Class Activity

  • @MetaschemaAssembly(formalName="Activity",
                        description="Identifies an assessment or related process that can be performed. In the assessment plan, this is an intended activity which may be associated with an assessment task. In the assessment results, this an activity that was actually performed as part of an assessment.",
    @AllowedValues(level=ERROR,target="prop[has-oscal-namespace(\'\')]/@name",values=@AllowedValue(value="method",description="The assessment method to use. This typically appears on parts with the name \"assessment\".")) @AllowedValues(level=ERROR,target="prop[has-oscal-namespace(\'\') and @name=\'method\']/@value",values={@AllowedValue(value="INTERVIEW",description="The process of holding discussions with individuals or groups of individuals within an organization to once again, facilitate assessor understanding, achieve clarification, or obtain evidence."),@AllowedValue(value="EXAMINE",description="The process of reviewing, inspecting, observing, studying, or analyzing one or more assessment objects (i.e., specifications, mechanisms, or activities)."),@AllowedValue(value="TEST",description="The process of exercising one or more assessment objects (i.e., activities or mechanisms) under specified conditions to compare actual with expected behavior.")})
    @AssemblyConstraints(isUnique=@IsUnique(id="unique-activity-responsible-role",level=ERROR,target="responsible-role",keyFields=@KeyField(target="@role-id"),remarks="Since `responsible-role` associates multiple `party-uuid` entries with a single `role-id`, each role-id must be referenced only once."),
                         hasCardinality=@HasCardinality(level=ERROR,target="prop[has-oscal-namespace(\'\') and @name=\'method\']",minOccurs=1))
    public class Activity
    extends Object
    Identifies an assessment or related process that can be performed. In the assessment plan, this is an intended activity which may be associated with an assessment task. In the assessment results, this an activity that was actually performed as part of an assessment.