Remove the first matching {@link ResponsibleRole} item from the underlying collection.
309   * @param item the item to remove
310   * @return {@code true} if the item was removed or {@code false} otherwise
311   */
312  public boolean removeResponsibleRole(ResponsibleRole item) {
313    ResponsibleRole value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
314    return _responsibleRoles == null ? false : _responsibleRoles.remove(value);
315  }
317  public MarkupMultiline getRemarks() {
318    return _remarks;
319  }
321  public void setRemarks(MarkupMultiline value) {
322    _remarks = value;
323  }
325  @Override
326  public String toString() {
327    return new ReflectionToStringBuilder(this, MultilineRecursiveToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE).toString();
328  }
330  /**
331   * Identifies an individual step in a series of steps related to an activity, such as an assessment test or examination procedure.
332   */
333  @MetaschemaAssembly(
334      formalName = "Step",
335      description = "Identifies an individual step in a series of steps related to an activity, such as an assessment test or examination procedure.",
336      name = "step",
337      metaschema = OscalAssessmentCommonMetaschema.class
338  )
339  @AssemblyConstraints(
340      isUnique = @IsUnique(id = "unique-step-responsible-role", level = IConstraint.Level.ERROR, target = "responsible-role", keyFields = @KeyField(target = "@role-id"), remarks = "Since multiple `party-uuid` entries can be provided, each role-id must be referenced only once.")
341  )
342  public static class Step {
343    @BoundFlag(
344        formalName = "Step Universally Unique Identifier",
345        description = "A [machine-oriented](https://pages.nist.gov/OSCAL/concepts/identifier-use/#machine-oriented), [globally unique](https://pages.nist.gov/OSCAL/concepts/identifier-use/#globally-unique) identifier with [cross-instance](https://pages.nist.gov/OSCAL/concepts/identifier-use/#cross-instance) scope that can be used to reference this step elsewhere in [this or other OSCAL instances](https://pages.nist.gov/OSCAL/concepts/identifier-use/#scope). The locally defined *UUID* of the `step` (in a series of steps) can be used to reference the data item locally or globally (e.g., in an imported OSCAL instance). This UUID should be assigned [per-subject](https://pages.nist.gov/OSCAL/concepts/identifier-use/#consistency), which means it should be consistently used to identify the same subject across revisions of the document.",
346        useName = "uuid",
347        required = true,
348        typeAdapter = UuidAdapter.class
349    )
350    private UUID _uuid;
352    /**
353     * "The title for this step."
354     */
355    @BoundField(
356        formalName = "Step Title",
357        description = "The title for this step.",
358        useName = "title"
359    )
360    @BoundFieldValue(
361        typeAdapter = MarkupLineAdapter.class
362    )
363    private MarkupLine _title;
365    /**
366     * "A human-readable description of this step."
367     */
368    @BoundField(
369        formalName = "Step Description",
370        description = "A human-readable description of this step.",
371        useName = "description",
372        minOccurs = 1
373    )
374    @BoundFieldValue(
375        typeAdapter = MarkupMultilineAdapter.class
376    )
377    private MarkupMultiline _description;
379    @BoundAssembly(
380        formalName = "Property",
381        description = "An attribute, characteristic, or quality of the containing object expressed as a namespace qualified name/value pair.",
382        useName = "prop",
383        maxOccurs = -1
384    )
385    @GroupAs(
386        name = "props",
387        inJson = JsonGroupAsBehavior.LIST
388    )
389    private List<Property> _props;
391    @BoundAssembly(
392        formalName = "Link",
393        description = "A reference to a local or remote resource, that has a specific relation to the containing object.",
394        useName = "link",
395        maxOccurs = -1
396    )
397    @GroupAs(
398        name = "links",
399        inJson = JsonGroupAsBehavior.LIST
400    )
401    private List<Link> _links;
403    @BoundAssembly(
404        formalName = "Reviewed Controls and Control Objectives",
405        description = "Identifies the controls being assessed and their control objectives.",
406        useName = "reviewed-controls",
407        remarks = "This can be optionally used to define the set of controls and control objectives that are assessed by this step."
