
Tutorial for writing an electrochemical superfill script.

This input file demonstrates how to create a new superfill script if the existing suite of scripts do not meet the required needs. It provides the functionality of examples.levelSet.electroChem.simpleTrenchSystem.

To run this example from the base FiPy directory type:

$ python examples/levelSet/electroChem/howToWriteAScript.py --numberOfElements=10000 --numberOfSteps=800

at the command line. The results of the simulation will be displayed and the word finished in the terminal at the end of the simulation. To obtain this example in a plain script file in order to edit and run type:

$ python setup.py copy_script --From examples/levelSet/electroChem/howToWriteAScript.py --To myScript.py

in the base FiPy directory. The file myScript.py will contain the script.

The following is an explicit explanation of the input commands required to set up and run the problem. At the top of the file all the parameter values are set. Their use will be explained during the instantiation of various objects and are the same as those explained in examples.levelSet.electroChem.simpleTrenchSystem.

The following parameters (all in S.I. units) represent,

  • physical constants,

    >>> faradaysConstant = 9.6e4
    >>> gasConstant = 8.314
    >>> transferCoefficient = 0.5
  • properties associated with the catalyst species,

    >>> rateConstant0 = 1.76
    >>> rateConstant3 = -245e-6
    >>> catalystDiffusion = 1e-9
    >>> siteDensity = 9.8e-6
  • properties of the cupric ions,

    >>> molarVolume = 7.1e-6
    >>> charge = 2
    >>> metalDiffusionCoefficient = 5.6e-10
  • parameters dependent on experimental constraints,

    >>> temperature = 298.
    >>> overpotential = -0.3
    >>> bulkMetalConcentration = 250.
    >>> catalystConcentration = 5e-3
    >>> catalystCoverage = 0.
  • parameters obtained from experiments on flat copper electrodes,

    >>> currentDensity0 = 0.26
    >>> currentDensity1 = 45.
  • general simulation control parameters,

    >>> cflNumber = 0.2
    >>> numberOfCellsInNarrowBand = 10
    >>> cellsBelowTrench = 10
    >>> cellSize = 0.1e-7
  • parameters required for a trench geometry,

    >>> trenchDepth = 0.5e-6
    >>> aspectRatio = 2.
    >>> trenchSpacing = 0.6e-6
    >>> boundaryLayerDepth = 0.3e-6

The hydrodynamic boundary layer depth (boundaryLayerDepth) is intentionally small in this example to keep the mesh at a reasonable size.

Build the mesh:

>>> from fipy.tools.parser import parse
>>> numberOfElements = parse('--numberOfElements', action='store',
...     type='int', default=-1)
>>> numberOfSteps = parse('--numberOfSteps', action='store',
...     type='int', default=2)
>>> from fipy import *
>>> if numberOfElements != -1:
...     pos = trenchSpacing * cellsBelowTrench / 4 / numberOfElements
...     sqr = trenchSpacing * (trenchDepth + boundaryLayerDepth) \
...           / (2 * numberOfElements)
...     cellSize = pos + numerix.sqrt(pos**2 + sqr)
... else:
...     cellSize = 0.1e-7
>>> yCells = cellsBelowTrench \
...          + int((trenchDepth + boundaryLayerDepth) / cellSize)
>>> xCells = int(trenchSpacing / 2 / cellSize)
>>> from .metalIonDiffusionEquation import buildMetalIonDiffusionEquation
>>> from .adsorbingSurfactantEquation import AdsorbingSurfactantEquation
>>> from fipy import serialComm
>>> mesh = Grid2D(dx=cellSize,
...               dy=cellSize,
...               nx=xCells,
...               ny=yCells,
...               communicator=serialComm)

A distanceVariable object, \(\phi\), is required to store the position of the interface.

The distanceVariable calculates its value so that it is a distance function (i.e. holds the distance at any point in the mesh from the electrolyte/metal interface at \(\phi = 0\)) and \(|\nabla\phi| = 1\).

First, create the \(\phi\) variable, which is initially set to -1 everywhere. Create an initial variable,

>>> narrowBandWidth = numberOfCellsInNarrowBand * cellSize
>>> distanceVar = DistanceVariable(
...    name='distance variable',
...    mesh= mesh,
...    value=-1.,
...    hasOld=1)

The electrolyte region will be the positive region of the domain while the metal region will be negative.

