
Tools for displaying the values of Variable objects


Viewer(vars[, title, limits, FIPY_VIEWER])

Generic function for creating a Viewer.


DummyViewer(vars[, title])

Substitute viewer that doesn't do anything



class fipy.viewers.DummyViewer(vars, title=None, **kwlimits)

Bases: AbstractViewer

Substitute viewer that doesn’t do anything

Create a AbstractViewer object.

  • vars (CellVariable or list) – the CellVariable objects to display.

  • title (str, optional) – displayed at the top of the Viewer window

  • xmin (float, optional) – displayed range of data. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • xmax (float, optional) – displayed range of data. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • ymin (float, optional) – displayed range of data. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • ymax (float, optional) – displayed range of data. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • zmin (float, optional) – displayed range of data. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • zmax (float, optional) – displayed range of data. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • datamin (float, optional) – displayed range of data. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • datamax (float, optional) – displayed range of data. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.


Update the display of the viewed variables.


filename (str) – If not None, the name of a file to save the image into.


Display a representation of the mesh


filename (str) – If not None, the name of a file to save the image into.

setLimits(limits={}, **kwlimits)

Update the limits.

  • limits (dict, optional) – a (deprecated) alternative to limit keyword arguments

  • xmin (float, optional) – displayed range of data. A 1D Viewer will only use xmin and xmax, a 2D viewer will also use ymin and ymax, and so on. All viewers will use datamin and datamax. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • xmax (float, optional) – displayed range of data. A 1D Viewer will only use xmin and xmax, a 2D viewer will also use ymin and ymax, and so on. All viewers will use datamin and datamax. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • ymin (float, optional) – displayed range of data. A 1D Viewer will only use xmin and xmax, a 2D viewer will also use ymin and ymax, and so on. All viewers will use datamin and datamax. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • ymax (float, optional) – displayed range of data. A 1D Viewer will only use xmin and xmax, a 2D viewer will also use ymin and ymax, and so on. All viewers will use datamin and datamax. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • zmin (float, optional) – displayed range of data. A 1D Viewer will only use xmin and xmax, a 2D viewer will also use ymin and ymax, and so on. All viewers will use datamin and datamax. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • zmax (float, optional) – displayed range of data. A 1D Viewer will only use xmin and xmax, a 2D viewer will also use ymin and ymax, and so on. All viewers will use datamin and datamax. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • datamin (float, optional) – displayed range of data. A 1D Viewer will only use xmin and xmax, a 2D viewer will also use ymin and ymax, and so on. All viewers will use datamin and datamax. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • datamax (float, optional) – displayed range of data. A 1D Viewer will only use xmin and xmax, a 2D viewer will also use ymin and ymax, and so on. All viewers will use datamin and datamax. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

property title

The text appearing at the top center.

(default: if len(self.vars) == 1, the name of the only Variable, otherwise "".)

property vars

The Variable or list of Variable objects to display.

exception fipy.viewers.MeshDimensionError

Bases: IndexError


exception cause


exception context

__delattr__(name, /)

Implement delattr(self, name).

__getattribute__(name, /)

Return getattr(self, name).


Helper for pickle.


Return repr(self).

__setattr__(name, value, /)

Implement setattr(self, name, value).


Return str(self).


Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

fipy.viewers.Viewer(vars, title=None, limits={}, FIPY_VIEWER=None, **kwlimits)

Generic function for creating a Viewer.

The Viewer factory will search the module tree and return an instance of the first Viewer it finds that supports the dimensions of vars. Setting the FIPY_VIEWER environment variable to either matplotlib, mayavi, tsv, or vtk will specify the viewer.

The kwlimits or limits parameters can be used to constrain the view. For example:

Viewer(vars=some1Dvar, xmin=0.5, xmax=None, datamax=3)


       limits={'xmin': 0.5, 'xmax': None, 'datamax': 3})

will return a viewer that displays a line plot from an x value of 0.5 up to the largest x value in the dataset. The data values will be truncated at an upper value of 3, but will have no lower limit.

  • vars (CellVariable or list) – the Variable objects to display.

  • title (str, optional) – displayed at the top of the Viewer window

  • limits (dict) – a (deprecated) alternative to limit keyword arguments

  • FIPY_VIEWER – a specific viewer to attempt (possibly multiple times for multiple variables)

  • xmin (float, optional) – displayed range of data. A 1D Viewer will only use xmin and xmax, a 2D viewer will also use ymin and ymax, and so on. All viewers will use datamin and datamax. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • xmax (float, optional) – displayed range of data. A 1D Viewer will only use xmin and xmax, a 2D viewer will also use ymin and ymax, and so on. All viewers will use datamin and datamax. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • ymin (float, optional) – displayed range of data. A 1D Viewer will only use xmin and xmax, a 2D viewer will also use ymin and ymax, and so on. All viewers will use datamin and datamax. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • ymax (float, optional) – displayed range of data. A 1D Viewer will only use xmin and xmax, a 2D viewer will also use ymin and ymax, and so on. All viewers will use datamin and datamax. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • zmin (float, optional) – displayed range of data. A 1D Viewer will only use xmin and xmax, a 2D viewer will also use ymin and ymax, and so on. All viewers will use datamin and datamax. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • zmax (float, optional) – displayed range of data. A 1D Viewer will only use xmin and xmax, a 2D viewer will also use ymin and ymax, and so on. All viewers will use datamin and datamax. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • datamin (float, optional) – displayed range of data. A 1D Viewer will only use xmin and xmax, a 2D viewer will also use ymin and ymax, and so on. All viewers will use datamin and datamax. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.

  • datamax (float, optional) – displayed range of data. A 1D Viewer will only use xmin and xmax, a 2D viewer will also use ymin and ymax, and so on. All viewers will use datamin and datamax. Any limit set to a (default) value of None will autoscale.






Test implementation of the viewers


Interactively test the viewers




Last updated on Feb 07, 2025. Created using Sphinx 7.1.2.