Solve an advection-diffusion equation with a Robin boundary condition.
This example demonstrates how to apply a Robin boundary condition to an advection-diffusion equation. The equation we wish to solve is given by,
\[\begin{split}0 &=\frac{\partial^2 C}{\partial x^2}
- P \frac{\partial C}{\partial x} -D C \qquad 0 < x <1\\
x=0: P &= -\frac{\partial C}{\partial x} + P C \\
x=1: \frac{\partial C}{\partial x} & = 0\end{split}\]
The analytical solution for this equation is given by,
\[C \left( x \right) =
\frac{ 2 P \exp{\left(\frac{P x}{2}\right)}
\left[ \left(P + A \right) \exp{\left(\frac{A}{2} \left(1 - x\right)\right)} -
\left(P - A \right) \exp{\left(-\frac{A}{2} \left(1 - x\right)\right)} \right]}
{ \left(P + A \right)^2 \exp{\left(\frac{A}{2}\right)} -
\left(P - A \right)^2 \exp{\left(-\frac{A}{2}\right)}}\]
\[A = \sqrt{P^2 + 4D}\]
>>> from fipy import CellVariable, FaceVariable, Grid1D, DiffusionTerm, PowerLawConvectionTerm, ImplicitSourceTerm, Viewer
>>> from fipy.tools import numerix
>>> nx = 100
>>> dx = 1.0 / nx
>>> mesh = Grid1D(nx=nx, dx=dx)
>>> C = CellVariable(mesh=mesh)
>>> D = 2.0
>>> P = 3.0
>>> C.faceGrad.constrain([0], mesh.facesRight)
We note that the Robin condition exactly defines the flux on the left, so we introduce a corresponding divergence source to the equation.
Zeroing out the coefficients of the equation at this boundary is probably not necessary due to the default no-flux boundary conditions of cell-centered finite volume, but it’s a safe precaution.
>>> convectionCoeff = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh, value=[P])
>>> convectionCoeff[..., mesh.facesLeft.value] = 0.
>>> diffusionCoeff = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh, value=1.)
>>> diffusionCoeff[..., mesh.facesLeft.value] = 0.
>>> eq = (PowerLawConvectionTerm(coeff=convectionCoeff)
... == DiffusionTerm(coeff=diffusionCoeff) - ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=D)
... - (P * mesh.facesLeft).divergence)
>>> A = numerix.sqrt(P**2 + 4 * D)
>>> x = mesh.cellCenters[0]
>>> CAnalytical = CellVariable(mesh=mesh)
>>> CAnalytical.setValue(2 * P * numerix.exp(P * x / 2)
... * ((P + A) * numerix.exp(A / 2 * (1 - x))
... - (P - A) * numerix.exp(-A / 2 *(1 - x)))
... / ((P + A)**2*numerix.exp(A / 2)
... - (P - A)**2 * numerix.exp(-A / 2)))
>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
... C.name = '$C$'
... CAnalytical.name = '$C_{analytical}$'
... viewer = Viewer(vars=(C, CAnalytical))
>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
... restol = 1e-5
... anstol = 1e-3
... else:
... restol = 0.5
... anstol = 0.15
>>> res = 1e+10
>>> while res > restol:
... res = eq.sweep(var=C)
... if __name__ == '__main__':
... viewer.plot()
>>> print(C.allclose(CAnalytical, rtol=anstol, atol=anstol))
Last updated on Feb 07, 2025.
Created using Sphinx 7.1.2.