Class PortRange

  • @MetaschemaAssembly(formalName="Port Range",
                        description="Where applicable this is the IPv4 port range on which the service operates.",
                        remarks="To be validated as a natural number (integer \\>= 1). A single port uses the same value for start and end. Use multiple \'port-range\' entries for non-contiguous ranges.")
    @Expect(id="port-range-start-and-end-not-specified",level=WARNING,test="exists(@start) and exists(@end)",message="If a protocol is defined, it should include a start and end port range. To define a single port, the start and end should be the same value.") @Expect(id="port-range-start-specified-with-no-end",level=WARNING,test="exists(@start) and not(exists(@end))",message="A start port exists, but an end point does not. To define a single port, the start and end should be the same value.") @Expect(id="port-range-end-specified-with-no-start",level=WARNING,test="not(exists(@start)) and exists(@end)",message="An end point exists, but a start port does not. To define a single port, the start and end should be the same value.") @Expect(id="port-range-end-date-is-before-start-date",level=WARNING,test="@start <= @end",message="The port range specified has an end port that is less than the start port.")
    public class PortRange
    extends Object
    Where applicable this is the IPv4 port range on which the service operates.