
This example represents an expanding circular interface with an initial coverage of surfactant. The rate of expansion is dependent on the coverage of surfactant, The governing equations are given by:

\[\begin{split}\dot{\theta} &= -\frac{\dot{r}}{r} \theta \\ \dot{r} &= k \theta\end{split}\]

The solution for these set of equations is given by:

\[\begin{split}r &= \sqrt{2 k r_0 \theta_0 t + r_0^2} \\ \theta &= \frac{r_0 \theta_0}{\sqrt{2 k r_0 \theta_0 t + r_0^2}}\end{split}\]

The following tests can be performed. First test for global conservation of surfactant:

>>> surfactantBefore = numerix.sum(surfactantVariable * mesh.cellVolumes)
>>> totalTime = 0
>>> steps = 5
>>> from builtins import range
>>> for step in range(steps):
...     velocity.setValue(surfactantVariable.interfaceVar * k)
...     distanceVariable.extendVariable(velocity)
...     timeStepDuration = cfl * dx / velocity.max()
...     distanceVariable.updateOld()
...     advectionEquation.solve(distanceVariable, dt = timeStepDuration)
...     surfactantEquation.solve(surfactantVariable, dt=1)
...     totalTime += timeStepDuration 
>>> surfactantEquation.solve(surfactantVariable, dt=1)
>>> surfactantAfter = numerix.sum(surfactantVariable * mesh.cellVolumes)
>>> print(surfactantBefore.allclose(surfactantAfter))

Next test for the correct local value of surfactant:

>>> finalRadius = numerix.sqrt(2 * k * initialRadius * initialSurfactantValue * totalTime + initialRadius**2)
>>> answer = initialSurfactantValue * initialRadius / finalRadius
>>> coverage = surfactantVariable.interfaceVar
>>> error = (coverage / answer - 1)**2 * (coverage > 1e-3)
>>> print(numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(error) / numerix.sum(error > 0)) < 0.04)

Test for the correct position of the interface:

>>> x, y = mesh.cellCenters
>>> radius = numerix.sqrt((x - L / 2)**2 + (y - L / 2)**2)
>>> solution = radius - distanceVariable
>>> error = (solution / finalRadius - 1)**2 * (coverage > 1e-3)
>>> print(numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(error) / numerix.sum(error > 0)) < 0.02) 
Last updated on Nov 20, 2024. Created using Sphinx 7.1.2.