Class PatternIdentifierParser

    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public String parse​(@NonNull
                            String referenceText)
        Description copied from interface: IIdentifierParser
        Parse the referenceText for the identifier.
        Specified by:
        parse in interface IIdentifierParser
        referenceText - the reference text containing the identifier
        the identifier, or null if the identifier could not be parsed
      • update

        public String update​(@NonNull
                             String referenceText,
                             String newIdentifier)
        Description copied from interface: IIdentifierParser
        Substitute the provided newIdentifier with the identifier in the referenceText.
        Specified by:
        update in interface IIdentifierParser
        referenceText - the reference text containing the original identifier
        newIdentifier - the new identifier to replace the existing identifier
        the updated reference text with the identifier replaced