Class ComponentControlImplementation

  • @MetaschemaAssembly(formalName="Control Implementation Set",
                        description="Defines how the component or capability supports a set of controls.",
                        remarks="Use of `set-parameter` in this context, sets the parameter for all controls referenced by any `implemented-requirement` contained in this context. Any `set-parameter` defined in a child context will override this value. If not overridden by a child, this value applies in the child context.")
    @AssemblyConstraints(isUnique=@IsUnique(id="unique-component-definition-control-implementation-set-parameter",level=ERROR,target="set-parameter",keyFields=@KeyField(target="@param-id"),remarks="Since multiple `set-parameter` entries can be provided, each parameter must be set only once."))
    public class ComponentControlImplementation
    extends Object
    Defines how the component or capability supports a set of controls.