

LinearBicgstabSolver([tolerance, ...])

The LinearBicgstabSolver is an interface to the Bicgstab solver in Scipy, with no preconditioning by default.

class fipy.solvers.scipy.linearBicgstabSolver.LinearBicgstabSolver(tolerance=1e-15, iterations=2000, precon=None)

Bases: _ScipyKrylovSolver

The LinearBicgstabSolver is an interface to the Bicgstab solver in Scipy, with no preconditioning by default.

  • tolerance (float) – Required error tolerance.

  • iterations (int) – Maximum number of iterative steps to perform.

  • precon – Preconditioner to use.


Return repr(self).

Last updated on Jun 26, 2024. Created using Sphinx 7.1.2.