Class Modify.Alter.Add

  • Enclosing class:

                        description="Specifies contents to be added into controls, in resolution.",
                        remarks="When no `by-id` is given, the addition is inserted into the control targeted by the alteration at the start or end as indicated by `position`. Only `position` values of \"starting\" or \"ending\" are permitted when there is no `by-id`.\n\n`by-id`, when given, should indicate, by its ID, an element inside the control to serve as the anchor point for the addition. In this case, `position` value may be any of the permitted values.")
    @ValueConstraints(allowedValues=@AllowedValues(level=ERROR,target="prop[has-oscal-namespace(\'\')]/@name",values={@AllowedValue(value="label",description="A human-readable label for the parent context, which may be rendered in place of the actual identifier for some use cases."),@AllowedValue(value="sort-id",description="An alternative identifier, whose value is easily sortable among other such values in the document."),@AllowedValue(value="alt-identifier",description="An alternate or aliased identifier for the parent context.")}))
    public static class Modify.Alter.Add
    extends Object
    Specifies contents to be added into controls, in resolution.