This example remains only for exact comparison against Ryo Kobayashi’s
FORTRAN code. See examples.phase.anisotropy
for a better, although not
numerically identical implementation.
In this example we solve a coupled phase and temperature equation to model solidification, and eventually dendritic growth, based on the work of Warren, Kobayashi, Lobkovsky and Carter [13].
We start from a circular seed in a 2D mesh:
>>> from fipy import CellVariable, Grid2D, TransientTerm, DiffusionTerm, ExplicitDiffusionTerm, ImplicitSourceTerm, Viewer
>>> from fipy.tools import numerix
>>> numberOfCells = 40
>>> Length = numberOfCells * 2.5 / 100.
>>> nx = numberOfCells
>>> ny = numberOfCells
>>> dx = Length / nx
>>> dy = Length / ny
>>> radius = Length / 4.
>>> seedCenter = (Length / 2., Length / 2.)
>>> initialTemperature = -0.4
>>> mesh = Grid2D(dx=dx, dy=dy, nx=nx, ny=ny)
Dendritic growth will not be observed with this small test system. If
you wish to see dendritic growth reset the following parameters such
that numberOfCells = 500
, steps = 10000
, radius = dx * 5.
seedCenter = (0. , 0.)
and initialTemperature = -0.5
The governing equation for the phase field is given by:
The coefficients \(D\) and \(A\) are given by,
where \(\beta = \frac{ 1 - \Phi^2 } { 1 + \Phi^2}\), \(\Phi = \tan \left( \frac{ N } { 2 } \psi \right) `, :math:\)psi = theta + arctan frac{ phi_y } { phi_x }` and \(\xi_x = -\phi_y\) and \(\xi_y = \phi_x\).
The governing equation for temperature is given by:
Here the phase and temperature equations are solved with an explicit and implicit technique, respectively.
The parameters for these equations are
>>> timeStepDuration = 5e-5
>>> tau = 3e-4
>>> alpha = 0.015
>>> c = 0.02
>>> N = 4.
>>> kappa1 = 0.9
>>> kappa2 = 20.
>>> tempDiffusionCoeff = 2.25
>>> theta = 0.
The phase
variable is 0 for a liquid and 1 for a solid. Here,
the ``phase
variable is initialized as a liquid,
>>> phase = CellVariable(name='phase field', mesh=mesh, hasOld=1)
The hasOld
flag keeps the old value of the variable. This is
necessary for a transient solution. In this example we wish to set up
an interior region that is solid.
The domain is seeded with a circular solidified region with parameters
and radius
representing the center and radius of the
>>> x, y = mesh.cellCenters
>>> phase.setValue(1., where=((x - seedCenter[0])**2
... + (y - seedCenter[1])**2) < radius**2)
The temperature field is initialized to a value of -0.4 throughout:
>>> temperature = CellVariable(
... name='temperature',
... mesh=mesh,
... value=initialTemperature,
... hasOld=1)
The \(m(\phi, T)\) variable
is created from the phase
and temperature
>>> mVar = phase - 0.5 - kappa1 / numerix.pi * numerix.arctan(kappa2 * temperature)
The following section of code builds up the \(A\) and \(D\) coefficients.
>>> phaseY = phase.faceGrad.dot((0, 1))
>>> phaseX = phase.faceGrad.dot((1, 0))
>>> psi = theta + numerix.arctan2(phaseY, phaseX)
>>> Phi = numerix.tan(N * psi / 2)
>>> PhiSq = Phi**2
>>> beta = (1. - PhiSq) / (1. + PhiSq)
>>> betaPsi = -N * 2 * Phi / (1 + PhiSq)
>>> A = alpha**2 * c * (1.+ c * beta) * betaPsi
>>> D = alpha**2 * (1.+ c * beta)**2
The \(\nabla \xi\) variable (dxi
given by \((\xi_x, \xi_y) = (-\phi_y, \phi_x)\),
is constructed by first obtaining \(\nabla \phi\)
using faceGrad
The axes are rotated ninety degrees.
>>> dxi = phase.faceGrad.dot(((0, 1), (-1, 0)))
>>> anisotropySource = (A * dxi).divergence
The phase equation can now be constructed.
>>> phaseEq = TransientTerm(tau) == ExplicitDiffusionTerm(D) + \
... ImplicitSourceTerm(mVar * ((mVar < 0) - phase)) + \
... ((mVar > 0.) * mVar * phase + anisotropySource)
The temperature equation is built in the following way,
>>> temperatureEq = TransientTerm() == \
... DiffusionTerm(tempDiffusionCoeff) + \
... (phase - phase.old) / timeStepDuration
If we are running this example interactively, we create viewers for the phase and temperature fields
>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
... phaseViewer = Viewer(vars=phase)
... temperatureViewer = Viewer(vars=temperature,
... datamin=-0.5, datamax=0.5)
... phaseViewer.plot()
... temperatureViewer.plot()
we iterate the solution in time, plotting as we go if running interactively,
>>> steps = 10
>>> from builtins import range
>>> for i in range(steps):
... phase.updateOld()
... temperature.updateOld()
... phaseEq.solve(phase, dt=timeStepDuration)
... temperatureEq.solve(temperature, dt=timeStepDuration)
... if i%10 == 0 and __name__ == '__main__':
... phaseViewer.plot()
... temperatureViewer.plot()
The solution is compared with test data. The test data was created for
steps = 10
with a FORTRAN code written by Ryo Kobayashi for phase
field modeling. The following code opens the file anisotropy.gz
the data and compares it with the phase variable.
>>> import os
>>> from future.utils import text_to_native_str
>>> testData = numerix.loadtxt(os.path.splitext(__file__)[0] + text_to_native_str('.gz'))
>>> print(phase.allclose(testData))