>>> bottomHeight = cellsBelowTrench * cellSize
>>> trenchHeight = bottomHeight + trenchDepth
>>> trenchWidth = trenchDepth / aspectRatio
>>> sideWidth = (trenchSpacing - trenchWidth) / 2
>>> x, y = mesh.cellCenters
>>> distanceVar.setValue(1., where=(y > trenchHeight)
...                                 | ((y > bottomHeight)
...                                    & (x < xCells * cellSize - sideWidth)))
>>> distanceVar.calcDistanceFunction(order=2) 

The distanceVariable has now been created to mark the interface. Some other variables need to be created that govern the concentrations of various species.

Create the catalyst surfactant coverage, \(\theta\), variable. This variable influences the deposition rate.

>>> catalystVar = SurfactantVariable(
...     name="catalyst variable",
...     value=catalystCoverage,
...     distanceVar=distanceVar)

Create the bulk catalyst concentration, \(c_{\theta}\), in the electrolyte,

>>> bulkCatalystVar = CellVariable(
...     name='bulk catalyst variable',
...     mesh=mesh,
...     value=catalystConcentration)

Create the bulk metal ion concentration, \(c_m\), in the electrolyte.

>>> metalVar = CellVariable(
...     name='metal variable',
...     mesh=mesh,
...     value=bulkMetalConcentration)

The following commands build the depositionRateVariable, \(v\). The depositionRateVariable is given by the following equation.

\[v = \frac{i \Omega}{n F}\]

where \(\Omega\) is the metal molar volume, \(n\) is the metal ion charge and \(F\) is Faraday’s constant. The current density is given by

\[i = i_0 \frac{c_m^i}{c_m^{\infty}} \exp{ \left( \frac{- \alpha F}{R T} \eta \right) }\]

where \(c_m^i\) is the metal ion concentration in the bulk at the interface, \(c_m^{\infty}\) is the far-field bulk concentration of metal ions, \(\alpha\) is the transfer coefficient, \(R\) is the gas constant, \(T\) is the temperature and \(\eta\) is the overpotential. The exchange current density is an empirical function of catalyst coverage,

\[i_0(\theta) = b_0 + b_1 \theta\]

The commands needed to build this equation are,

>>> expoConstant = -transferCoefficient * faradaysConstant \
...                / (gasConstant * temperature)
>>> tmp = currentDensity1 \
...       * catalystVar.interfaceVar
>>> exchangeCurrentDensity = currentDensity0 + tmp
>>> expo = numerix.exp(expoConstant * overpotential)
>>> currentDensity = expo * exchangeCurrentDensity * metalVar \
...                  / bulkMetalConcentration
>>> depositionRateVariable = currentDensity * molarVolume \
...                          / (charge * faradaysConstant)

Build the extension velocity variable \(v_{\text{ext}}\). The extension velocity uses the extensionEquation to spread the velocity at the interface to the rest of the domain.

>>> extensionVelocityVariable = CellVariable(
...     name='extension velocity',
...     mesh=mesh,
...     value=depositionRateVariable)

Using the variables created above the governing equations will be built. The governing equation for surfactant conservation is given by,

\[\dot{\theta} = J v \theta + k c_{\theta}^i (1 - \theta)\]

where \(\theta\) is the coverage of catalyst at the interface, \(J\) is the curvature of the interface, \(v\) is the normal velocity of the interface, \(c_{\theta}^i\) is the concentration of catalyst in the bulk at the interface. The value \(k\) is given by an empirical function of overpotential,

\[k = k_0 + k_3 \eta^3\]

The above equation is represented by the AdsorbingSurfactantEquation in FiPy:

>>> surfactantEquation = AdsorbingSurfactantEquation(
...     surfactantVar=catalystVar,
...     distanceVar=distanceVar,
...     bulkVar=bulkCatalystVar,
...     rateConstant=rateConstant0 \
...                    + rateConstant3 * overpotential**3)

The variable \(\phi\) is advected by the advectionEquation given by,

\[\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial t} + v_{\text{ext}}|\nabla \phi| = 0\]

and is set up with the following commands:

>>> advectionEquation = TransientTerm() + AdvectionTerm(extensionVelocityVariable)

The diffusion of metal ions from the far field to the interface is governed by,

\[\frac{\partial c_m}{\partial t} = \nabla \cdot D \nabla c_m\]


\[\begin{split}D = \begin{cases} D_m & \text{when $\phi > 0$,} \\ 0 & \text{when $\phi \le 0$} \end{cases}\end{split}\]

The following boundary condition applies at \(\phi = 0\),

\[D \hat{n} \cdot \nabla c = \frac{v}{\Omega}.\]

The metal ion diffusion equation is set up with the following commands.

