
Solve for the impingement of two grains in one dimension.

In this example we solve a coupled phase and orientation equation on a one dimensional grid. This is another aspect of the model of Warren, Kobayashi, Lobkovsky and Carter [13]

>>> from fipy import CellVariable, ModularVariable, Grid1D, TransientTerm, DiffusionTerm, ExplicitDiffusionTerm, ImplicitSourceTerm, GeneralSolver, Viewer
>>> from fipy.tools import numerix
>>> nx = 40
>>> Lx = 2.5 * nx / 100.
>>> dx = Lx / nx
>>> mesh = Grid1D(dx=dx, nx=nx)

This problem simulates the wet boundary that forms between grains of different orientations. The phase equation is given by

\[\tau_{\phi} \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial t} = \alpha^2 \nabla^2 \phi + \phi ( 1 - \phi ) m_1 ( \phi , T) - 2 s \phi | \nabla \theta | - \epsilon^2 \phi | \nabla \theta |^2\]


\[m_1(\phi, T) = \phi - \frac{1}{2} - T \phi ( 1 - \phi )\]

and the orientation equation is given by

\[P(\epsilon | \nabla \theta |) \tau_{\theta} \phi^2 \frac{\partial \theta}{\partial t} = \nabla \cdot \left[ \phi^2 \left( \frac{s}{| \nabla \theta |} + \epsilon^2 \right) \nabla \theta \right]\]


\[P(w) = 1 - \exp{(-\beta w)} + \frac{\mu}{\epsilon} \exp{(-\beta w)}\]

The initial conditions for this problem are set such that \(\phi = 1\) for \(0 \le x \le L_x\) and

\[\begin{split}\theta = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{for $0 \le x < L_x / 2$,} \\ 0 & \text{for $L_x / 2 \le x \le L_x$.} \end{cases}\end{split}\]

Here the phase and orientation equations are solved with an explicit and implicit technique respectively.

The parameters for these equations are

>>> timeStepDuration = 0.02
>>> phaseTransientCoeff = 0.1
>>> thetaSmallValue = 1e-6
>>> beta = 1e5
>>> mu = 1e3
>>> thetaTransientCoeff = 0.01
>>> gamma= 1e3
>>> epsilon = 0.008
>>> s = 0.01
>>> alpha = 0.015

The system is held isothermal at

>>> temperature = 1.

and is initially solid everywhere

>>> phase = CellVariable(
...     name='phase field',
...     mesh=mesh,
...     value=1.
...     )

Because theta is an \(S^1\)-valued variable (i.e. it maps to the circle) and thus intrinsically has \(2\pi\)-periodicity, we must use ModularVariable instead of a CellVariable. A ModularVariable confines theta to \(-\pi < \theta \le \pi\) by adding or subtracting \(2\pi\) where necessary and by defining a new subtraction operator between two angles.

>>> theta = ModularVariable(
...     name='theta',
...     mesh=mesh,
...     value=1.,
...     hasOld=1
...     )

The left and right halves of the domain are given different orientations.

>>> theta.setValue(0., where=mesh.cellCenters[0] > Lx / 2.)

The phase equation is built in the following way.

>>> mPhiVar = phase - 0.5 + temperature * phase * (1 - phase)

The source term is linearized in the manner demonstrated in examples.phase.simple (Kobayashi, semi-implicit).

>>> thetaMag = theta.old.grad.mag
>>> implicitSource = mPhiVar * (phase - (mPhiVar < 0))
>>> implicitSource += (2 * s + epsilon**2 * thetaMag) * thetaMag

The phase equation is constructed.

>>> phaseEq = TransientTerm(phaseTransientCoeff) \
...   == ExplicitDiffusionTerm(alpha**2) \
...      - ImplicitSourceTerm(implicitSource) \
...      + (mPhiVar > 0) * mPhiVar * phase

The theta equation is built in the following way. The details for this equation are fairly involved, see J. A. Warren et al.. The main detail is that a source must be added to correct for the discretization of theta on the circle.

>>> phaseMod = phase + ( phase < thetaSmallValue ) * thetaSmallValue
>>> phaseModSq = phaseMod * phaseMod
>>> expo = epsilon * beta * theta.grad.mag
>>> expo = (expo < 100.) * (expo - 100.) + 100.
>>> pFunc = 1. + numerix.exp(-expo) * (mu / epsilon - 1.)
>>> phaseFace = phase.arithmeticFaceValue
>>> phaseSq = phaseFace * phaseFace
>>> gradMag = theta.faceGrad.mag
>>> eps = 1. / gamma / 10.
>>> gradMag += (gradMag < eps) * eps
>>> IGamma = (gradMag > 1. / gamma) * (1 / gradMag - gamma) + gamma
>>> diffusionCoeff = phaseSq * (s * IGamma + epsilon**2)

The source term requires the evaluation of the face gradient without the modular operator. thetafaceGradNoMod evaluates the gradient without modular arithmetic.

>>> thetaGradDiff = theta.faceGrad - theta.faceGradNoMod
>>> sourceCoeff = (diffusionCoeff * thetaGradDiff).divergence

Finally the theta equation can be constructed.

>>> thetaEq = TransientTerm(thetaTransientCoeff * phaseModSq * pFunc) == \
...           DiffusionTerm(diffusionCoeff) \
...           + sourceCoeff

If the example is run interactively, we create viewers for the phase and orientation variables.

>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
...     phaseViewer = Viewer(vars=phase, datamin=0., datamax=1.)
...     thetaProductViewer = Viewer(vars=theta,
...                                 datamin=-numerix.pi, datamax=numerix.pi)
...     phaseViewer.plot()
...     thetaProductViewer.plot()

we iterate the solution in time, plotting as we go if running interactively,

>>> steps = 10
>>> from builtins import range
>>> for i in range(steps):
...     theta.updateOld()
...     thetaEq.solve(theta, dt = timeStepDuration)
...     phaseEq.solve(phase, dt = timeStepDuration)
...     if __name__ == '__main__':
...         phaseViewer.plot()
...         thetaProductViewer.plot()

The solution is compared with test data. The test data was created with steps = 10 with a FORTRAN code written by Ryo Kobayashi for phase field modeling. The following code opens the file mesh40x1.gz extracts the data and compares it with the theta variable.

>>> import os
>>> from future.utils import text_to_native_str
>>> testData = numerix.loadtxt(os.path.splitext(__file__)[0] + text_to_native_str('.gz'))
>>> testData = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, value=testData)
>>> print(theta.allclose(testData))
Last updated on Feb 14, 2025. Created using Sphinx 7.1.2.