This example solves the steady-state cylindrical convection-diffusion equation given by
with coefficients
>>> diffCoeff = 1.
>>> convCoeff = ((10.,),)
We define a 1D cylindrical mesh representing an annulus. The mesh has a non-constant cell spacing.
>>> from fipy import CellVariable, CylindricalGrid1D, DiffusionTerm, ExponentialConvectionTerm, Viewer
>>> from fipy.tools import numerix
>>> r0 = 1.
>>> r1 = 2.
>>> nr = 100
>>> Rratio = (r1 / r0)**(1 / float(nr))
>>> dr = r0 * (Rratio - 1) * Rratio**numerix.arange(nr)
>>> mesh = CylindricalGrid1D(dr=dr) + ((r0,),)
>>> valueLeft = 0.
>>> valueRight = 1.
The solution variable is initialized to valueLeft
>>> var = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name = "variable")
and impose the boundary conditions
>>> var.constrain(valueLeft, mesh.facesLeft)
>>> var.constrain(valueRight, mesh.facesRight)
The equation is created with the DiffusionTerm
>>> eq = (DiffusionTerm(coeff=diffCoeff)
... + ExponentialConvectionTerm(coeff=convCoeff))
More details of the benefits and drawbacks of each type of convection
term can be found in Numerical Schemes.
Essentially, the ExponentialConvectionTerm
and PowerLawConvectionTerm
both handle most types of convection-diffusion cases, with the
being more efficient.
We solve the equation
>>> eq.solve(var=var)
and test the solution against the analytical result
>>> axis = 0
>>> try:
... U = convCoeff[0][0]
... from scipy.special import expi
... r = mesh.cellCenters[axis]
... AA = numerix.exp(U / diffCoeff * (r1 - r))
... BB = expi(U * r0 / diffCoeff) - expi(U * r / diffCoeff)
... CC = expi(U * r0 / diffCoeff) - expi(U * r1 / diffCoeff)
... analyticalArray = AA * BB / CC
... except ImportError:
... print("The SciPy library is unavailable. It is required for testing purposes.")
>>> print(var.allclose(analyticalArray, atol=1e-3))
If the problem is run interactively, we can view the result:
>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
... viewer = Viewer(vars=var)
... viewer.plot()