>>> metalEquation = buildMetalIonDiffusionEquation(
...     ionVar=metalVar,
...     distanceVar=distanceVar,
...     depositionRate=depositionRateVariable,
...     diffusionCoeff=metalDiffusionCoefficient,
...     metalIonMolarVolume=molarVolume,
... )
>>> metalVar.constrain(bulkMetalConcentration, mesh.facesTop)

The surfactant bulk diffusion equation solves the bulk diffusion of a species with a source term for the jump from the bulk to an interface. The governing equation is given by,

\[\frac{\partial c}{\partial t} = \nabla \cdot D \nabla c\]


\[\begin{split}D = \begin{cases} D_{\theta} & \text{when $\phi > 0$} \\ 0 & \text{when $\phi \le 0$} \end{cases}\end{split}\]

The jump condition at the interface is defined by Langmuir adsorption. Langmuir adsorption essentially states that the ability for a species to jump from an electrolyte to an interface is proportional to the concentration in the electrolyte, available site density and a jump coefficient. The boundary condition at \(\phi = 0\) is given by,

\[D \hat{n} \cdot \nabla c = -k c (1 - \theta).\]

The surfactant bulk diffusion equation is set up with the following commands.

>>> from .surfactantBulkDiffusionEquation import buildSurfactantBulkDiffusionEquation
>>> bulkCatalystEquation = buildSurfactantBulkDiffusionEquation(
...     bulkVar=bulkCatalystVar,
...     distanceVar=distanceVar,
...     surfactantVar=catalystVar,
...     diffusionCoeff=catalystDiffusion,
...     rateConstant=rateConstant0 * siteDensity
... )
>>> bulkCatalystVar.constrain(catalystConcentration, mesh.facesTop)

If running interactively, create viewers.

>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
...     try:
...         from .mayaviSurfactantViewer import MayaviSurfactantViewer
...         viewer = MayaviSurfactantViewer(distanceVar,
...                                         catalystVar.interfaceVar,
...                                         zoomFactor=1e6,
...                                         datamax=1.0,
...                                         datamin=0.0,
...                                         smooth=1)
...     except:
...         viewer = MultiViewer(viewers=(
...             Viewer(distanceVar, datamin=-1e-9, datamax=1e-9),
...             Viewer(catalystVar.interfaceVar)))
...         from fipy.models.levelSet.surfactant.matplotlibSurfactantViewer import MatplotlibSurfactantViewer
...         viewer = MatplotlibSurfactantViewer(catalystVar.interfaceVar)
... else:
...     viewer = None

The levelSetUpdateFrequency defines how often to call the distanceEquation to reinitialize the distanceVariable to a distance function.

>>> levelSetUpdateFrequency = int(0.8 * narrowBandWidth \
...                               / (cellSize * cflNumber * 2))

The following loop runs for numberOfSteps time steps. The time step is calculated with the CFL number and the maximum extension velocity. \(v\) to \(v_\text{ext}\) throughout the whole domain using \(\nabla\phi\cdot\nabla v_\text{ext} = 0\).

>>> from builtins import range
>>> for step in range(numberOfSteps):
...     if viewer is not None:
...         viewer.plot()
...     if step % levelSetUpdateFrequency == 0:
...         distanceVar.calcDistanceFunction(order=2)
...     extensionVelocityVariable.setValue(depositionRateVariable())
...     distanceVar.updateOld()
...     distanceVar.extendVariable(extensionVelocityVariable, order=2)
...     dt = cflNumber * cellSize / extensionVelocityVariable.max()
...     advectionEquation.solve(distanceVar, dt=dt)
...     surfactantEquation.solve(catalystVar, dt=dt)
...     metalEquation.solve(var=metalVar, dt=dt)
...     bulkCatalystEquation.solve(var=bulkCatalystVar, dt=dt, solver=GeneralSolver()) 

The following is a short test case. It uses saved data from a simulation with 5 time steps. It is not a test for accuracy but a way to tell if something has changed or been broken.

>>> import os
>>> filepath = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0],
...                         "simpleTrenchSystem.gz")
>>> ##numerix.savetxt(filepath, numerix.array(catalystVar))
>>> print(catalystVar.allclose(numerix.loadtxt(filepath), rtol=1e-4)) 
>>> from fipy import input
>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
...     input('finished')
Last updated on Feb 06, 2025. Created using Sphinx 7.1.2.