Friction Ridge Image and Features
API for participating in NIST's Friction Ridge Image and Features Technology Evaluations.
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Exemplar 1:N

FRIF Technology Evaluation—Exemplar 1:N—Feature extraction and search Application Programming Interface.


This is the Application Programming Interface (API) that must be implemented to participate in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)'s Friction Ridge Image and Features (FRIF) Technology Evaluation (TE) Exemplar 1:N (E1N). All E1N-specific functionality is defined within FRIF::Evaluations::Exemplar1N, sharing common base code from FRIF.


Two pure-virtual (abstract) classes called FRIF::Evaluations::Exemplar1N::ExtractionInterface and FRIF::Evaluations::Exemplar1N::SearchInterface have been defined. Participants must implement all methods of both classes in subclasses and submit the implementations in a shared library. The name of the library must follow the requirements outlined in the test plan and be identical to the required information returned from ExtractionInterface::getIdentification. NIST's testing apparatus will link against the submitted library and instantiate instances of the implementations with the FRIF::Evaluations::Exemplar1N::ExtractionInterface::getImplementation and FRIF::Evaluations::Exemplar1N::SearchInterface::getImplementation functions.

Required Static Methods

The following methods are defined static in the API and must be implemented by E1N participants: