

If you use FiPy in your research, please cite:

J. E. Guyer, D. Wheeler & J. A. Warren, “FiPy: Partial Differential Equations with Python,” Computing in Science & Engineering 11 (3) pp. 6-15 (2009), doi:10.1109/MCSE.2009.52. (pdf)

Other publications that have used FiPy. Please contact us to add your work to this list.

  • D. Wheeler, and J. A. Warren & W. J. Boettinger, “Modeling the early stages of reactive wetting” Physical Review E 82 (5) pp. 051601 (2010), doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.82.051601.

  • R. R. Mohanty, J. E. Guyer & Y. H. Sohn, “Diffusion under temperature gradient: A phase-field model study” Journal of Applied Physics 106 (3) pp. 034912 (2009), doi:10.1063/1.3190607.

  • J. A. Warren, T. Pusztai, L. Környei & L. Gránásy, “Phase field approach to heterogeneous crystal nucleation in alloys,” Physical Review B 79 014204 (2009), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.79.014204.

  • T. P. Moffat, D. Wheeler, S.-K. Kim & D. Josell, “Curvature enhanced adsorbate coverage mechanism for bottom-up superfilling and bump control in Damascene processing,” Electrochimica Acta 53 (1) pp. 145-154 (2007), doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2007.03.025.

  • W. J. Boettinger, J. E. Guyer, C. E. Campbell, G. B. McFadden, “Computation of the Kirkendall velocity and displacement fields in a one-dimensional binary diffusion couple with a moving interface,” Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences 463 (2088) pp. 3347-3373 (2007), doi:10.1098/rspa.2007.1904.

  • T. Cickovski, K. Aras, M. Swat, R. M. H. Merks, T. Glimm, H. G. E. Hentschel, M. S. Alber, J. A. Glazier, S. A. Newman & J. A. Izaguirre, “From Genes to Organisms Via the Cell: A Problem-Solving Environment for Multicellular Development,” Computing in Science & Engineering 9 (4) pp. 50-60 (2007), doi:10.1109/MCSE.2007.74.

  • L. Gránásy, T. Pusztai, D. Saylor & J. A. Warren, “Phase Field Theory of Heterogeneous Crystal Nucleation,” Physical Review Letters 98 035703 (2007) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.035703.

  • J. Mazur, “Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field in Soil Generated by Solar Radiation,” Journal de Physique IV France 137 pp. 317-320 (2006), doi:10.1051/jp4:2006137061.

  • T. P. Moffat, D. Wheeler, S. K. Kim & D. Josell, “Curvature enhanced adsorbate coverage model for electrodeposition,” Journal of The Electrochemical Society 153 (2) pp. C127-C132 (2006), 10.1149/1.2165580.

  • D. Josell, D. Wheeler & T. P. Moffat, “Gold superfill in submicrometer trenches: Experiment and prediction,” Journal of The Electrochemical Society 153 (1) pp. C11-C18 (2006), 10.1149/1.2128765.


We were honored to be invited to deliver a keynote presentation on “Modeling of Materials with Python” at the 2009 Python for Scientific Computing Conference at Caltech, August 2009.

Other invited talks about FiPy:

  • “FiPy: An Open Source Finite Volume PDE Solver Implemented in Python” by J. E. Guyer at the George Mason University Department of Mathematical Sciences, October 2009.

  • “FiPy: An Open-Source PDE Solver for Materials Science” by J. E. Guyer at the Center for Devices and Radiological Health of the Food and Drug Administration, June 2009.

  • “FiPy: An Open-Source PDE Solver for Materials Science” by J. E. Guyer at GE Global Research, June 2009.

  • “FiPy: A PDE Solver for Materials Science” by J. E. Guyer at the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, March 2009.

  • “FiPy: An Open Source Finite Volume PDE Solver Implemented in Python” by J. E. Guyer in the Open Source Tools for Materials Research and Engineering session of the TMS 2009 Annual Meeting, February 2009.

  • “FiPy: A Finite Volume PDE Solver Implemented in Python” by J. E. Guyer in the Computational Materials Research and Education Luncheon Roundtable of the TMS Annual Meeting, February 2009.

  • “FiPy - An Object-Oriented Tool for Phase Transformation Simulations Using Python” by J. E. Guyer at Microstructology III, Birmingham, AL, May 2005.

  • “FiPy - An Object-Oriented Tool for Phase Transformation Simulations Using Python” by J. E. Guyer at the 2004 MRS Fall Meeting, November 2004.

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