408    )
409    private ReviewedControls _reviewedControls;
411    @BoundAssembly(
412        formalName = "Responsible Role",
413        description = "A reference to a role with responsibility for performing a function relative to the containing object, optionally associated with a set of persons and/or organizations that perform that role.",
414        useName = "responsible-role",
415        maxOccurs = -1,
416        remarks = "Identifies the roles, and optionally the parties, associated with this step that is part of an assessment activity."
417    )
418    @GroupAs(
419        name = "responsible-roles",
420        inJson = JsonGroupAsBehavior.LIST
421    )
422    private List<ResponsibleRole> _responsibleRoles;
424    @BoundField(
425        formalName = "Remarks",
426        description = "Additional commentary about the containing object.",
427        useName = "remarks"
428    )
429    @BoundFieldValue(
430        typeAdapter = MarkupMultilineAdapter.class
431    )
432    private MarkupMultiline _remarks;
434    public Step() {
435    }
437    public UUID getUuid() {
438      return _uuid;
439    }
441    public void setUuid(UUID value) {
442      _uuid = value;
443    }
445    public MarkupLine getTitle() {
446      return _title;
447    }
449    public void setTitle(MarkupLine value) {
450      _title = value;
451    }
453    public MarkupMultiline getDescription() {
454      return _description;
455    }
457    public void setDescription(MarkupMultiline value) {
458      _description = value;
459    }
461    public List<Property> getProps() {
462      return _props;
463    }
465    public void setProps(List<Property> value) {
466      _props = value;
467    }
469    /**
470     * Add a new {@link Property} item to the underlying collection.
471     * @param item the item to add
472     * @return {@code true}
473     */
474    public boolean addProp(Property item) {
475      Property value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
476      if (_props == null) {
477        _props = new LinkedList<>();
478      }
479      return _props.add(value);
480    }
482    /**
483     * Remove the first matching {@link Property} item from the underlying collection.
484     * @param item the item to remove
485     * @return {@code true} if the item was removed or {@code false} otherwise
486     */
487    public boolean removeProp(Property item) {
488      Property value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
489      return _props == null ? false : _props.remove(value);
490    }
492    public List<Link> getLinks() {
493      return _links;
494    }
496    public void setLinks(List<Link> value) {
497      _links = value;
498    }
500    /**
501     * Add a new {@link Link} item to the underlying collection.
502     * @param item the item to add
503     * @return {@code true}
504     */
505    public boolean addLink(Link item) {
506      Link value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
507      if (_links == null) {
508        _links = new LinkedList<>();
509      }
510      return _links.add(value);
511    }
513    /**
514     * Remove the first matching {@link Link} item from the underlying collection.
515     * @param item the item to remove
516     * @return {@code true} if the item was removed or {@code false} otherwise
517     */
518    public boolean removeLink(Link item) {
519      Link value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
520      return _links == null ? false : _links.remove(value);
521    }
523    public ReviewedControls getReviewedControls() {
524      return _reviewedControls;
525    }
527    public void setReviewedControls(ReviewedControls value) {
528      _reviewedControls = value;
529    }
531    public List<ResponsibleRole> getResponsibleRoles() {
532      return _responsibleRoles;
533    }
535    public void setResponsibleRoles(List<ResponsibleRole> value) {
536      _responsibleRoles = value;
537    }
539    /**
540     * Add a new {@link ResponsibleRole} item to the underlying collection.
541     * @param item the item to add
542     * @return {@code true}
543     */
544    public boolean addResponsibleRole(ResponsibleRole item) {
545      ResponsibleRole value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
546      if (_responsibleRoles == null) {
547        _responsibleRoles = new LinkedList<>();
548      }
549      return _responsibleRoles.add(value);
550    }
552    /**
553     * Remove the first matching {@link ResponsibleRole} item from the underlying collection.
554     * @param item the item to remove
555     * @return {@code true} if the item was removed or {@code false} otherwise
556     */
557    public boolean removeResponsibleRole(ResponsibleRole item) {
558      ResponsibleRole value = ObjectUtils.requireNonNull(item,"item cannot be null");
559      return _responsibleRoles == null ? false : _responsibleRoles.remove(value);
560    }
562    public MarkupMultiline getRemarks() {
563      return _remarks;
564    }
566    public void setRemarks(MarkupMultiline value) {
567      _remarks = value;
568    }
570    @Override
571    public String toString() {
572      return new ReflectionToStringBuilder(this, MultilineRecursiveToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE).toString();
573    }
574  }