Class ReassignmentIndexer

    • Method Detail

      • newBuilder

        protected newBuilder​(gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.model.common.metapath.item.IRequiredValueModelNodeItem item,
                                                                                                            IEntityItem.ItemType itemType,
                                                                                                            String identifier)
        Description copied from class: BasicIndexer
        Create a new builder with the provided info.

        This method can be overloaded to support applying additional data to the returned builder.

        When working with identifiers that are case insensitve, it is important to ensure that the identifiers are normalized to lower case.

        newBuilder in class BasicIndexer
        item - the Metapath node to associate with the entity
        itemType - the type of entity
        identifier - the entity's identifier
        the entity builder
      • getEntity

        public IEntityItem getEntity​(IEntityItem.ItemType itemType,
                                     String identifier,
                                     boolean normalize)
        Description copied from interface: IIndexer
        Lookup an item of the given itemType having the given identifier.

        Will normalize the case of a UUID-based the identifier when requested.

        Specified by:
        getEntity in interface IIndexer
        getEntity in class BasicIndexer
        itemType - the type of item to search for
        identifier - the identifier to lookup
        normalize - true if the identifier case should be normalized or false otherwise
        the matching item or null if no match was found