The TransientTerm represents |
- class fipy.terms.transientTerm.TransientTerm(coeff=1.0, var=None)¶
The TransientTerm represents
\[\int_V \frac{\partial (\rho \phi)}{\partial t} dV \simeq \frac{(\rho_{P} \phi_{P} - \rho_{P}^\text{old} \phi_P^\text{old}) V_P}{\Delta t}\]where \(\rho\) is the coeff value.
The following test case verifies that variable coefficients and old coefficient values work correctly. We will solve the following equation
\[\frac{ \partial \phi^2 } { \partial t } = k.\]The analytic solution is given by
\[\phi = \sqrt{ \phi_0^2 + k t },\]where \(\phi_0\) is the initial value.
>>> phi0 = 1. >>> k = 1. >>> dt = 1. >>> relaxationFactor = 1.5 >>> steps = 2 >>> sweeps = 8
>>> from fipy.meshes import Grid1D >>> mesh = Grid1D(nx = 1) >>> from fipy.variables.cellVariable import CellVariable >>> var = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value = phi0, hasOld = 1) >>> from fipy.terms.transientTerm import TransientTerm >>> from fipy.terms.implicitSourceTerm import ImplicitSourceTerm
Relaxation, given by relaxationFactor, is required for a converged solution.
>>> eq = TransientTerm(var) == ImplicitSourceTerm(-relaxationFactor) \ ... + var * relaxationFactor + k
A number of sweeps at each time step are required to let the relaxation take effect.
>>> from builtins import range >>> for step in range(steps): ... var.updateOld() ... for sweep in range(sweeps): ... eq.solve(var, dt=dt)
Compare the final result with the analytical solution.
>>> from import numerix >>> print(var.allclose(numerix.sqrt(k * dt * steps + phi0**2), rtol=2e-5)) True
Create a Term.
- Parameters:
coeff (
) – Coefficient for the term. FaceVariable objects are only acceptable for diffusion or convection terms.
- property RHSvector¶
Return the RHS vector calculated in solve() or sweep(). The cacheRHSvector() method should be called before solve() or sweep() to cache the vector.
- __eq__(other)¶
Return self==value.
- __hash__()¶
Return hash(self).
- __mul__(other)¶
Multiply a term
>>> 2. * __NonDiffusionTerm(coeff=0.5) __NonDiffusionTerm(coeff=1.0)
Test for ticket:291.
>>> from fipy import PowerLawConvectionTerm >>> PowerLawConvectionTerm(coeff=[[1], [0]]) * 1.0 PowerLawConvectionTerm(coeff=array([[ 1.], [ 0.]]))
- __neg__()¶
Negate a Term.
>>> -__NonDiffusionTerm(coeff=1.) __NonDiffusionTerm(coeff=-1.0)
- __repr__()¶
The representation of a Term object is given by,
>>> print(__UnaryTerm(123.456)) __UnaryTerm(coeff=123.456)
- __rmul__(other)¶
Multiply a term
>>> 2. * __NonDiffusionTerm(coeff=0.5) __NonDiffusionTerm(coeff=1.0)
Test for ticket:291.
>>> from fipy import PowerLawConvectionTerm >>> PowerLawConvectionTerm(coeff=[[1], [0]]) * 1.0 PowerLawConvectionTerm(coeff=array([[ 1.], [ 0.]]))
- cacheMatrix()¶
Informs solve() and sweep() to cache their matrix so that matrix can return the matrix.
- cacheRHSvector()¶
Informs solve() and sweep() to cache their right hand side vector so that getRHSvector() can return it.
- justErrorVector(var=None, solver=None, boundaryConditions=(), dt=1.0, underRelaxation=None, residualFn=None)¶
Builds the Term’s linear system once.
This method also recalculates and returns the error as well as applying under-relaxation.
justErrorVector returns the overlapping local value in parallel (not the non-overlapping value).
>>> from fipy.solvers import DummySolver >>> from fipy import * >>> m = Grid1D(nx=10) >>> v = CellVariable(mesh=m) >>> len(DiffusionTerm().justErrorVector(v, solver=DummySolver())) == m.numberOfCells True
- Parameters:
var (
) – Variable to be solved for. Provides the initial condition, the old value and holds the solution on completion.solver (
) – Iterative solver to be used to solve the linear system of equations. The default sovler depends on the solver package selected.boundaryConditions (
) –dt (
) – Timestep size.underRelaxation (
) – Usually a value between 0 and 1 or None in the case of no under-relaxationresidualFn (
) – Takes var, matrix, and RHSvector arguments, used to customize the residual calculation.
- Returns:
error – The residual vector \(\vec{e}=\mathsf{L}\vec{x}_\text{old} - \vec{b}\)
- Return type:
- justResidualVector(var=None, solver=None, boundaryConditions=(), dt=None, underRelaxation=None, residualFn=None)¶
Builds the Term’s linear system once.
This method also recalculates and returns the residual as well as applying under-relaxation.
justResidualVector returns the overlapping local value in parallel (not the non-overlapping value).
>>> from fipy import * >>> m = Grid1D(nx=10) >>> v = CellVariable(mesh=m) >>> len(numerix.asarray(DiffusionTerm().justResidualVector(v))) == m.numberOfCells True
- Parameters:
var (
) – Variable to be solved for. Provides the initial condition, the old value and holds the solution on completion.solver (
) – Iterative solver to be used to solve the linear system of equations. The default sovler depends on the solver package selected.boundaryConditions (
) –dt (
) – Timestep size.underRelaxation (
) – Usually a value between 0 and 1 or None in the case of no under-relaxationresidualFn (
) – Takes var, matrix, and RHSvector arguments, used to customize the residual calculation.
- Returns:
residual – The residual vector \(\vec{r}=\mathsf{L}\vec{x} - \vec{b}\)
- Return type:
- property matrix¶
Return the matrix calculated in solve() or sweep(). The cacheMatrix() method should be called before solve() or sweep() to cache the matrix.
- residualVectorAndNorm(var=None, solver=None, boundaryConditions=(), dt=None, underRelaxation=None, residualFn=None)¶
Builds the Term’s linear system once.
This method also recalculates and returns the residual as well as applying under-relaxation.
- Parameters:
var (
) – Variable to be solved for. Provides the initial condition, the old value and holds the solution on completion.solver (
) – Iterative solver to be used to solve the linear system of equations. The default sovler depends on the solver package selected.boundaryConditions (
) –dt (
) – Timestep size.underRelaxation (
) – Usually a value between 0 and 1 or None in the case of no under-relaxationresidualFn (
) – Takes var, matrix, and RHSvector arguments, used to customize the residual calculation.
- Returns:
residual (
) – The residual vector \(\vec{r}=\mathsf{L}\vec{x} - \vec{b}\)norm (
) – The L2 norm of residual, \(\|\vec{r}\|_2\)
- solve(var=None, solver=None, boundaryConditions=(), dt=None)¶
Builds and solves the Term’s linear system once. This method does not return the residual. It should be used when the residual is not required.
- Parameters:
var (
) – Variable to be solved for. Provides the initial condition, the old value and holds the solution on completion.solver (
) – Iterative solver to be used to solve the linear system of equations. The default sovler depends on the solver package selected.boundaryConditions (
) –dt (
) – Timestep size.
- sweep(var=None, solver=None, boundaryConditions=(), dt=None, underRelaxation=None, residualFn=None, cacheResidual=False, cacheError=False)¶
Builds and solves the Term’s linear system once. This method also recalculates and returns the residual as well as applying under-relaxation.
- Parameters:
var (
) – Variable to be solved for. Provides the initial condition, the old value and holds the solution on completion.solver (
) – Iterative solver to be used to solve the linear system of equations. The default sovler depends on the solver package selected.boundaryConditions (
) –dt (
) – Timestep size.underRelaxation (
) – Usually a value between 0 and 1 or None in the case of no under-relaxationresidualFn (
) – Takes var, matrix, and RHSvector arguments, used to customize the residual calculation.cacheResidual (
) – If True, calculate and store the residual vector \(\vec{r}=\mathsf{L}\vec{x} - \vec{b}\) in the residualVector member of TermcacheError (
) – If True, use the residual vector \(\vec{r}\) to solve \(\mathsf{L}\vec{e}=\vec{r}\) for the error vector \(\vec{e}\) and store it in the errorVector member of Term
- Returns:
residual – The residual vector \(\vec{r}=\mathsf{L}\vec{x} - \vec{b}\)
- Return type: